Active Break Day

Active Break Day

Active Break Day

All classes took part in circuit classes today for the active break day.

Each class in the school completed its circuit at 10.20 am. It was a fantastic success!

As part of our Santa Dash around our track on December 18th, all classes will travel to Lapland between here and then! 3683km from our school!
Everyday – each class will tot up the kilometres around our track!

We will finish the final leg of the virtual journey to Lapland on December 18th as part of our Santa Dash! smile

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Active Flag Homework

Active Flag Homework

Active Flag Homework

As part of our ongoing Active Flag application process, we commenced PE Homework for all pupils in the school today.

The Active homework ideas document displayed will be used by all pupils to track and monitor their exercise over the next 4 weeks.

Pupils can select one of the activities each day and once completed, they put an X through it.

Some activities may be difficult to complete at this time of year like swimming for example. So in that case, pupils can complete an activity of their choice twice as a substitute for swimming if this isn’t possible.

Keep active everybody, well done to you all for your hard work so far laughing

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Knockskeagh Podcast

Knockskeagh Podcast

Podcast: "What we think about school"   We wanted to hear what students think of our school, so we decided to...

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Picker Pals

Picker Pals

Picker Pals Picker Pals in 2nd Class Our 2nd Class doing their bit for the local environment during the school year....

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Active Flag Initiatives

Active Flag Initiatives

Active Flag Initiatives

As part of the Active Flag , we practice some of the following initiatives to promote regular physical activity in our school.


Our school uses different activities to decrease sedentary time for the children. These include movement dance breaks, doing some lessons standing up and walk/run breaks around our running track.
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Our school is taking part in an Active break every day for the next month. Each class will dance, run, work standing up, and take part in circuit training within the class to name only a few activities.


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Knockskeagh Podcast

Knockskeagh Podcast

Podcast: "What we think about school"   We wanted to hear what students think of our school, so we decided to...

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Picker Pals

Picker Pals

Picker Pals Picker Pals in 2nd Class Our 2nd Class doing their bit for the local environment during the school year....

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FMS Landing

FMS Landing

FMS Landing

As part of our P.E. curriculum – this month our school is practicing Landing as part of our Fundamental Movement Skill (FMS).
Please see the video from the Scoilnet website on the correct technique for this month’s fundamental movement.


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Knockskeagh Podcast

Knockskeagh Podcast

Podcast: "What we think about school"   We wanted to hear what students think of our school, so we decided to...

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Picker Pals

Picker Pals

Picker Pals Picker Pals in 2nd Class Our 2nd Class doing their bit for the local environment during the school year....

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Games Galore in P.E.

Games Galore in P.E.

Games Galore in P.E.

As part of our P.E. curriculum. All our classes are taking part in the Games strand. Please see some pictures of 6th and 2nd classes in action during recent P.E lessons.


Our 6th class practiced soccer skills and played small-sided soccer games.


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Also as part of the Games strand focus, 2nd Class engaged in P.E. station activities incorporating skills as follows; throwing for hoops, balancing a tennis ball on a racket, dribbling with a basketball, throwing and catching beanbags, kicking for goal in soccer, and striking with a hurley.


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Knockskeagh Podcast

Knockskeagh Podcast

Podcast: "What we think about school"   We wanted to hear what students think of our school, so we decided to...

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Picker Pals

Picker Pals

Picker Pals Picker Pals in 2nd Class Our 2nd Class doing their bit for the local environment during the school year....

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Dare to Believe

Dare to Believe

Dare to Believe

Our sixth class are taking part in the ‘Dare to Believe’ Irish Olympic Schools programme.
Today, we had a fantastic zoom call with Irish Olympian Boxer Gráinne Walsh.
It was fascinating to hear all about Gráinne’s career highlights.  She spoke about how an Olympian trains, lives, and much much more. Gráinne took the time to answer so many questions about her career too. It was simply brilliant! 
We look forward to the programme, especially after the call with our ambassador Gráinne.


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Latest News

Knockskeagh Podcast

Knockskeagh Podcast

Podcast: "What we think about school"   We wanted to hear what students think of our school, so we decided to...

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Picker Pals

Picker Pals

Picker Pals Picker Pals in 2nd Class Our 2nd Class doing their bit for the local environment during the school year....

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