Welcome to our News page. Here you can keep up to date with all the news and information from Knockskeagh National School.
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Engineer Visits 3rd Class
During Engineers Week, we were delighted to welcome Niamh Ryan to 3rd class in Knockskeagh National School. Niamh...
Knockskeagh Virtual Tour
We welcome you to take a look at this short video which gives an insight into the activities that Knockskeagh National...
Open Day
Open Day We are delighted to invite you to Knockskeagh National School and to see for yourself what a unique...
World Book Day
We marked World Book Day on Thursday 3rd of March. This year with Covid restrictions lifted, it was nice to see our...
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Seachtain na Gaeilge 2022 Feach ar an Nuacht. Maith sibh 👋 .Latest News
Calf Visit
Calf Visit There was great excitement in school yesterday when Daniel, Leanne, Conor, and Louise Walsh’s mother...