Vision Statement

This Vision Statement was formulated by the Staff, Parents, and Board of Management of Knockskeagh National School.  It was ratified by the Board of Management.

The School

Knockskeagh N.S. is a Catholic school under the patronage of the Bishop of Cork & Ross. We endeavour to make it a place where the focus remains on developing the moral, spiritual, physical, academic, aesthetic, cultural life of each individual child.

We will strive to create an atmosphere of mutual respect where all members of the school community feel happy and secure working in a spirit of encouragement and enthusiasm while recognising and celebrating diversity.

The Pupils

We envisage pupils who:

  • Feel safe, accepted and happy in our school;
  • Feel they are understood and secure in the knowledge that they are recognized as unique individuals;
  • Are ambitious for themselves and their peers;
  • Are proud to be pupils of Knockskeagh National School;
  • Have a sense of self and cultural identity.

The Board of Management

We envisage a Board of Management that is:

  • Supportive and well-informed of the work of the school;
  • Innovative, open and discrete;
  • Appreciative of the needs of pupils, staff and parents, and who actively encourage personal and professional development;
  • Aware of the resources required by staff in order to ensure effective teaching and learning.

The vision statement reflects the characteristic spirit of our school where a harmonious environment is promoted to ensure that the potential of each pupil is nurtured and developed; where co-operation between staff, pupils, parents and the Board of Management is actively encouraged; where all partners experience approval, acceptance and appreciation and where diversity and individuality is honoured.


Pupils are assigned homework on weeknights at the discretion of the Class Teacher
Parents/guardians should supervise the homework and should set a time aside, free from distractions, so that their children can complete their homework exercises. If a child is having difficulty completing the assigned homework, it should be brought to the attention of the class teacher.

Sometimes, at the discretion of the Class Teacher or the Principal, children are given ‘homework off’ as a treat, reward or as an acknowledgment of some special occasion.

The following are general guidelines only:

Junior & Senior Infants – 15 minutes
Junior & Senior Infants – 15 minutes
Rang 1 & Rang 2 – 20 minutes
Rang 3 & Rang 4 – 30 minutes
Rang 5 & Rang 6 – 40 minutes/ 1 hour

Code of Behaviour

The school operates a Code of Behaviour which has been sanctioned by the Board of Management and has been drawn up in consultation with the parents and staff.

Parent-Teacher Meetings

Parent-Teacher meetings are there to discuss your child’s progress and take place once a year. The class teacher will meet parent/guardians at any time provided they (parents/guardians) give prior notice to the teacher, requesting a meeting. They should give their child a note for the teacher seeking an appointment. The teacher will arrange supervision of the class while both teacher and parents/guardians discuss whatever issues may arise.

Parents/guardians receive regular communications from the school regarding events, closures, meetings, etc.

Parents’ Association

There is a very active Parents’ Association in the school which welcomes all parents/guardians as members. The Parents’ Association supports the staff in its efforts to provide extra-curricular activities and raises much needed funds to supply extra equipment and resources for the school.

The current officers are:

Mr. Jonas Harte                               –                 Chairperson

Mr. Kevin Connolly                          –                 Vice-Chairperson

Ms. Denise Hayes                             –                 Secretary

Ms. Niamh Ryan                              –                 Vice-Secretary

Mr. Ultan Heverin                            –                 Treasurer

Board of Management

The school is governed by a Board of Management whose Chairman is Mr. John Loughnan. The Board comprises of eight members – two patron’s nominees, two teachers’ representatives, two parents’ representatives and two members of the wider community.

