Student Council

Student Council

Student Council

Student Council Update

Our Student Council is made up of two class members from each class in the school. They meet regularly to discuss student concerns and to provide suggestions on how our school can improve. Our student council has done some fantastic work so far this year!

“We are all different but in this school, we swim together”

As the student council’s first initiative, every pupil in the school designed their own fish. These are now on display in the school hall under the slogan “We are all different but in this school, we swim together”. I’m sure you’ll agree it is a very colorful display and more importantly, contains a valuable message to all our pupils.

School Benches

As a result of other student suggestions from a recent Student Council meeting, we have recently placed benches around the school track. There are lots of other ideas being discussed by our student representatives so watch this space!

Well done to everybody 😊

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Latest News

Roots of Empathy

Roots of Empathy

1st class students have been enjoying taking part in the Roots of Empathy a programme, facilitated by Mrs O'Sullivan...

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Wellness Week 2023

Wellness Week 2023

Wellness Week 2023 Wellness activities this week aimed to create an awareness of each other's unique strengths and...

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Daffodil Day 2021

Daffodil Day 2021

Daffodil Day 2021

Today, the Irish Cancer Society’s annual Daffodil Day Fundraiser took place in school.

All children were invited to wear yellow or orange on the day. Also, this year we decided to take on the challenge of running 100k around our track.

We’d like to thank everybody for their generous donations to this  very worthy cause. We raised a total of 1740 euro during the day, which truly is an amazing result.

As Daffodil Day coincided with the day of our Easter Holidays, we even had a visit from the Easter Bunny who generously gave Easter Eggs to all pupils of our school.

The Easter Bunny and his very able helpers provided great fun and laughter in all the classes. Thank you kindly for your visit.

Check out the gallery below for a snapshot of our Daffodil Day fundraiser including our dash around the track and the Easter Bunny visit 🌻

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Latest News

Roots of Empathy

Roots of Empathy

1st class students have been enjoying taking part in the Roots of Empathy a programme, facilitated by Mrs O'Sullivan...

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Wellness Week 2023

Wellness Week 2023

Wellness Week 2023 Wellness activities this week aimed to create an awareness of each other's unique strengths and...

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Award Winners for March

Award Winners for March

Award Winners for March

Congratulations to our Award Winners for the month of March 😊


Class Mathematician of the month Computer Star Artist of the Month PE Star
Junior Infants Sam Harrington Oscar Mia Buttimer Bobby Scott
Senior Infants Charlie O’Donovan Cian Crowley Gracie Kelleher Riley O’Leary
1st Class Louis Kitagawa Matthew Williamson Laoise Hurley Susie Gaynor
2nd Class Tess O’Sullivan Aoibhinn McCarthy Lucy O’Regan Ruby Ingelsten
3rd Class Donnacha Ryan Aoibhinn Rice Byron Keenan Kitty May Walsh
4th Class Odhran O’Sullivan Emily Williamson Isabelle Walsh Jagoda Hejn
5th Class Cillian Sturdy Matthew Draper Ciara Murphy Robert McCarthy
6th Class Maya McMahon Kerry Coombes Olive O’Connell Jerry O’Leary
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Latest News

Roots of Empathy

Roots of Empathy

1st class students have been enjoying taking part in the Roots of Empathy a programme, facilitated by Mrs O'Sullivan...

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Wellness Week 2023

Wellness Week 2023

Wellness Week 2023 Wellness activities this week aimed to create an awareness of each other's unique strengths and...

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Rock Your Socks

Rock Your Socks

Rock Your Socks

Last Sunday 21st March was “World Down Syndrome Day”.

On Thursday 25th of March, to mark the event and to raise awareness around Down Syndrome, each class completed a lesson on the topic of Down Syndrome. 

Also, each pupil was invited to wear crazy tights or odd/crazy socks on the day. 

“Rock Your Socks” has certainly become an annual hit in our school.

Check out our gallery below for a snapshot of some of the socks and colours on display. 

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Latest News

Roots of Empathy

Roots of Empathy

1st class students have been enjoying taking part in the Roots of Empathy a programme, facilitated by Mrs O'Sullivan...

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Wellness Week 2023

Wellness Week 2023

Wellness Week 2023 Wellness activities this week aimed to create an awareness of each other's unique strengths and...

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Fitness Friday

Fitness Friday

Fitness Friday

Fitness Fridays at Knockskeagh have proved a great hit in our school recently since our return to in school education smile

Every Friday our school has a whole school policy providing and promoting exercise on a Friday. We’ve adopted the name “Fitness Fridays”.

During lunchtime, we play music throughout the school using our new speakers to encourage the dance strand.

Also, each pupil walks or runs a mile using our track during various times of the day.

We encourage exercise and outdoor activity on Friday as much as possible on “Fitness Fridays”.

Just another reason why Fridays are our favourite day of the week in Knockskeagh 😊

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Latest News

Roots of Empathy

Roots of Empathy

1st class students have been enjoying taking part in the Roots of Empathy a programme, facilitated by Mrs O'Sullivan...

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Wellness Week 2023

Wellness Week 2023

Wellness Week 2023 Wellness activities this week aimed to create an awareness of each other's unique strengths and...

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Looking After Your Mental Health

Looking After Your Mental Health

Looking After Your Mental Health

Today, our 6th Class had a visit from Martina Ryan, Education Officer from the Cork Mental Health Foundation.

Martina spoke about the importance of minding your mental health. The focus of the presentation was to provide strategies and ways for the pupils to take care of their mental health.

Martina mentioned the 5 a day for mental health;

1. Eat Well

2. Keep Active

3. Sleep Well

4. Communicate

5. Be Kind to each other

It was a very insightful talk and the class really enjoyed it.

Thank you Martina for your visit to our school.


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Latest News

Roots of Empathy

Roots of Empathy

1st class students have been enjoying taking part in the Roots of Empathy a programme, facilitated by Mrs O'Sullivan...

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Wellness Week 2023

Wellness Week 2023

Wellness Week 2023 Wellness activities this week aimed to create an awareness of each other's unique strengths and...

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