School Garden

School Garden

School Garden

School Garden

4th Class recently took on our garden project and did an amazing job.

They put in trojan work, cleaning all our flower and vegetable beds.

Then they got to work planting. They planted peas, beans, edible flowers, onions, carrots, salad leaves, beetroot, pumpkin, and regular flowers.


The 4th Class decided to dig our very own pond as a new addition to our garden for this year.

I’m sure you’ll agree they did a fabulous job.

Well done to everybody who contributed to this amazing project smile We think its a wonderful new addition to our school. 

Please see our gallery below for a sample of the hard work our 4th class completed this year. 



Green Schools Award 2020

We were delighted to hear that we received our 6th Green Flag this year for our work in Global Citizenship: Litter and Waste. The theme enables schools to discover how their work positively influences our global community. Our main aims and results when working...

Engineers Week 2020

We marked 'Engineers Week' from Monday 2nd March to Friday 6th March this year.  We are presently working towards the Discover Primary Science Plaque of STEM Excellence which is awarded to schools in recognition of their extensive work in Science, Technology,...

Knockskeagh General Election

We held our very own general election in February 2020 this year.Each 6th class member was assigned a candidate in the Cork South West general election. The morning begun with all 6th class canvassing the school yard! Then they moved onto their speeches in the school...

2nd Class Maths Activities

2nd Class recently engaged in the Maths strand of Data. They explored many types of graphs including pictograms and bar graphs. Firstly, they explored their birthday months and made a whole class pictogram. Secondly, they investigated the variety of colours in packets...

Our Mad Scientist Showcase Event

We had a Mad Scientist Day during Science Week where children from 4th, 5th and 6th class in small groups were encouraged to research their own experiments and showcase them to the younger classes in our school hall. The groups put a lot of time and effort into...

Tree Planting Initiative

During Science Week this year, each class of our school planted a tree. The classes learned about; the importance of trees in our environment, choosing the right tree for the right place and how to plant a tree. Our County Mayor Christopher O'Sullivan visited our...

Science Speaker Visits Knockskeagh

During Science Week 2019, we were delighted to welcome Orla Rice to 2nd class in Knockskeagh National School.  Orla spoke about her job with MSD in nearby Brinny, Co.Cork. She mentioned the importance of STEM subjects in her job. Also, Orla demonstrated some fun...

CSI Forensic Science Workshop in Knockskeagh

On Monday the 18th of November all children from 1st to 6th class engaged in a Forensic Science Workshop. The children learned about DNA, fingerprints, footprints & fibres. After, the children entered a crime scene. Working in groups, they tried to piece together...

Mayor of Cork County Visits Knockskeagh

On Thursday the 14th of November, Cork County Mayor Cllr. Christopher O'Sullivan visited Knockskeagh National School as part of Science Week 2019.The theme for Science Week was Climate Change. Mayor O'Sullivan spoke about all that we can do to limit our 'carbon...

Latest News

Active Week 2024

Active Week 2024

Active Flag Week  We had a jam-packed week of movement, exercise, and fun this week in Knockskeagh NS. Tennis,...

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FAI Soccer 2024

FAI Soccer 2024

Our school soccer teams competed in the FAI Primary 5 a-side County Qualifiers recently.  Both our girls and boys'...

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Green Schools Action Day

Green Schools Action Day

Green Schools Action Day

Green Schools – “No Power Hour”

The Green-Schools Committee has been working very hard behind the scenes towards getting our 7th Green Flag, Global Citizenship: Energy. They have been raising awareness on how looking after our local environment helps people all over the world, whilst also looking into improvements in energy management in our school.

For their key issue, the committee is learning about Climate Change, which is now widely acknowledged as the biggest challenge facing our global environment. Climate Change can be described as a change in global and regional weather patterns over time.

We are had our Green-Schools Action Day last Friday, 21 st May, where pupils were invited to wear the colour green and each class had a ‘No Power-Hour’.

We encouraged all families to join us on the day for a ‘No Power-Hour’ at home or at work

Our planet and electricity bills could sure do with the help. Thank you all for your support!

“Lights Out”

As part of the launch, we introduced our “Lights Out” initiative where we encouraged all classes to turn the lights off in toilets and classrooms when they are not in use.

The Green Schools Committee will be doing regular checks over the next month to see which classes will take the prizes of popcorn and a movie. Certainly a nice incentive for looking after our planet. 