Our Board consists of the following members:

John Loughnan (Chairman) – Patron’s Representative
Johnnie Walsh (Secretary) – Principal & Staff Representative
John Ryan (Treasurer) – Parents’ Representative
Aidan McCarthy – Staff Representative
Lorna O’Regan – Parents’ Representative
Denis Keohane – Patron’s Representative
Agnes Cahill – Wider Community Representative
Colette Twomey – Wider Community Representative


The school operates a Traffic Control Routine to ensure the safe departure of the pupils from the school premises each day at 2.00 p.m. (for the children in Junior & Senior Infants) and at 3.00 p.m. (for the children in the other classes. A teacher supervises the departure of pupils from the school. Parents will remain in their cars and queue on the Clonakilty side of the school. They will drive up in turn, collect their children at the gate and drive on.

Parents/guardians are requested to ensure that their children partake of a healthy lunch each day. Sandwiches, fruit, yoghurt, juices and other nourishing foods are encouraged. Chewing gum, crisps and popcorn are not allowed. Sweets, fizzy drinks etc. are discouraged.

The school operates a Book Rental Scheme. Text books are rented to pupils for an annual fee. Pupils are expected to keep books in good repair. If books are damaged or lost, parents/guardians will be obliged to replace them.

Pupils are not allowed bring to school mobile phones or electronic devices under any circumstances.

The Staff

We envisage professional, caring staffs that are:

  • Committed to supporting pupils and all who are engaged in their learning and care;
  • Co-operative, approachable, diligent and tolerable;
  • Open to new and innovative approaches and ideas;
  • Supported in their efforts to provide the best possible opportunities for their pupils;
  • Motivated, energetic and resourceful;
  • Valued and respected.

The Parents

We envisage Parents who are:

  • Supportive of the school;
  • Committed to and interested in their children’s learning;
  • Ambitious for their children and who expect high standards in terms of courtesy, respect, and achievement from all in the school community;
  • Take their responsibilities seriously;
  • Consulted, communicated with and who feel that their opinions are valued;
  • Co-operative with the school and communicate their needs to relevant persons.

Attendances & Absences

School opens each day at 9.00 a.m.  Children should not arrive before 9.00 a.m.  In any event, parents/guardians should remain with their child until a teacher arrives.  The school will not be responsible for the welfare of children who arrive before the appointed time.  All children should be in school by 9.20 a.m.  Pupils must attend school regularly.  All absences must be explained in writing.School opens each day at 9.00 a.m.  Children should not arrive before 9.00 a.m.  In any event, parents/guardians should remain with their child until a teacher arrives.  The school will not be responsible for the welfare of children who arrive before the appointed time.  All children should be in school by 9.20 a.m.  Pupils must attend school regularly.  All absences must be explained in writing.

No pupil will be permitted to leave the school during school hours except:

              (a) In the company of a parent/guardianor

             (b) Parent/guardian gives written permission

In the event that a parent/guardian designates another person to collect their child from school, the principal must be notified of this arrangement.  Parents who collect their children during the school day are requested to sign them out in the appropriate book which is located inside the main door. 

Parents/guardians are discouraged from taking their children out of school for long periods e.g. holidays etc.  Parents/guardians are obliged to comply with the Schools Attendance Act.  The Principal is obliged to notify the Education Welfare Officer if a child has been absent from school for 20 days or more in a school year.


If a child becomes ill or has an accident, the parent/guardian will be contacted. If a parent/guardian is absent from home, they should ensure that their child knows who to contact should an emergency arise. The names of contact persons should be passed on the school. Should a child require urgent medical attention, the child will be taken to a local G.P. by a teacher and parents/guardians will be subsequently contacted. In such a case, neither the school nor the teacher will be responsible for the doctor’s fees or any expenses incurred.

School Uniform

Pupils are expected to wear the official School Uniform which is as follows:

  • Navy and/or Red Sweatshirt/Sweater with School Crest
  • White Polo Shirt with school crest (obligatory) and/or Pale Blue /Navy Polo Shirt
  • Denim Skirt/Pants and/or Navy Skirt/Pants

The school uniform is available in Cash & Co. in Clonakilty. You are earnestly requested to ensure that all items of your child’s clothing bears his/her name.