School Show 2021

School Show 2021

School Show 2021

As you know, we were unable to have our usual school show this year. We have, however, done something very special with the 6th class. