Save the Bees Apple Trees

Save the Bees Apple Trees

Save the Bees Apple Trees

Save the Bees” initiative

Last year, we participated in the SuperValu Tidy Towns Save the Bees initiative, in association with the National Biodiversity Data Centre and the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan. Not only did we get to take part in a range of bee-related activities, we were also raising awareness and gaining a greater understanding of why bees are so important and why we need to save them.

Today, on behalf of Scally’s SuperValu in Clonakilty, Emma presented some of our GreenSchools Committee with 2 gorgeous Apple Trees for our participation in the programme.

Thank you Scally’s and Emma, we cannot wait to plant them and see what they produce in the future. laughing


Save the Bees Apple Trees

"Save the Bees" initiative Last year, we participated in the SuperValu Tidy Towns Save the Bees initiative, in association with the National Biodiversity Data Centre and the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan. Not only did we get to take part in a range of bee-related...

Space Week 2022

Space week took off with a 3....2....1....BLAST OFF! 🚀🚀 We celebrated 'Space Week' from Monday 3rd of October to Friday 7th of October.  Everyone was incredibly busy learning all about Space and making their own creations, ranging from aliens to rockets to spaceships...

Step One: Science

Experiment One Strand: Energy and Forces Class: 6th Class Activity: PeriscopsesExperiment Two Strand: Living Things Class: 6th Class Activity: Designing and Creating PlanetsExperiment Three Strand: Materials Class: 6th Class Activity: Design and make a Lava...

Tech Week 2022

We marked 'Tech Week' from Monday 21st of March to Friday 25th of March this year.   There were many technology-related activities throughout each class during the week. IPADS Our school is very lucky to be in a position to have a set of 30 IPads. Each class had their...

Engineers Week 2022

We marked 'Engineers Week' from Monday 7th of March to Friday 11th March this year.     Engineering Week activities this year included the following activities: Lego challenges, STEM challenges through the use of our STEM Box, a school-wide engineering quiz,  and...

Engineer Visits 3rd Class

During Engineers Week, we were delighted to welcome Niamh Ryan to 3rd class in Knockskeagh National School.  Niamh Ryan is a climate ambassador and engineer and gave an insight into sustainable development and engineering.  It was a really interesting and fun morning....

Knockskeagh Virtual Tour

We welcome you to take a look at this short video which gives an insight into the activities that Knockskeagh National School has to offer its pupil's. We really think it looks amazing. Well done to all pupils and staff who helped make it a very special video tour, we...

Lego Building Competition

Fifth class pupils Evan O Crowley and Odhran O Sullivan entered a Lego building competition run by Autism-Friendly Clonakilty recently. They loved every second of creating this building of what “My Clonakilty” looks like and worked extremely hard over these last few...

Energy Workshop

We were delighted to welcome an Energy Workshop from the Lifetime Lab. Our 3rd, 4th and 5th classes engaged in the energy workshops which covered the topics of energy sources, climate change, CO2, and what we as individuals can do to reduce the amount of energy we...

Latest News

Knockskeagh Virtual Tour

Knockskeagh Virtual Tour

Knockskeagh Virtual Tour

We welcome you to take a look at this short video which gives an insight into the activities that Knockskeagh National School has to offer its pupil’s.

We really think it looks amazing. Well done to all pupils and staff who helped make it a very special video tour, we really hope you enjoy it.

Many thanks to Greg Mulcahy for all his work in putting this together for us.



Save the Bees Apple Trees

"Save the Bees" initiative Last year, we participated in the SuperValu Tidy Towns Save the Bees initiative, in association with the National Biodiversity Data Centre and the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan. Not only did we get to take part in a range of bee-related...

Space Week 2022

Space week took off with a 3....2....1....BLAST OFF! 🚀🚀 We celebrated 'Space Week' from Monday 3rd of October to Friday 7th of October.  Everyone was incredibly busy learning all about Space and making their own creations, ranging from aliens to rockets to spaceships...

Step One: Science

Experiment One Strand: Energy and Forces Class: 6th Class Activity: PeriscopsesExperiment Two Strand: Living Things Class: 6th Class Activity: Designing and Creating PlanetsExperiment Three Strand: Materials Class: 6th Class Activity: Design and make a Lava...

Tech Week 2022

We marked 'Tech Week' from Monday 21st of March to Friday 25th of March this year.   There were many technology-related activities throughout each class during the week. IPADS Our school is very lucky to be in a position to have a set of 30 IPads. Each class had their...

Engineers Week 2022

We marked 'Engineers Week' from Monday 7th of March to Friday 11th March this year.     Engineering Week activities this year included the following activities: Lego challenges, STEM challenges through the use of our STEM Box, a school-wide engineering quiz,  and...

Engineer Visits 3rd Class

During Engineers Week, we were delighted to welcome Niamh Ryan to 3rd class in Knockskeagh National School.  Niamh Ryan is a climate ambassador and engineer and gave an insight into sustainable development and engineering.  It was a really interesting and fun morning....

Knockskeagh Virtual Tour

We welcome you to take a look at this short video which gives an insight into the activities that Knockskeagh National School has to offer its pupil's. We really think it looks amazing. Well done to all pupils and staff who helped make it a very special video tour, we...

Lego Building Competition

Fifth class pupils Evan O Crowley and Odhran O Sullivan entered a Lego building competition run by Autism-Friendly Clonakilty recently. They loved every second of creating this building of what “My Clonakilty” looks like and worked extremely hard over these last few...

Energy Workshop

We were delighted to welcome an Energy Workshop from the Lifetime Lab. Our 3rd, 4th and 5th classes engaged in the energy workshops which covered the topics of energy sources, climate change, CO2, and what we as individuals can do to reduce the amount of energy we...

Latest News

Halloween Parade 2021

Halloween Parade 2021

Halloween Parade 2021

What a day!! 

Our annual Halloween Parade took place on Friday the 22nd of October this year.  All the children put in a huge effort and it was one we certainly won’t forget.

Our parade took place on our school track this year and it was fantastic entertainment. There was an abundance of creativity, colour and fun on display as each class walked a lap of the track. 

Prizes were awarded to pupils with the best costumes made from recycled material. The judges had a tough job on their hands to pick award winners.

Huge credit must go to all who helped create such magnificent costumes, the standard was truly amazing. Well done to everybody!

We raised €120 for Pieta House through this fun dress-up walk around the school track this year. Thank you to all who supported this worthy cause.  

We hope all pupils, parents and staff enjoy a well-earned rest during the midterm break.

Happy Halloweensmile

African Drumming

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Maths Week 2024

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Walk on Wednesday

Walk on Wednesday Last week, all classes learned about the importance of Road Safety, with every pupil receiving a high visibility jacket or high visability armband. For our next GreenSchools flag, we will be working on the theme of Global Citizenship - Travel. This...

West Cork Camogie and Hurling Competition

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School Community Mass

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Jersey Day

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Space Week 2024

Space Week 2024Space week took off with a 3....2....1....BLAST OFF! 🚀🚀 We recently celebrated 'Space Week' in Knockskeagh. Everyone was incredibly busy learning all about Space and making their own creations 🌍 ☄️🚀 There were many Space Week themed activities in all...

Golf Classic

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Open for Enrolments

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School Garden

School Garden

School Garden

School Garden

4th Class recently took on our garden project and did an amazing job.

They put in trojan work, cleaning all our flower and vegetable beds.

Then they got to work planting. They planted peas, beans, edible flowers, onions, carrots, salad leaves, beetroot, pumpkin, and regular flowers.


The 4th Class decided to dig our very own pond as a new addition to our garden for this year.

I’m sure you’ll agree they did a fabulous job.

Well done to everybody who contributed to this amazing project smile We think its a wonderful new addition to our school. 

Please see our gallery below for a sample of the hard work our 4th class completed this year. 



Save the Bees Apple Trees

"Save the Bees" initiative Last year, we participated in the SuperValu Tidy Towns Save the Bees initiative, in association with the National Biodiversity Data Centre and the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan. Not only did we get to take part in a range of bee-related...

