Tree Planting Initiative

Tree Planting Initiative

Tree Planting Initiative

During Science Week this year, each class of our school planted a tree.
The classes learned about; the importance of trees in our environment, choosing the right tree for the right place and how to plant a tree. Our County Mayor Christopher O’Sullivan visited our school during Science Week and planted his own tree to add to all the other classes.

Here are some facts about trees!!
Did you know?
In a single year, an acre of trees could produce enough oxygen for 18 people.

Carbon Dioxide
A large oak tree will store as much carbon as about 50 return flights from London.

Without trees, many forest creatures would have nowhere to call home.

Health and Wellbeing
Studies have shown that living near trees can improve health, happiness, and wellbeing.

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SNA Appreciation Day

SNA Appreciation Day

SNA Appreciation day We'd like to express thanks to all the wonderful SNAs in our school. We simply could not function...

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Camogie and Hurling Blitz

Camogie and Hurling Blitz

Our 4th, 5th and 6th class girls and boys teams took part in the recent Sciath na Scoil camogie/hurling blitz held in...

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Science Speaker Visits Knockskeagh

Science Speaker Visits Knockskeagh

Science Speaker Visits Knockskeagh

During Science Week 2019, we were delighted to welcome Orla Rice to 2nd class in Knockskeagh National School. 

Orla spoke about her job with MSD in nearby Brinny, Co.Cork. She mentioned the importance of STEM subjects in her job. Also, Orla demonstrated some fun experiments with the help of Aoibhinn Rice in 2nd Class.

It was a really interesting morning. Thank you for your visit Orla, we really enjoyed it.

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SNA Appreciation Day

SNA Appreciation Day

SNA Appreciation day We'd like to express thanks to all the wonderful SNAs in our school. We simply could not function...

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Camogie and Hurling Blitz

Camogie and Hurling Blitz

Our 4th, 5th and 6th class girls and boys teams took part in the recent Sciath na Scoil camogie/hurling blitz held in...

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CSI Forensic Science Workshop in Knockskeagh

CSI Forensic Science Workshop in Knockskeagh

CSI Forensic Science Workshop in Knockskeagh

On Monday the 18th of November all children from 1st to 6th class engaged in a Forensic Science Workshop.
The children learned about DNA, fingerprints, footprints & fibres. After, the children entered a crime scene. Working in groups, they tried to piece together the evidence in order to solve the crime of the theft of the ‘Venus Diamond”.

The young detectives reviewed CCTV footage and learned the forensic techniques needed to catch the culprit of the crime.

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Latest News

SNA Appreciation Day

SNA Appreciation Day

SNA Appreciation day We'd like to express thanks to all the wonderful SNAs in our school. We simply could not function...

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Camogie and Hurling Blitz

Camogie and Hurling Blitz

Our 4th, 5th and 6th class girls and boys teams took part in the recent Sciath na Scoil camogie/hurling blitz held in...

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Mayor of Cork County Visits Knockskeagh

Mayor of Cork County Visits Knockskeagh

Mayor of Cork County Visits Knockskeagh

On Thursday the 14th of November, Cork County Mayor Cllr. Christopher O’Sullivan visited Knockskeagh National School as part of Science Week 2019.
The theme for Science Week was Climate Change. Mayor O’Sullivan spoke about all that we can do to limit our ‘carbon footprint’.

He congratulated us on; our Green Schools Flag, the development of our school garden and many of the activities raising awareness on Climate Change in our school.

One of our many activities for this years Science week was our tree planting initiative. During his visit, Mayor O’Sullivan planted a tree to add to the others planted by each class.

We were also grateful that Mayor O’Sullivan officially opened our newly developed walking track. Thank you Mayor O’Sullivan for your hugely inspiring and fun visit.
Please see our gallery for more pictures of the visit.

Jersey Day

Jersey Day To celebrate Clonakilty playing in the County Senior Football Final in Páirc Uí Caoimh next  Sunday. We wore our club and county colours on Friday where everyone was invited to wear their Club or County colours or their favourite jersey. There was an array...


Zumba We are delighted to be in a position to offer Zumba dancing classes to all school children. The first class was a really enjoyable experience and we are really looking forward to the next few weeks.    .Latest News

Halloween Parade 2021

What a day!!  Our annual Halloween Parade took place on Friday the 22nd of October this year.  All the children put in a huge effort and it was one we certainly won't forget. Our parade took place on our school track this year and it was fantastic entertainment. There...

Bike Day 2021

To mark National Bike Week, Ulick O'Beirne from Bike Wizards visited our school to provide cycling lessons to all classes today. All classes got the opportunity to navigate their way around our playground and school track. They showed great control on their bikes....

September Sport in Knockskeagh

September Sport in Knockskeagh  In Knockskeagh we are proud of being recognised as an Active School and this month is proving to be as active and fun-filled as ever!!!  Over the last few weeks, Barry O'Mahony of Warrior Martial Arts has visited our school and provides...

Corn 2021

Corn GAA Final and Presentation On Tuesday 22nd of June, the final of the Corn GAA Football Tournament was played. The Corn tournament involved teams from 6th class playing against each other over the last month. The top two teams after the group stage games were...

Olympic Presentation 2021

Knockskeagh Olympics Presentation On Tuesday 22nd of June, we brought our first Knockskeagh Olympic Games to its conclusion by rewarding all participants. Over the last two weeks, each class participated in lots of different sporting events! Each class was divided...

