Halloween Parade 2020

Halloween Parade 2020

Halloween Parade 2020

On Friday the 23rd of October, we had our annual Halloween Parade. All the children put in a huge effort and it was one we certainly won’t forget.

Our parade took place on our school track this year which meant all pupils walked 25om in the parade.  Also, all pupils were fantastic at staying within their class bubbles which of course was really important.

Prizes were awarded to pupils with the best costumes made from recycled material. The judges had a tough job on their hands to pick award winners. Huge credit must go to all who helped create such magnificent costumes, the standard was truly amazing. 

Well done to all pupils who made this such a special day.

More Halloween pictures to follow soon.

Happy Halloweensmile

Cork School Sports in MTU

Cork School Sports in MTU Our Knockskeagh representatives did us proud in the Atlethics Stadium in MTU today. Huge well done and congratulations to Daniel Cullinane in 1st Class and 4th class girls Emer Cullinane, Maia O'Sullivan and Raya Murphy. You were all...

SNA Appreciation Day

SNA Appreciation day We'd like to express thanks to all the wonderful SNAs in our school. We simply could not function as a school without your support. A sincere thank you from all the school community. Happy SNA Appreciation Day!!    Latest News

Camogie and Hurling Blitz

Our 4th, 5th and 6th class girls and boys teams took part in the recent Sciath na Scoil camogie/hurling blitz held in Skibbereen GAA club this morning. Well done to all involved in the organisation of this competition today.  Today was a grading blitz to see what...

Active Flag Award

Active Flag  We were delighted to receive the news yesterday that we have been awarded another Active Flag. We maintain the recognition of being an Active School. A huge well done must go to our Active Leaders, they have been fantastic throughout the three year...

Dare to Believe

Dare to Believe Award We were delighted to be awarded a Dare to Believe flag this week. We received this as our 2nd Class have engaged with the Dare to Believe Olympic Values programme which brings the Olympics to the classroom and inspires students to Dare to Believe...

Clonakilty Parish Athletics 2024

Clonakilty Parish Athletics It was a very proud day for Knockskeagh NS in the Clonakilty Parish Athletics today. All our boys and girls ran so well and we are so proud of each and every one of them! Well done to all participants! A massive well done to our students...

Sports Day and Medal Presentation 2024

Sports Day 2024   An action-packed sports day in Knockskeagh NS today, many thanks to all our staff for arranging such fun activities all around our school. #activeschools Sports Day Medal and Olympic Games Presentation  We were delighted to welcome our former...

Cork School Sports

Cork School Sports What a day for our girls and boys squads in MTU today!! Girls  The girls started the action today and they all represented our school so well!! In the sprints, both Keelin Collins and Kitty May Walsh took home gold. Holly Wicks, Aideen Murphy, Eabha...

Knockskeagh Olympic Games 2024

Knockskeagh Olympic Games 2024 Our Active Team launched the Knockskeagh Olympic Games by visiting all classes during the week. They spoke about the Knockskeagh NS Olympic values of respect, fair play, joy of effort, and pursuit of excellence which were inspired by the...

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Carol Singing 2024

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Phil Healy Visit

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Knockskeagh awarded its 6th Green Schools Flag

Knockskeagh awarded its 6th Green Schools Flag

Knockskeagh awarded its 6th Green Schools Flag

Green Schools Flag

Last week, we received our 6th  Green Flag for our school. This flag was for Global Citizenship; Litter and Waste. 

This theme enables schools to discover how their work positively influences our global community.

We worked very hard in several areas in order to receive this flag, but the biggest achievement we had was in reducing single-use plastic bottles within the school by a massive 88%!

We also made an improvement in litter and waste management by reducing general food waste and packaging in our lunchboxes.

Lastly, we looked at the different cultures that exist within our school community, and we held a Culture Day in May 2019 to celebrate some of these cultures.  

Well done to all involved for all their hard work and to Claire O’Regan for coordinating the submission.


