Run Around Europe

Run Around Europe

Run Around Europe

Run Around Europe Challenge

Our ‘Run Around Europe’ Challenge came to its conclusion recently.
All classes ran, walked, and jogged laps of our track over the last month and reached various capital cities around Europe.

Well done to all pupils and staff for their efforts this year!!

Our Active Schools Team helped form this art display to take account of the destinations reached by all our classes too.

Great job team!!



Science Speaker Visits Knockskeagh

During Science Week 2019, we were delighted to welcome Orla Rice to 2nd class in Knockskeagh National School.  Orla spoke about her job with MSD in nearby Brinny, Co.Cork. She mentioned the importance of STEM subjects in her job. Also, Orla demonstrated some fun...

CSI Forensic Science Workshop in Knockskeagh

On Monday the 18th of November all children from 1st to 6th class engaged in a Forensic Science Workshop. The children learned about DNA, fingerprints, footprints & fibres. After, the children entered a crime scene. Working in groups, they tried to piece together...

Mayor of Cork County Visits Knockskeagh

On Thursday the 14th of November, Cork County Mayor Cllr. Christopher O'Sullivan visited Knockskeagh National School as part of Science Week 2019.The theme for Science Week was Climate Change. Mayor O'Sullivan spoke about all that we can do to limit our 'carbon...

Windfarm Visit by 5th Class

On Friday 11th October, 5th class visited a wind farm in the Ballyhoura Mountains . All the children were really excited to see how wind energy is generated and used as a renewable source of energy in our country. This means that the power of the wind can be used in...

Lifetime Lab Energy Workshop

We were delighted to welcome an Energy Workshop from the Lifetime Lab to coincide with Space Week on the 7th of October 2019. Our 4th, 5th and 6th classes engaged in the energy workshops which covered the topics of energy sources, climate change, CO2 and what we as...

Nature Walks and Biodiversity in Knockskeagh

Last Wednesday the 2nd of October, all classes spent time in our beautiful garden and surrounds planting seeds, looking for helicopters and making seed bombs. Thank you to Jessica Mason for a very informative and fun day, we really enjoyed your visit.Related Posts

Mathematicians of the Month for September

Every month a member of each class is chosen as Mathematician of the Month. Our Mathematicians for the month of September are pictured above. Well done everybody keep up the amazing work.    Latest News

Latest News

Maths Week 2024

Maths Week 2024

We marked 'Maths Week' from Monday 14th October to Friday 18th October. We have had a very busy week in Knockskeagh...

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Walk on Wednesday

Walk on Wednesday

Walk on Wednesday Last week, all classes learned about the importance of Road Safety, with every pupil receiving a...

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Bike Day

Bike Day

Bike Day

Bike Day 2024

Ulick of Bike Wizards helped to teach our pupils from Junior Infants to 3rd Class cycling skills today.

The classes loved the challenges that Ulick set in each lesson. They learned about balance, braking, and turning skills 🚴‍♀️
There were a few pupils who cycled without the aid of stabilisers for the very first time which was excellent to hear and witness.
Others in the more junior classes focussed on balance bike work and teachers commented on how competence improved over the session.
We were delighted to receive funding for this bike event from Cork Sports Partnership on behalf of Cork County and City Councils. 
Thank you so much to Ulick for his fun and invaluable advice and to all parents who supported us by bringing in pupils’ bicycles.



Science Speaker Visits Knockskeagh

During Science Week 2019, we were delighted to welcome Orla Rice to 2nd class in Knockskeagh National School.  Orla spoke about her job with MSD in nearby Brinny, Co.Cork. She mentioned the importance of STEM subjects in her job. Also, Orla demonstrated some fun...

CSI Forensic Science Workshop in Knockskeagh

On Monday the 18th of November all children from 1st to 6th class engaged in a Forensic Science Workshop. The children learned about DNA, fingerprints, footprints & fibres. After, the children entered a crime scene. Working in groups, they tried to piece together...

Mayor of Cork County Visits Knockskeagh

On Thursday the 14th of November, Cork County Mayor Cllr. Christopher O'Sullivan visited Knockskeagh National School as part of Science Week 2019.The theme for Science Week was Climate Change. Mayor O'Sullivan spoke about all that we can do to limit our 'carbon...

Windfarm Visit by 5th Class

On Friday 11th October, 5th class visited a wind farm in the Ballyhoura Mountains . All the children were really excited to see how wind energy is generated and used as a renewable source of energy in our country. This means that the power of the wind can be used in...

Lifetime Lab Energy Workshop

We were delighted to welcome an Energy Workshop from the Lifetime Lab to coincide with Space Week on the 7th of October 2019. Our 4th, 5th and 6th classes engaged in the energy workshops which covered the topics of energy sources, climate change, CO2 and what we as...