Green Schools Award 2020

We were delighted to hear that we received our 6th Green Flag this year for our work in Global Citizenship: Litter and Waste. The theme enables schools to discover how their work positively influences our global community. Our main aims and results when working...

Engineers Week 2020

We marked 'Engineers Week' from Monday 2nd March to Friday 6th March this year.  We are presently working towards the Discover Primary Science Plaque of STEM Excellence which is awarded to schools in recognition of their extensive work in Science, Technology,...

Knockskeagh General Election

We held our very own general election in February 2020 this year.Each 6th class member was assigned a candidate in the Cork South West general election. The morning begun with all 6th class canvassing the school yard! Then they moved onto their speeches in the school...

2nd Class Maths Activities

2nd Class recently engaged in the Maths strand of Data. They explored many types of graphs including pictograms and bar graphs. Firstly, they explored their birthday months and made a whole class pictogram. Secondly, they investigated the variety of colours in packets...

Our Mad Scientist Showcase Event

We had a Mad Scientist Day during Science Week where children from 4th, 5th and 6th class in small groups were encouraged to research their own experiments and showcase them to the younger classes in our school hall. The groups put a lot of time and effort into...

Tree Planting Initiative

During Science Week this year, each class of our school planted a tree. The classes learned about; the importance of trees in our environment, choosing the right tree for the right place and how to plant a tree. Our County Mayor Christopher O'Sullivan visited our...

Science Speaker Visits Knockskeagh

During Science Week 2019, we were delighted to welcome Orla Rice to 2nd class in Knockskeagh National School.  Orla spoke about her job with MSD in nearby Brinny, Co.Cork. She mentioned the importance of STEM subjects in her job. Also, Orla demonstrated some fun...

CSI Forensic Science Workshop in Knockskeagh

On Monday the 18th of November all children from 1st to 6th class engaged in a Forensic Science Workshop. The children learned about DNA, fingerprints, footprints & fibres. After, the children entered a crime scene. Working in groups, they tried to piece together...

Mayor of Cork County Visits Knockskeagh

On Thursday the 14th of November, Cork County Mayor Cllr. Christopher O'Sullivan visited Knockskeagh National School as part of Science Week 2019.The theme for Science Week was Climate Change. Mayor O'Sullivan spoke about all that we can do to limit our 'carbon...

Latest News

Active Week 2024

Active Week 2024

Active Flag Week  We had a jam-packed week of movement, exercise, and fun this week in Knockskeagh NS. Tennis,...

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FAI Soccer 2024

FAI Soccer 2024

Our school soccer teams competed in the FAI Primary 5 a-side County Qualifiers recently.  Both our girls and boys'...

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Tech Week 2021

Tech Week 2021

Tech Week 2021

We marked ‘Tech Week’ from Monday 19th of April to Friday 23rd of April this year.  We are presently working towards the Discover Primary Science Plaque of STEM Excellence which is awarded to schools in recognition of their extensive work in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.  

There were many technology-related activities throughout each class during the week.


Our school is very lucky to be in a position to have a set of 30 IPads. Each class had their usual IPad class during the week, where pupils engaged with many educational applications to help with numeracy, literacy, and other areas throughout the curriculum. 

Some Tech Week Activities from around the school

5th Class were busy coding during the week creating their own “Dance Party using This proved a great hit with all pupils.

Also, 5th Class designed their own parachutes and tested them to find the time they took to hit the ground from a specific height. 

3rd Class planned, designed, and executed their experiment to move a range of model vehicles using battery power fans. Also, they completed projects on interesting inventors from history. Well done 3rd Class!

2nd Class designed their own Pet Apps, there were some amazing design suggestions from these budding app developers. Also, they completed some problem solving and literacy-based activities using Ipads. 

Check out the pictures below, more will follow very soon. 

Green Schools Award 2020

We were delighted to hear that we received our 6th Green Flag this year for our work in Global Citizenship: Litter and Waste. The theme enables schools to discover how their work positively influences our global community. Our main aims and results when working...

Engineers Week 2020

We marked 'Engineers Week' from Monday 2nd March to Friday 6th March this year.  We are presently working towards the Discover Primary Science Plaque of STEM Excellence which is awarded to schools in recognition of their extensive work in Science, Technology,...