Knockskeagh Podcast

Podcast: "The Story of Tojo"   2nd Class has been busy creating and recording their very first podcast recently. It is all about the visit of a spider monkey named Tojo to Clonakilty nearly 80 years ago. The podcast was recorded in Knockskeagh and produced by all...

Science Week 2021

We marked 'Science Week' from Monday 8th to Friday 12th November last week.   There was a variety of science activities investigated and explored in each class this year including; a range of science experiments, bug hunts, science shows, our virtual Science Showcase,...

Maths Week 2021

We marked 'Maths Week' this week, from Monday  18th October to Friday 22nd October.   We have had a very busy week in Knockskeagh doing lots of different maths activities! We had maths games in the school hall on Monday, a ‘Maths Eyes’ trail finding 2D and 3D shapes...

Space Week 2021

We celebrated 'Space Week' from Monday  4th of October to Friday 8th of October last week.  This year, we introduced the "Space Booklet" for all pupils in our school. The Space booklet was packed full of space facts, information, puzzles, colouring sheets, and much...

Award of Science and Maths Excellence 2020/21

We have just received the great news that our school has been awarded its ninth ‘Award of Science and Maths Excellence’ for the school year 2020/21. We are extremely proud of this award, as it once again demonstrates the work done in Science & Maths throughout the...

Bridge Building

Bridge Building Knockskeagh recently hosted a bridge building competition. The competition this year involved all 6th class pupils. The students' task was to work in teams against one another to build the strongest bridge. They were provided with just lollipop sticks...

1st and 2nd Class Beach Day

Beach Day Our 1st and 2nd class visited Red Strand Beach on Monday the 21st of June. They completed a number of science investigations including; Sorting man-made and natural objects Measuring wavelength Is there iron in the sand? How is sand made? What's in the...

School Garden

School Garden 4th Class recently took on our garden project and did an amazing job. They put in trojan work, cleaning all our flower and vegetable beds. Then they got to work planting. They planted peas, beans, edible flowers, onions, carrots, salad leaves, beetroot,...

Green Schools Action Day

Green Schools - "No Power Hour" The Green-Schools Committee has been working very hard behind the scenes towards getting our 7th Green Flag, Global Citizenship: Energy. They have been raising awareness on how looking after our local environment helps people all over...

Latest News

Carol Singing 2024

Carol Singing 2024

Many of our classes have represented our school by carol singing in a number of local areas recently. Our 1st and 4th...

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Phil Healy Visit

Phil Healy Visit

Phil Healy Visit As part of the Dare to Believe programme, we were lucky enough to be awareded a special visit from...

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Green Schools Award 2020

Green Schools Award 2020

Green Schools Award 2020

We were delighted to hear that we received our 6th Green Flag this year for our work in Global Citizenship: Litter and Waste. The theme enables schools to discover how their work positively influences our global community.

Our main aims and results when working towards this flag included:

1. Reduce single-use plastic bottles within the school

We were successful in reducing the amount of single-use plastic bottles by 88% over the course of 2 years.

2. Make an improvement in litter and waste management in the school and to reduce food waste

The committee completed a litter audit on the school grounds to identify “litter zones” and engaged in regular litter cleanups throughout the 2 years. A reduction in the litter was noted around the school grounds. Committee members spoke to classes about the correct use of recycling, landfill, and compost bins. Classes were also encouraged to reduce the amount of packaging in lunchboxes, with our primary focus being on cling film and tinfoil. Bin weights were recorded at different intervals over the 2 years and we were successful in reducing our landfill weight by over 20kgs and food waste by almost 13kgs.

3. Raise awareness of the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development

The committee investigated the UN Global Goals and decided to focus on “No Poverty”, “Zero Hunger” and “Life on Land”. As a school, we undertook several actions towards these goals, for example planting trees within the school grounds, local beach, and wood clean-ups, participating in the St Vincent de Paul Giving for Living Tree and Trocaire collections, to name only a few.