Nature Walks and Biodiversity in Knockskeagh

Last Wednesday the 2nd of October, all classes spent time in our beautiful garden and surrounds planting seeds, looking for helicopters and making seed bombs. Thank you to Jessica Mason for a very informative and fun day, we really enjoyed your visit.Related Posts

Mathematicians of the Month for September

Every month a member of each class is chosen as Mathematician of the Month. Our Mathematicians for the month of September are pictured above. Well done everybody keep up the amazing work.    Latest News

Latest News

Maths Week 2024

Maths Week 2024

We marked 'Maths Week' from Monday 14th October to Friday 18th October. We have had a very busy week in Knockskeagh...

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Walk on Wednesday

Walk on Wednesday

Walk on Wednesday Last week, all classes learned about the importance of Road Safety, with every pupil receiving a...

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Active Week 2024

Active Week 2024

Active Week 2024

Active Flag Week 

We had a jam-packed week of movement, exercise, and fun this week in Knockskeagh NS.

Tennis, dancing, a Tennis-a-thon, cycling, GAA and Active Walkway challenges were some of the activities enjoyed by pupils. ⚽️🎾🏓🚴‍♀️🏒 
Well done to our Active Schools Team for all their organisation of the week👏



As part of Active Flag week – All our classes took part in a Tennis-a-thon on Wednesday. Coach Alan planned a great array of tennis skills and games for our classes and fantastic fun was had by all.

Morning Shake Up

Our Active Team ably led our Morning Shake Up on Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning during Active Week.  

Well done to all involved for bringing the moves and more importantly the smiles!! laughing

Active Walkway 2024

As part of Active Week, our senior pupils took on the Active Walkway Quiz while our more junior pupils took on the Walkway Codebreaker Challenge. Great fun was had by all in the sunshine! smile


Active Stations

Our Active Flag Team arranged fun exercise stations activities for Junior Infants to 2nd Class.

They are great role models for our younger pupils. “When children see, children do”

Staff Race 2024

As part of the week, our Active Flag Team organised and officiated a Staff Sack Race.

While there were some fallers and certainly some hoppers in the race, our staff can be very proud of their efforts. laughing

Well done to our winners for this year smile


Dance Takeover

Our Active Flag Team chose “Waka Waka” by Shakira for our whole school Dance Takeover for Active Week. 

It was a super way to start the day and we really enjoyed the feel good factor created by this initiative on the day. 


Science Speaker Visits Knockskeagh

During Science Week 2019, we were delighted to welcome Orla Rice to 2nd class in Knockskeagh National School.  Orla spoke about her job with MSD in nearby Brinny, Co.Cork. She mentioned the importance of STEM subjects in her job. Also, Orla demonstrated some fun...

CSI Forensic Science Workshop in Knockskeagh

On Monday the 18th of November all children from 1st to 6th class engaged in a Forensic Science Workshop. The children learned about DNA, fingerprints, footprints & fibres. After, the children entered a crime scene. Working in groups, they tried to piece together...

Mayor of Cork County Visits Knockskeagh

On Thursday the 14th of November, Cork County Mayor Cllr. Christopher O'Sullivan visited Knockskeagh National School as part of Science Week 2019.The theme for Science Week was Climate Change. Mayor O'Sullivan spoke about all that we can do to limit our 'carbon...

Windfarm Visit by 5th Class

On Friday 11th October, 5th class visited a wind farm in the Ballyhoura Mountains . All the children were really excited to see how wind energy is generated and used as a renewable source of energy in our country. This means that the power of the wind can be used in...

Lifetime Lab Energy Workshop

We were delighted to welcome an Energy Workshop from the Lifetime Lab to coincide with Space Week on the 7th of October 2019. Our 4th, 5th and 6th classes engaged in the energy workshops which covered the topics of energy sources, climate change, CO2 and what we as...

Nature Walks and Biodiversity in Knockskeagh

Last Wednesday the 2nd of October, all classes spent time in our beautiful garden and surrounds planting seeds, looking for helicopters and making seed bombs. Thank you to Jessica Mason for a very informative and fun day, we really enjoyed your visit.Related Posts

Mathematicians of the Month for September

Every month a member of each class is chosen as Mathematician of the Month. Our Mathematicians for the month of September are pictured above. Well done everybody keep up the amazing work.    Latest News

Latest News

Maths Week 2024

Maths Week 2024

We marked 'Maths Week' from Monday 14th October to Friday 18th October. We have had a very busy week in Knockskeagh...

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Walk on Wednesday

Walk on Wednesday

Walk on Wednesday Last week, all classes learned about the importance of Road Safety, with every pupil receiving a...

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Clonakilty Historical Walking Tour

Clonakilty Historical Walking Tour

Clonakilty Historical Walking Tour

Clonakilty Walking Historical Tour 🚶🏻‍♂️

On Monday 22nd April, 5th Class went on a historical walking tour of Clonakilty. They heard so many fascinating stories about different parts of the town and they were amazed with some of the facts they learned.