Knockskeagh General Election

We held our very own general election in February 2020 this year.Each 6th class member was assigned a candidate in the Cork South West general election. The morning begun with all 6th class canvassing the school yard! Then they moved onto their speeches in the school...

2nd Class Maths Activities

2nd Class recently engaged in the Maths strand of Data. They explored many types of graphs including pictograms and bar graphs. Firstly, they explored their birthday months and made a whole class pictogram. Secondly, they investigated the variety of colours in packets...

Our Mad Scientist Showcase Event

We had a Mad Scientist Day during Science Week where children from 4th, 5th and 6th class in small groups were encouraged to research their own experiments and showcase them to the younger classes in our school hall. The groups put a lot of time and effort into...

Tree Planting Initiative

During Science Week this year, each class of our school planted a tree. The classes learned about; the importance of trees in our environment, choosing the right tree for the right place and how to plant a tree. Our County Mayor Christopher O'Sullivan visited our...

Science Speaker Visits Knockskeagh

During Science Week 2019, we were delighted to welcome Orla Rice to 2nd class in Knockskeagh National School.  Orla spoke about her job with MSD in nearby Brinny, Co.Cork. She mentioned the importance of STEM subjects in her job. Also, Orla demonstrated some fun...

CSI Forensic Science Workshop in Knockskeagh

On Monday the 18th of November all children from 1st to 6th class engaged in a Forensic Science Workshop. The children learned about DNA, fingerprints, footprints & fibres. After, the children entered a crime scene. Working in groups, they tried to piece together...

Mayor of Cork County Visits Knockskeagh

On Thursday the 14th of November, Cork County Mayor Cllr. Christopher O'Sullivan visited Knockskeagh National School as part of Science Week 2019.The theme for Science Week was Climate Change. Mayor O'Sullivan spoke about all that we can do to limit our 'carbon...

5th Class “Dance Party” Coding and “Parachute Testing”

3rd Class Battery-Powered Vehicles and Inventor Projects

2nd Class Ipad App Design

Latest News

Active Week 2024

Active Week 2024

Active Flag Week  We had a jam-packed week of movement, exercise, and fun this week in Knockskeagh NS. Tennis,...

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FAI Soccer 2024

FAI Soccer 2024

Our school soccer teams competed in the FAI Primary 5 a-side County Qualifiers recently.  Both our girls and boys'...

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Award Winners for March

Award Winners for March

Award Winners for March

Congratulations to our Award Winners for the month of March 😊


Class Mathematician of the month Computer Star Artist of the Month PE Star
Junior Infants Sam Harrington Oscar Mia Buttimer Bobby Scott
Senior Infants Charlie O’Donovan Cian Crowley Gracie Kelleher Riley O’Leary
1st Class Louis Kitagawa Matthew Williamson Laoise Hurley Susie Gaynor
2nd Class Tess O’Sullivan Aoibhinn McCarthy Lucy O’Regan Ruby Ingelsten
3rd Class Donnacha Ryan Aoibhinn Rice Byron Keenan Kitty May Walsh
4th Class Odhran O’Sullivan Emily Williamson Isabelle Walsh Jagoda Hejn
5th Class Cillian Sturdy Matthew Draper Ciara Murphy Robert McCarthy
6th Class Maya McMahon Kerry Coombes Olive O’Connell Jerry O’Leary
Green Schools Award 2020

We were delighted to hear that we received our 6th Green Flag this year for our work in Global Citizenship: Litter and Waste. The theme enables schools to discover how their work positively influences our global community. Our main aims and results when working...

Engineers Week 2020

We marked 'Engineers Week' from Monday 2nd March to Friday 6th March this year.  We are presently working towards the Discover Primary Science Plaque of STEM Excellence which is awarded to schools in recognition of their extensive work in Science, Technology,...

Knockskeagh General Election

We held our very own general election in February 2020 this year.Each 6th class member was assigned a candidate in the Cork South West general election. The morning begun with all 6th class canvassing the school yard! Then they moved onto their speeches in the school...

2nd Class Maths Activities

2nd Class recently engaged in the Maths strand of Data. They explored many types of graphs including pictograms and bar graphs. Firstly, they explored their birthday months and made a whole class pictogram. Secondly, they investigated the variety of colours in packets...