4. Raise awareness of the variety of cultures that exist within our school community

We held a Culture Day in May 2019 where older classes investigated different cultures that exist within our school and made projects about their traditions and customs. We also got to sample food from these countries, which was great fun and learning for all pupils!

The Green Schools Team

A committee made up of pupils from each class is formed at the beginning of each Green flag cycle which runs over the course of 2 years. Our Green schools committee deserve huge praise for all their work in achieving this award.

Also, a huge thanks must go to Ms. O’Regan for all her hard work in overseeing the application and her invaluable support of the committee over the 2 years.

Knockskeagh Podcast

Podcast: "The Story of Tojo"   2nd Class has been busy creating and recording their very first podcast recently. It is all about the visit of a spider monkey named Tojo to Clonakilty nearly 80 years ago. The podcast was recorded in Knockskeagh and produced by all...

Science Week 2021

We marked 'Science Week' from Monday 8th to Friday 12th November last week.   There was a variety of science activities investigated and explored in each class this year including; a range of science experiments, bug hunts, science shows, our virtual Science Showcase,...

Maths Week 2021

We marked 'Maths Week' this week, from Monday  18th October to Friday 22nd October.   We have had a very busy week in Knockskeagh doing lots of different maths activities! We had maths games in the school hall on Monday, a ‘Maths Eyes’ trail finding 2D and 3D shapes...

Space Week 2021

We celebrated 'Space Week' from Monday  4th of October to Friday 8th of October last week.  This year, we introduced the "Space Booklet" for all pupils in our school. The Space booklet was packed full of space facts, information, puzzles, colouring sheets, and much...

Award of Science and Maths Excellence 2020/21

We have just received the great news that our school has been awarded its ninth ‘Award of Science and Maths Excellence’ for the school year 2020/21. We are extremely proud of this award, as it once again demonstrates the work done in Science & Maths throughout the...

Bridge Building

Bridge Building Knockskeagh recently hosted a bridge building competition. The competition this year involved all 6th class pupils. The students' task was to work in teams against one another to build the strongest bridge. They were provided with just lollipop sticks...

1st and 2nd Class Beach Day

Beach Day Our 1st and 2nd class visited Red Strand Beach on Monday the 21st of June. They completed a number of science investigations including; Sorting man-made and natural objects Measuring wavelength Is there iron in the sand? How is sand made? What's in the...

School Garden

School Garden 4th Class recently took on our garden project and did an amazing job. They put in trojan work, cleaning all our flower and vegetable beds. Then they got to work planting. They planted peas, beans, edible flowers, onions, carrots, salad leaves, beetroot,...

Green Schools Action Day

Green Schools - "No Power Hour" The Green-Schools Committee has been working very hard behind the scenes towards getting our 7th Green Flag, Global Citizenship: Energy. They have been raising awareness on how looking after our local environment helps people all over...

Latest News

Carol Singing 2024

Carol Singing 2024

Many of our classes have represented our school by carol singing in a number of local areas recently. Our 1st and 4th...

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Phil Healy Visit

Phil Healy Visit

Phil Healy Visit As part of the Dare to Believe programme, we were lucky enough to be awareded a special visit from...

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Tree Planting Initiative

Tree Planting Initiative

Tree Planting Initiative

During Science Week this year, each class of our school planted a tree.
The classes learned about; the importance of trees in our environment, choosing the right tree for the right place and how to plant a tree. Our County Mayor Christopher O’Sullivan visited our school during Science Week and planted his own tree to add to all the other classes.

Here are some facts about trees!!
Did you know?
In a single year, an acre of trees could produce enough oxygen for 18 people.

Carbon Dioxide
A large oak tree will store as much carbon as about 50 return flights from London.

Without trees, many forest creatures would have nowhere to call home.

Health and Wellbeing
Studies have shown that living near trees can improve health, happiness, and wellbeing.