The weather was amazing and it was a fantastic day out. A massive thank you to Fachtna who was a wealth of knowledge and he told us all those informative stories!


Science Speaker Visits Knockskeagh

During Science Week 2019, we were delighted to welcome Orla Rice to 2nd class in Knockskeagh National School.  Orla spoke about her job with MSD in nearby Brinny, Co.Cork. She mentioned the importance of STEM subjects in her job. Also, Orla demonstrated some fun...

CSI Forensic Science Workshop in Knockskeagh

On Monday the 18th of November all children from 1st to 6th class engaged in a Forensic Science Workshop. The children learned about DNA, fingerprints, footprints & fibres. After, the children entered a crime scene. Working in groups, they tried to piece together...

Mayor of Cork County Visits Knockskeagh

On Thursday the 14th of November, Cork County Mayor Cllr. Christopher O'Sullivan visited Knockskeagh National School as part of Science Week 2019.The theme for Science Week was Climate Change. Mayor O'Sullivan spoke about all that we can do to limit our 'carbon...

Windfarm Visit by 5th Class

On Friday 11th October, 5th class visited a wind farm in the Ballyhoura Mountains . All the children were really excited to see how wind energy is generated and used as a renewable source of energy in our country. This means that the power of the wind can be used in...

Lifetime Lab Energy Workshop

We were delighted to welcome an Energy Workshop from the Lifetime Lab to coincide with Space Week on the 7th of October 2019. Our 4th, 5th and 6th classes engaged in the energy workshops which covered the topics of energy sources, climate change, CO2 and what we as...

Nature Walks and Biodiversity in Knockskeagh

Last Wednesday the 2nd of October, all classes spent time in our beautiful garden and surrounds planting seeds, looking for helicopters and making seed bombs. Thank you to Jessica Mason for a very informative and fun day, we really enjoyed your visit.Related Posts

Mathematicians of the Month for September

Every month a member of each class is chosen as Mathematician of the Month. Our Mathematicians for the month of September are pictured above. Well done everybody keep up the amazing work.    Latest News

Latest News

Maths Week 2024

Maths Week 2024

We marked 'Maths Week' from Monday 14th October to Friday 18th October. We have had a very busy week in Knockskeagh...

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Walk on Wednesday

Walk on Wednesday

Walk on Wednesday Last week, all classes learned about the importance of Road Safety, with every pupil receiving a...

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FAI Soccer 2024

FAI Soccer 2024

FAI Soccer 2024

Our school soccer teams competed in the FAI Primary 5 a-side County Qualifiers recently. 

Both our girls and boys’ teams played really well in the tournament.
All teams’ efforts were rewarded with positive results in the group stages.
Unfortunately, both girls teams narrowly missed out on progression to the next stage of the competition.
However, one of the boys teams including Matthew Kelleher, Barry Connolly, Daniel Walsh, Tim Crowley, Daire O’Neill, Michael Collins, Will Coleman and Patrick O’Leary got through to the county finals in Musgrave Park.
After a series of excellent performances in the group stages, they progressed through the group stage. They eventually lost out 2-1 after extra time in the quarter-final.
This was an amazing achievement considering the schools that we were competing against all over the county. 
All involved can be very proud of their efforts and they were all superb ambassadors for our school!!
Cnoc Sceach Abú!!
Active Week 2023

Active Flag Week  We had a jam-packed week of movement, exercise, and fun this week in Knockskeagh NS. Tennis, hockey, dance, a Peil-a-thon, cycling, and table tennis were some of the activities enjoyed by pupils.   Even our Class of the Week 4th Class (luckily ) got...

Sciath na Scoil- Buachaillí

Sciath na Scoil Friday the 12th of May saw the Senior Boys from Knockskeagh N.S play in the Sciath na Scol Round Robin . It was a glorious day in Ahamilla and the football matched the weather conditions . In our first game we plalyed our near neighbours Gaelscoil...

West Cork Primary Schools Athletics Blitz

West Cork Primary Schools Athletics Blitz 2023 Our 2nd and 3rd class attended the annual Athletics blitz in Rosscarbery last Thursday. Thank you to Lorna O Regan of Feel Good Fitness for preparing our classes for four weeks in the lead up to this event. On the day the...

FAI Soccer 2023

Our school soccer teams competed in the FAI Primary 5 a-side County Qualifiers last week.  Both our girls and boys' teams played really well in the tournament. All teams' efforts were rewarded with positive results in the group stages. Ultimately, our representatives... Regional Chess Tournament

Well done to our school chess teams who took part in the Regional Chess Tournament held in Barryroe recently. It proved to be a very enjoyable day. We definitely have some budding chess masters amongst our ranks. GalleryLates News

Wellness Week 2023

Wellness Week 2023 Wellness activities this week aimed to create an awareness of each other's unique strengths and what makes us very special. The slogan adopted for the week's activities was "We are each unique and beautiful but together we are a masterpiece". Some...