Our Mad Scientist Showcase Event

We had a Mad Scientist Day during Science Week where children from 4th, 5th and 6th class in small groups were encouraged to research their own experiments and showcase them to the younger classes in our school hall. The groups put a lot of time and effort into...

Tree Planting Initiative

During Science Week this year, each class of our school planted a tree. The classes learned about; the importance of trees in our environment, choosing the right tree for the right place and how to plant a tree. Our County Mayor Christopher O'Sullivan visited our...

Science Speaker Visits Knockskeagh

During Science Week 2019, we were delighted to welcome Orla Rice to 2nd class in Knockskeagh National School.  Orla spoke about her job with MSD in nearby Brinny, Co.Cork. She mentioned the importance of STEM subjects in her job. Also, Orla demonstrated some fun...

CSI Forensic Science Workshop in Knockskeagh

On Monday the 18th of November all children from 1st to 6th class engaged in a Forensic Science Workshop. The children learned about DNA, fingerprints, footprints & fibres. After, the children entered a crime scene. Working in groups, they tried to piece together...

Mayor of Cork County Visits Knockskeagh

On Thursday the 14th of November, Cork County Mayor Cllr. Christopher O'Sullivan visited Knockskeagh National School as part of Science Week 2019.The theme for Science Week was Climate Change. Mayor O'Sullivan spoke about all that we can do to limit our 'carbon...

Latest News

Active Week 2024

Active Week 2024

Active Flag Week  We had a jam-packed week of movement, exercise, and fun this week in Knockskeagh NS. Tennis,...

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FAI Soccer 2024

FAI Soccer 2024

Our school soccer teams competed in the FAI Primary 5 a-side County Qualifiers recently.  Both our girls and boys'...

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Engineers Week 2021

Engineers Week 2021

Engineers Week 2021

We marked ‘Engineers Week’ from Monday 1st of March to Friday 5th March this year.  We are presently working towards the Discover Primary Science Plaque of STEM Excellence which is awarded to schools in recognition of their extensive work in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.  

There were many engineering challenges and activities  during ‘Engineers Week’ this year throughout the classes. They included STEM challenges, a zoom call with an engineer, quizzes, engineering shows and much more.

Green Schools Award 2020

We were delighted to hear that we received our 6th Green Flag this year for our work in Global Citizenship: Litter and Waste. The theme enables schools to discover how their work positively influences our global community. Our main aims and results when working...

Engineers Week 2020

We marked 'Engineers Week' from Monday 2nd March to Friday 6th March this year.  We are presently working towards the Discover Primary Science Plaque of STEM Excellence which is awarded to schools in recognition of their extensive work in Science, Technology,...

Knockskeagh General Election

We held our very own general election in February 2020 this year.Each 6th class member was assigned a candidate in the Cork South West general election. The morning begun with all 6th class canvassing the school yard! Then they moved onto their speeches in the school...

2nd Class Maths Activities

2nd Class recently engaged in the Maths strand of Data. They explored many types of graphs including pictograms and bar graphs. Firstly, they explored their birthday months and made a whole class pictogram. Secondly, they investigated the variety of colours in packets...

Our Mad Scientist Showcase Event

We had a Mad Scientist Day during Science Week where children from 4th, 5th and 6th class in small groups were encouraged to research their own experiments and showcase them to the younger classes in our school hall. The groups put a lot of time and effort into...

Tree Planting Initiative

During Science Week this year, each class of our school planted a tree. The classes learned about; the importance of trees in our environment, choosing the right tree for the right place and how to plant a tree. Our County Mayor Christopher O'Sullivan visited our...

Science Speaker Visits Knockskeagh

During Science Week 2019, we were delighted to welcome Orla Rice to 2nd class in Knockskeagh National School.  Orla spoke about her job with MSD in nearby Brinny, Co.Cork. She mentioned the importance of STEM subjects in her job. Also, Orla demonstrated some fun...

CSI Forensic Science Workshop in Knockskeagh

On Monday the 18th of November all children from 1st to 6th class engaged in a Forensic Science Workshop. The children learned about DNA, fingerprints, footprints & fibres. After, the children entered a crime scene. Working in groups, they tried to piece together...

Mayor of Cork County Visits Knockskeagh

On Thursday the 14th of November, Cork County Mayor Cllr. Christopher O'Sullivan visited Knockskeagh National School as part of Science Week 2019.The theme for Science Week was Climate Change. Mayor O'Sullivan spoke about all that we can do to limit our 'carbon...