Knockskeagh Podcast

Podcast: "The Story of Tojo"   2nd Class has been busy creating and recording their very first podcast recently. It is all about the visit of a spider monkey named Tojo to Clonakilty nearly 80 years ago. The podcast was recorded in Knockskeagh and produced by all...

Science Week 2021

We marked 'Science Week' from Monday 8th to Friday 12th November last week.   There was a variety of science activities investigated and explored in each class this year including; a range of science experiments, bug hunts, science shows, our virtual Science Showcase,...

Maths Week 2021

We marked 'Maths Week' this week, from Monday  18th October to Friday 22nd October.   We have had a very busy week in Knockskeagh doing lots of different maths activities! We had maths games in the school hall on Monday, a ‘Maths Eyes’ trail finding 2D and 3D shapes...

Space Week 2021

We celebrated 'Space Week' from Monday  4th of October to Friday 8th of October last week.  This year, we introduced the "Space Booklet" for all pupils in our school. The Space booklet was packed full of space facts, information, puzzles, colouring sheets, and much...

Award of Science and Maths Excellence 2020/21

We have just received the great news that our school has been awarded its ninth ‘Award of Science and Maths Excellence’ for the school year 2020/21. We are extremely proud of this award, as it once again demonstrates the work done in Science & Maths throughout the...

Bridge Building

Bridge Building Knockskeagh recently hosted a bridge building competition. The competition this year involved all 6th class pupils. The students' task was to work in teams against one another to build the strongest bridge. They were provided with just lollipop sticks...

1st and 2nd Class Beach Day

Beach Day Our 1st and 2nd class visited Red Strand Beach on Monday the 21st of June. They completed a number of science investigations including; Sorting man-made and natural objects Measuring wavelength Is there iron in the sand? How is sand made? What's in the...

School Garden

School Garden 4th Class recently took on our garden project and did an amazing job. They put in trojan work, cleaning all our flower and vegetable beds. Then they got to work planting. They planted peas, beans, edible flowers, onions, carrots, salad leaves, beetroot,...

Green Schools Action Day

Green Schools - "No Power Hour" The Green-Schools Committee has been working very hard behind the scenes towards getting our 7th Green Flag, Global Citizenship: Energy. They have been raising awareness on how looking after our local environment helps people all over...


Latest News

Carol Singing 2024

Carol Singing 2024

Many of our classes have represented our school by carol singing in a number of local areas recently. Our 1st and 4th...

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Phil Healy Visit

Phil Healy Visit

Phil Healy Visit As part of the Dare to Believe programme, we were lucky enough to be awareded a special visit from...

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Halloween Parade in Knockskeagh

Halloween Parade in Knockskeagh

Halloween Parade in Knockskeagh

On the 25th of October, we had our annual Halloween Parade. All the children put in a huge effort. The costumes on display were certainly very creative. Well done to all our prize winners this year and to all who helped them create such magnificent costumes.

We encouraged the use of recycled materials this year as part of the Green Schools program. Our aim was to reduce the use of single-use plastics which was one of the primary objectives of our Green School project.

Well done to all pupils who made a special effort in making their costumes from recycled materials.

Cork School Sports in MTU

Cork School Sports in MTU Our Knockskeagh representatives did us proud in the Atlethics Stadium in MTU today. Huge well done and congratulations to Daniel Cullinane in 1st Class and 4th class girls Emer Cullinane, Maia O'Sullivan and Raya Murphy. You were all...

SNA Appreciation Day

SNA Appreciation day We'd like to express thanks to all the wonderful SNAs in our school. We simply could not function as a school without your support. A sincere thank you from all the school community. Happy SNA Appreciation Day!!    Latest News

Camogie and Hurling Blitz

Our 4th, 5th and 6th class girls and boys teams took part in the recent Sciath na Scoil camogie/hurling blitz held in Skibbereen GAA club this morning. Well done to all involved in the organisation of this competition today.  Today was a grading blitz to see what...

Active Flag Award

Active Flag  We were delighted to receive the news yesterday that we have been awarded another Active Flag. We maintain the recognition of being an Active School. A huge well done must go to our Active Leaders, they have been fantastic throughout the three year...