Camogie and Hurling Tournaments 2023

During the month of January, some school teams took part in indoor camogie and hurling tournaments in Ballinacarriga. The indoor tournaments involved our 3rd and 4th class boys and girls.   There were some fantastic hurling and camogie skills on display during the...


Gymnastics We were delighted to be in a position to welcome Coach Aoife to our school for gymnastics recently.  Aoife taught gymnastics skills to our senior classes every Monday over the last four weeks. We can look forward to more classes in the coming weeks when it...


Zumba We were delighted to be in a position to welcome Flavie back to our school for Zumba dancing classes for all school children recently. Flavie visits us every Wednesday and we can look forward to more Zumba classes in the new year. The classes are a really...

Latest News

Maths Week 2024

Maths Week 2024

We marked 'Maths Week' from Monday 14th October to Friday 18th October. We have had a very busy week in Knockskeagh...

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Walk on Wednesday

Walk on Wednesday

Walk on Wednesday Last week, all classes learned about the importance of Road Safety, with every pupil receiving a...

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School Show 2024 – Barbie

School Show 2024 – Barbie

School Show 2024 – Barbie

Wow! 🎭 What an amazing 2 shows we had in Rossmore Hall on Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st March. This year, our whole school show was “Barbie” 🩷 and the cast and crew were absolutely out of this world!  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Classes have been busy over the last few weeks rehearsing and all this hard work definitely showed during both performances. They absolutely nailed all aspects of the show, including the acting, singing and dancing and without a doubt, there is a bright future in showbiz for those who want it! 🎭

On both nights, staff and audience members were invited to were pink and we were blown away when Rossmore Hall was filled with all the different shades over the 2 nights. 🩷 

The performance was recorded both nights by Greg Mulcahy and once the final editing has been completed, we hope to take 6th class to the Park Cinema for a special screening. We are all looking forward to seeing the finished product and details of how the recording can be accessed will be forwarded when available. We are also very grateful to Mark Coombes for once again photographing the performance. 

We would also like to send a massive thank you to the Hall committee in Rossmore who were excellent in answering any questions we had. As always, this year’s production has been a real team effort with 6th class pupils and staff putting in trojan work. Huge thanks to everyone for their hard work and well done! 👏🏻


You’re braver than you think!” Barbie 🩷

Science Speaker Visits Knockskeagh

During Science Week 2019, we were delighted to welcome Orla Rice to 2nd class in Knockskeagh National School.  Orla spoke about her job with MSD in nearby Brinny, Co.Cork. She mentioned the importance of STEM subjects in her job. Also, Orla demonstrated some fun...

CSI Forensic Science Workshop in Knockskeagh

On Monday the 18th of November all children from 1st to 6th class engaged in a Forensic Science Workshop. The children learned about DNA, fingerprints, footprints & fibres. After, the children entered a crime scene. Working in groups, they tried to piece together...

Mayor of Cork County Visits Knockskeagh

On Thursday the 14th of November, Cork County Mayor Cllr. Christopher O'Sullivan visited Knockskeagh National School as part of Science Week 2019.The theme for Science Week was Climate Change. Mayor O'Sullivan spoke about all that we can do to limit our 'carbon...

Windfarm Visit by 5th Class

On Friday 11th October, 5th class visited a wind farm in the Ballyhoura Mountains . All the children were really excited to see how wind energy is generated and used as a renewable source of energy in our country. This means that the power of the wind can be used in...

Lifetime Lab Energy Workshop

We were delighted to welcome an Energy Workshop from the Lifetime Lab to coincide with Space Week on the 7th of October 2019. Our 4th, 5th and 6th classes engaged in the energy workshops which covered the topics of energy sources, climate change, CO2 and what we as...

Nature Walks and Biodiversity in Knockskeagh

Last Wednesday the 2nd of October, all classes spent time in our beautiful garden and surrounds planting seeds, looking for helicopters and making seed bombs. Thank you to Jessica Mason for a very informative and fun day, we really enjoyed your visit.Related Posts

Mathematicians of the Month for September

Every month a member of each class is chosen as Mathematician of the Month. Our Mathematicians for the month of September are pictured above. Well done everybody keep up the amazing work.    Latest News

Latest News

Maths Week 2024

Maths Week 2024

We marked 'Maths Week' from Monday 14th October to Friday 18th October. We have had a very busy week in Knockskeagh...

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Walk on Wednesday

Walk on Wednesday

Walk on Wednesday Last week, all classes learned about the importance of Road Safety, with every pupil receiving a...

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