“When we’re Covid-19 free, this is where I’d like to be”

“When we’re Covid 19 free, this is where I’d like to be” was the title to this years Engineers Week whole school project. 

Recent school years have been very different due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Everybody has had to stick with travel restrictions sometimes limiting people to 5km of their own home.

For Engineers Week this year, we decided to spark the imaginations of our pupils and challenged them to draw or build a structure from a country or place that they’d love to visit when travel restrictions lift.

Our pupils certainly rose to the challenge and produced some wonderful designs and structures using all types of materials.

Check out each gallery below for a snapshot of some of the amazing creativity in this project and in other STEM activities during Engineers Week.

More pictures of activities to follow soon.

Junior Infant Projects

2nd Class Projects

3rd Class Projects

4th Class Projects

5th Class Projects

5th Class Project Videos

6th Class Projects

STEM Activities in Senior Infants

STEM Activities in 2nd Class

Latest News

Active Week 2024

Active Week 2024

Active Flag Week  We had a jam-packed week of movement, exercise, and fun this week in Knockskeagh NS. Tennis,...

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FAI Soccer 2024

FAI Soccer 2024

Our school soccer teams competed in the FAI Primary 5 a-side County Qualifiers recently.  Both our girls and boys'...

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Engineer Zoom Call

Engineer Zoom Call

Engineer Zoom Call

On Friday last as part of Engineers Week, Paul McCarthy Engineer with Pepsi in Cork spoke to both Senior Infants and 2nd Class via a Zoom Call.

Thank you Paul for the very informative presentation about all things engineering. It was great fun and it certainly sparked the imagination of our pupils.

Green Schools Award 2020

We were delighted to hear that we received our 6th Green Flag this year for our work in Global Citizenship: Litter and Waste. The theme enables schools to discover how their work positively influences our global community. Our main aims and results when working...

Engineers Week 2020

We marked 'Engineers Week' from Monday 2nd March to Friday 6th March this year.  We are presently working towards the Discover Primary Science Plaque of STEM Excellence which is awarded to schools in recognition of their extensive work in Science, Technology,...

Knockskeagh General Election

We held our very own general election in February 2020 this year.Each 6th class member was assigned a candidate in the Cork South West general election. The morning begun with all 6th class canvassing the school yard! Then they moved onto their speeches in the school...

2nd Class Maths Activities

2nd Class recently engaged in the Maths strand of Data. They explored many types of graphs including pictograms and bar graphs. Firstly, they explored their birthday months and made a whole class pictogram. Secondly, they investigated the variety of colours in packets...

Our Mad Scientist Showcase Event

We had a Mad Scientist Day during Science Week where children from 4th, 5th and 6th class in small groups were encouraged to research their own experiments and showcase them to the younger classes in our school hall. The groups put a lot of time and effort into...

Tree Planting Initiative

During Science Week this year, each class of our school planted a tree. The classes learned about; the importance of trees in our environment, choosing the right tree for the right place and how to plant a tree. Our County Mayor Christopher O'Sullivan visited our...

Science Speaker Visits Knockskeagh

During Science Week 2019, we were delighted to welcome Orla Rice to 2nd class in Knockskeagh National School.  Orla spoke about her job with MSD in nearby Brinny, Co.Cork. She mentioned the importance of STEM subjects in her job. Also, Orla demonstrated some fun...

CSI Forensic Science Workshop in Knockskeagh

On Monday the 18th of November all children from 1st to 6th class engaged in a Forensic Science Workshop. The children learned about DNA, fingerprints, footprints & fibres. After, the children entered a crime scene. Working in groups, they tried to piece together...

Mayor of Cork County Visits Knockskeagh

On Thursday the 14th of November, Cork County Mayor Cllr. Christopher O'Sullivan visited Knockskeagh National School as part of Science Week 2019.The theme for Science Week was Climate Change. Mayor O'Sullivan spoke about all that we can do to limit our 'carbon...

Latest News

Active Week 2024

Active Week 2024

Active Flag Week  We had a jam-packed week of movement, exercise, and fun this week in Knockskeagh NS. Tennis,...

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FAI Soccer 2024

FAI Soccer 2024

Our school soccer teams competed in the FAI Primary 5 a-side County Qualifiers recently.  Both our girls and boys'...

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