School Musical – Mary Poppins
Many thanks to everyone who helped in any way to make this year shows such a success. Your co-operation leading up to the show and on the night itself was very much appreciated.
I’m sure anybody who was present at the show would agree that all classes were simply amazing on both nights. They should be very proud of themselves and we’re sure they’ll have great memories of the shows for many years to come. Maith sibh go léir.
The DVD of the show will be available to buy shortly.
School Garden
School Garden 4th Class recently took on our garden project and did an amazing job. They put in trojan work, cleaning all our flower and vegetable beds. Then they got to work planting. They planted peas, beans, edible flowers, onions, carrots, salad leaves, beetroot,...
3rd Class School Tour
Last Thursday, our 3rd Class visited Smugglers Cove in nearby Rosscarbery for their school tour. Even though the weather was very wet, it didn't dampen the spirits of our 3rd Class pupils. They had an absolute ball trying out the newly introduced tubing slides. They...
School Show 2021
As you know, we were unable to have our usual school show this year. We have, however, done something very special with the 6th class. Rehearsals have been taking place in line with covid restrictions both in school and after school since returning after Easter. We...
Amber Flag Award 2021
We were delighted to hear recently that we have been awarded the Amber Flag for 2021. The Amber Flag recognises the efforts of schools to create healthy inclusive environments that support mental health and wellbeing. We would like to express a special thanks to our...
Active School Award 2021
Active School Flag We were recently awarded our 4 th Active School Flag. The judging panel were veryimpressed with the whole-school approach and were very complimentary of the ActiveFlag Committee. A big thank you to all staff and students for the huge amount of work...
Green Schools Action Day
Green Schools - "No Power Hour" The Green-Schools Committee has been working very hard behind the scenes towards getting our 7th Green Flag, Global Citizenship: Energy. They have been raising awareness on how looking after our local environment helps people all over...
Wellness Week Activities
Our Amber Flag Committee recently planned a series of daily activities to mark our annual Wellness Week in Knockskeagh which took place between Monday 10th to Friday 14th of May this year. Some activities incorporated into Wellness Week encouraged us to look after...
The Worry Tree
Last Thursday 13th of May, we introduced our new Wellness initiative for this year "The Worry Tree". The main goal of this initiative was to make pupils aware of the importance of talking about and sharing their worries with other people. On the day, each class...
Active Week Activities 2021
Active Flag Week 26th - 30th of April Last week we celebrated Active Flag week in our school. All the children will took part in lots of different activities in school and at home. Orienteering As part of Active Flag week – All our classes took part in...
Latest News
Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha
Ar 26ú Meán Fómhair, bhí Scoil Náisiúnta Chnoc Sceach ag céiliúradh Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha. Bhí na ranganna...
Tip Rugby Blitz
Our 1st to 6th class pupils took part in a rugby blitz today in Clonakilty RFC. The event was fantastically organised...
Camogie and Hurling Blitz
Our 5th and 6th class girls and boys teams took part in the recent Sciath na Scoil camogie/hurling blitz held in...