Walk Around Europe

Walk Around Europe  This year all classes took part in a ‘Walk around Europe’. Instead of hopping on a plane and visiting all the countries in the EU, we went on a trip to all the countries around the track in Knockskeagh! At every stop we learned about the capital of...

Knockskeagh Olympics 2021

Knockskeagh Olympics On Tuesday 8th of June, we officially opened our Knockskeagh Olympic Games. Each class wore their country’s colours and walked a lap of our Active Flag Walkway to great cheer and fanfare from the whole school. Even though the weather wasn't good,...

Latest News

SNA Appreciation Day

SNA Appreciation Day

SNA Appreciation day We'd like to express thanks to all the wonderful SNAs in our school. We simply could not function...

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Camogie and Hurling Blitz

Camogie and Hurling Blitz

Our 4th, 5th and 6th class girls and boys teams took part in the recent Sciath na Scoil camogie/hurling blitz held in...

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Windfarm Visit by 5th Class

Windfarm Visit by 5th Class

Windfarm Visit by 5th Class

On Friday 11th October, 5th class visited a wind farm in the Ballyhoura Mountains . All the children were really excited to see how wind energy is generated and used as a renewable source of energy in our country. This means that the power of the wind can be used in place of other energy sources such as coal and oil.

We spoke to some engineers and technicians on the site and they explained how wind power is created by a machine called a wind turbine. Wind turbines are tall towers topped with blades. The blades are connected to a shaft, or rod. When wind causes the blades to spin, they turn the shaft. The turning shaft provides power to a machine called a generator, which produces the electricity.

All the children got the opportunity to go inside the turbines and some of us tried on the safety gear used on the site. We learned that there are plans to construct off shore wind farms in the future. These will be much bigger than the ones presently on land but will produce a huge amount of renewable energy for Ireland!

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Latest News

SNA Appreciation Day

SNA Appreciation Day

SNA Appreciation day We'd like to express thanks to all the wonderful SNAs in our school. We simply could not function...

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Camogie and Hurling Blitz

Camogie and Hurling Blitz

Our 4th, 5th and 6th class girls and boys teams took part in the recent Sciath na Scoil camogie/hurling blitz held in...

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Lifetime Lab Energy Workshop

Lifetime Lab Energy Workshop

Lifetime Lab Energy Workshop

We were delighted to welcome an Energy Workshop from the Lifetime Lab to coincide with Space Week on the 7th of October 2019. Our 4th, 5th and 6th classes engaged in the energy workshops which covered the topics of energy sources, climate change, CO2 and what we as individuals can do to reduce the amount of energy we use. The classes completed some fun curriculum linked energy experiments, for example, did you know you can make a battery out of a lemon? Towards the end of the workshop, the children played Guzzler’s Energy Challenge, where the aim of the game was to collect as many energy points as possible – and avoid the dreaded Sin Bin! Each of the classes had a great morning of learning and fun.

Jersey Day

Jersey Day To celebrate Clonakilty playing in the County Senior Football Final in Páirc Uí Caoimh next  Sunday. We wore our club and county colours on Friday where everyone was invited to wear their Club or County colours or their favourite jersey. There was an array...


Zumba We are delighted to be in a position to offer Zumba dancing classes to all school children. The first class was a really enjoyable experience and we are really looking forward to the next few weeks.    .Latest News

Halloween Parade 2021

What a day!!  Our annual Halloween Parade took place on Friday the 22nd of October this year.  All the children put in a huge effort and it was one we certainly won't forget. Our parade took place on our school track this year and it was fantastic entertainment. There...

Bike Day 2021

To mark National Bike Week, Ulick O'Beirne from Bike Wizards visited our school to provide cycling lessons to all classes today. All classes got the opportunity to navigate their way around our playground and school track. They showed great control on their bikes....

September Sport in Knockskeagh

September Sport in Knockskeagh  In Knockskeagh we are proud of being recognised as an Active School and this month is proving to be as active and fun-filled as ever!!!  Over the last few weeks, Barry O'Mahony of Warrior Martial Arts has visited our school and provides...

Corn 2021

Corn GAA Final and Presentation On Tuesday 22nd of June, the final of the Corn GAA Football Tournament was played. The Corn tournament involved teams from 6th class playing against each other over the last month. The top two teams after the group stage games were...

Olympic Presentation 2021

Knockskeagh Olympics Presentation On Tuesday 22nd of June, we brought our first Knockskeagh Olympic Games to its conclusion by rewarding all participants. Over the last two weeks, each class participated in lots of different sporting events! Each class was divided...

Walk Around Europe

Walk Around Europe  This year all classes took part in a ‘Walk around Europe’. Instead of hopping on a plane and visiting all the countries in the EU, we went on a trip to all the countries around the track in Knockskeagh! At every stop we learned about the capital of...

Knockskeagh Olympics 2021

Knockskeagh Olympics On Tuesday 8th of June, we officially opened our Knockskeagh Olympic Games. Each class wore their country’s colours and walked a lap of our Active Flag Walkway to great cheer and fanfare from the whole school. Even though the weather wasn't good,...

Latest News

SNA Appreciation Day

SNA Appreciation Day

SNA Appreciation day We'd like to express thanks to all the wonderful SNAs in our school. We simply could not function...

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Camogie and Hurling Blitz

Camogie and Hurling Blitz

Our 4th, 5th and 6th class girls and boys teams took part in the recent Sciath na Scoil camogie/hurling blitz held in...

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