Active Break Challenge

All our classes have been taking part in the Active Break Challenge recently.

The goal is to promote regular Active Breaks each day over the month.

Classes have been dancing, running, and completing exercise circuits between subjects daily.

Our Active School Committee has been busy reminding our classes about the benefits of this regular movement and has been rewarding classes with stars to go toward our ‘Class of the Week’ tally. 

Dare to Believe Olympic Movement Breaks

Our classes have been using the Dare to Believe Olympic Movement Breaks as part of the challenge too. These have proven to be a real hit in all our classrooms. The Olympic Movement Breaks are a series of short videos led by Olympians and High-Performance athletes demonstrating fun exercises and activities in a variety of different sports including athletics, boxing, rugby sevens, swimming, breakdancing, and para powerlifting.

Please see a short snippet of our 2nd and 3rd classes enjoying these fabulous classroom based movement videos.



Windfarm Visit by 5th Class

On Friday 11th October, 5th class visited a wind farm in the Ballyhoura Mountains . All the children were really excited to see how wind energy is generated and used as a renewable source of energy in our country. This means that the power of the wind can be used in...

Lifetime Lab Energy Workshop

We were delighted to welcome an Energy Workshop from the Lifetime Lab to coincide with Space Week on the 7th of October 2019. Our 4th, 5th and 6th classes engaged in the energy workshops which covered the topics of energy sources, climate change, CO2 and what we as...

Nature Walks and Biodiversity in Knockskeagh

Last Wednesday the 2nd of October, all classes spent time in our beautiful garden and surrounds planting seeds, looking for helicopters and making seed bombs. Thank you to Jessica Mason for a very informative and fun day, we really enjoyed your visit.Related Posts

Mathematicians of the Month for September

Every month a member of each class is chosen as Mathematician of the Month. Our Mathematicians for the month of September are pictured above. Well done everybody keep up the amazing work.    Latest News

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St Patricks Day 2024

St Patricks Day 2024

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