Space Week 2022

Space week took off with a 3....2....1....BLAST OFF! 🚀🚀 We celebrated 'Space Week' from Monday 3rd of October to Friday 7th of October.  Everyone was incredibly busy learning all about Space and making their own creations, ranging from aliens to rockets to spaceships...

Step One: Science

Experiment One Strand: Energy and Forces Class: 6th Class Activity: PeriscopsesExperiment Two Strand: Living Things Class: 6th Class Activity: Designing and Creating PlanetsExperiment Three Strand: Materials Class: 6th Class Activity: Design and make a Lava...

Tech Week 2022

We marked 'Tech Week' from Monday 21st of March to Friday 25th of March this year.   There were many technology-related activities throughout each class during the week. IPADS Our school is very lucky to be in a position to have a set of 30 IPads. Each class had their...

Engineers Week 2022

We marked 'Engineers Week' from Monday 7th of March to Friday 11th March this year.     Engineering Week activities this year included the following activities: Lego challenges, STEM challenges through the use of our STEM Box, a school-wide engineering quiz,  and...

Engineer Visits 3rd Class

During Engineers Week, we were delighted to welcome Niamh Ryan to 3rd class in Knockskeagh National School.  Niamh Ryan is a climate ambassador and engineer and gave an insight into sustainable development and engineering.  It was a really interesting and fun morning....

Knockskeagh Virtual Tour

We welcome you to take a look at this short video which gives an insight into the activities that Knockskeagh National School has to offer its pupil's. We really think it looks amazing. Well done to all pupils and staff who helped make it a very special video tour, we...

Lego Building Competition

Fifth class pupils Evan O Crowley and Odhran O Sullivan entered a Lego building competition run by Autism-Friendly Clonakilty recently. They loved every second of creating this building of what “My Clonakilty” looks like and worked extremely hard over these last few...

Energy Workshop

We were delighted to welcome an Energy Workshop from the Lifetime Lab. Our 3rd, 4th and 5th classes engaged in the energy workshops which covered the topics of energy sources, climate change, CO2, and what we as individuals can do to reduce the amount of energy we...

Latest News

Green Schools Action Day

Green Schools Action Day

Green Schools Action Day

Green Schools – “No Power Hour”

The Green-Schools Committee has been working very hard behind the scenes towards getting our 7th Green Flag, Global Citizenship: Energy. They have been raising awareness on how looking after our local environment helps people all over the world, whilst also looking into improvements in energy management in our school.

For their key issue, the committee is learning about Climate Change, which is now widely acknowledged as the biggest challenge facing our global environment. Climate Change can be described as a change in global and regional weather patterns over time.

We are had our Green-Schools Action Day last Friday, 21 st May, where pupils were invited to wear the colour green and each class had a ‘No Power-Hour’.

We encouraged all families to join us on the day for a ‘No Power-Hour’ at home or at work

Our planet and electricity bills could sure do with the help. Thank you all for your support!

“Lights Out”

As part of the launch, we introduced our “Lights Out” initiative where we encouraged all classes to turn the lights off in toilets and classrooms when they are not in use.

The Green Schools Committee will be doing regular checks over the next month to see which classes will take the prizes of popcorn and a movie. Certainly a nice incentive for looking after our planet. 


Save the Bees Apple Trees

"Save the Bees" initiative Last year, we participated in the SuperValu Tidy Towns Save the Bees initiative, in association with the National Biodiversity Data Centre and the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan. Not only did we get to take part in a range of bee-related...

Space Week 2022

Space week took off with a 3....2....1....BLAST OFF! 🚀🚀 We celebrated 'Space Week' from Monday 3rd of October to Friday 7th of October.  Everyone was incredibly busy learning all about Space and making their own creations, ranging from aliens to rockets to spaceships...

Step One: Science

Experiment One Strand: Energy and Forces Class: 6th Class Activity: PeriscopsesExperiment Two Strand: Living Things Class: 6th Class Activity: Designing and Creating PlanetsExperiment Three Strand: Materials Class: 6th Class Activity: Design and make a Lava...

Tech Week 2022

We marked 'Tech Week' from Monday 21st of March to Friday 25th of March this year.   There were many technology-related activities throughout each class during the week. IPADS Our school is very lucky to be in a position to have a set of 30 IPads. Each class had their...