Dare to Believe

Dare to Believe Award We were delighted to be awarded a Dare to Believe flag this week. We received this as our 2nd Class have engaged with the Dare to Believe Olympic Values programme which brings the Olympics to the classroom and inspires students to Dare to Believe...

Clonakilty Parish Athletics 2024

Clonakilty Parish Athletics It was a very proud day for Knockskeagh NS in the Clonakilty Parish Athletics today. All our boys and girls ran so well and we are so proud of each and every one of them! Well done to all participants! A massive well done to our students...

Sports Day and Medal Presentation 2024

Sports Day 2024   An action-packed sports day in Knockskeagh NS today, many thanks to all our staff for arranging such fun activities all around our school. #activeschools Sports Day Medal and Olympic Games Presentation  We were delighted to welcome our former...

Cork School Sports

Cork School Sports What a day for our girls and boys squads in MTU today!! Girls  The girls started the action today and they all represented our school so well!! In the sprints, both Keelin Collins and Kitty May Walsh took home gold. Holly Wicks, Aideen Murphy, Eabha...

Knockskeagh Olympic Games 2024

Knockskeagh Olympic Games 2024 Our Active Team launched the Knockskeagh Olympic Games by visiting all classes during the week. They spoke about the Knockskeagh NS Olympic values of respect, fair play, joy of effort, and pursuit of excellence which were inspired by the...

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Nature Walks and Biodiversity in Knockskeagh

Nature Walks and Biodiversity in Knockskeagh

Nature Walks and Biodiversity in Knockskeagh

Last Wednesday the 2nd of October, all classes spent time in our beautiful garden and surrounds planting seeds, looking for helicopters and making seed bombs. Thank you to Jessica Mason for a very informative and fun day, we really enjoyed your visit.

3rd Class Girls Football Blitz

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Active Schools Award

Active Flag Committee News Our Active Committee received good news recently as they were awarded an electric ball pump for their recent Reindeer Run initiative from Active Schools.  As well as this, the initiative will be promoted and encouraged for use in other...

4th Class Hurling Blitz

Today was the turn of our 4th class hurlers in the hall in Ballinacarriga. This team displayed some fantastic skills throughout the day and represented our school so well. Great stuff boys and well done to all   GalleryLatest News

4th Class Camogie Blitz

Yesterday, our 4th class pupils displayed some fantastic camogie skills in Ballinacarriga. The Knockskeagh team can be very proud of their efforts and most of all their fun approach to each game.  Well done to all participants for their performances! You should all be...

Reindeer Run

Reindeer Run   Our reindeer have delivered the presents Many fundamental movement skills were required to get to the end; jump, hop, duck, crawl, weave, run, catch, throw and balance to name a few. Our "Dodge the Snowball" part proved the biggest hit (literally)  But,...

Active Break Challenge

All our classes have been taking part in the Active Break Challenge recently. The goal is to promote regular Active Breaks each day over the month. Classes have been dancing, running, and completing exercise circuits between subjects daily. Our Active School Committee...

Swimming Gala

Well done to the Knockskeagh swim team who represented Knockskeagh in the Munster Schools Gala in UL This October Top row ( from left) Oscar Horgan, Daire O’Neill, Lucy O Regan, Emer Cullinane, Peggy Collins, Amber Horgan, Tess O’Sullivan Bottom Row: Susie Gaynor,...


Coaches from Warrior Martial Arts have continued their annual visit to our school during this term. All pupils from Junior Infants to 6th class have Taekwondo every Thursday at the moment. Our pupils love these sessions. Over the years our pupils have so much fun in...

Active School Committee

Our Active School Commitee were very busy recently organising the following initiatives to promote regular physical activity in our school.  Halloween Playground Games  Our Active Leaders arranged Active Halloween-themed Active Stations at lunchtime in our...

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Carol Singing 2024

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Phil Healy Visit

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