Engineers Week 2022

We marked 'Engineers Week' from Monday 7th of March to Friday 11th March this year.     Engineering Week activities this year included the following activities: Lego challenges, STEM challenges through the use of our STEM Box, a school-wide engineering quiz,  and...

Engineer Visits 3rd Class

During Engineers Week, we were delighted to welcome Niamh Ryan to 3rd class in Knockskeagh National School.  Niamh Ryan is a climate ambassador and engineer and gave an insight into sustainable development and engineering.  It was a really interesting and fun morning....

Knockskeagh Virtual Tour

We welcome you to take a look at this short video which gives an insight into the activities that Knockskeagh National School has to offer its pupil's. We really think it looks amazing. Well done to all pupils and staff who helped make it a very special video tour, we...

Lego Building Competition

Fifth class pupils Evan O Crowley and Odhran O Sullivan entered a Lego building competition run by Autism-Friendly Clonakilty recently. They loved every second of creating this building of what “My Clonakilty” looks like and worked extremely hard over these last few...

Energy Workshop

We were delighted to welcome an Energy Workshop from the Lifetime Lab. Our 3rd, 4th and 5th classes engaged in the energy workshops which covered the topics of energy sources, climate change, CO2, and what we as individuals can do to reduce the amount of energy we...

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Sensory Garden Update

Sensory Garden Update

Sensory Garden Update

Sensory Garden

Mr Walsh (Junior) has been doing some amazing work on our new Sensory Garden recently.

He has enlisted the help of our 6th Class who completed some Trojan work.

As you can see from the sneak preview below, our Sensory Garden is taking shape nicely!

Stay tuned over the coming weeks for further updates.

Well done everybody smile



Save the Bees Apple Trees

"Save the Bees" initiative Last year, we participated in the SuperValu Tidy Towns Save the Bees initiative, in association with the National Biodiversity Data Centre and the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan. Not only did we get to take part in a range of bee-related...

Space Week 2022

Space week took off with a 3....2....1....BLAST OFF! 🚀🚀 We celebrated 'Space Week' from Monday 3rd of October to Friday 7th of October.  Everyone was incredibly busy learning all about Space and making their own creations, ranging from aliens to rockets to spaceships...

Step One: Science

Experiment One Strand: Energy and Forces Class: 6th Class Activity: PeriscopsesExperiment Two Strand: Living Things Class: 6th Class Activity: Designing and Creating PlanetsExperiment Three Strand: Materials Class: 6th Class Activity: Design and make a Lava...

Tech Week 2022

We marked 'Tech Week' from Monday 21st of March to Friday 25th of March this year.   There were many technology-related activities throughout each class during the week. IPADS Our school is very lucky to be in a position to have a set of 30 IPads. Each class had their...

Engineers Week 2022

We marked 'Engineers Week' from Monday 7th of March to Friday 11th March this year.     Engineering Week activities this year included the following activities: Lego challenges, STEM challenges through the use of our STEM Box, a school-wide engineering quiz,  and...

Engineer Visits 3rd Class

During Engineers Week, we were delighted to welcome Niamh Ryan to 3rd class in Knockskeagh National School.  Niamh Ryan is a climate ambassador and engineer and gave an insight into sustainable development and engineering.  It was a really interesting and fun morning....

Knockskeagh Virtual Tour

We welcome you to take a look at this short video which gives an insight into the activities that Knockskeagh National School has to offer its pupil's. We really think it looks amazing. Well done to all pupils and staff who helped make it a very special video tour, we...

Lego Building Competition

Fifth class pupils Evan O Crowley and Odhran O Sullivan entered a Lego building competition run by Autism-Friendly Clonakilty recently. They loved every second of creating this building of what “My Clonakilty” looks like and worked extremely hard over these last few...

Energy Workshop

We were delighted to welcome an Energy Workshop from the Lifetime Lab. Our 3rd, 4th and 5th classes engaged in the energy workshops which covered the topics of energy sources, climate change, CO2, and what we as individuals can do to reduce the amount of energy we...


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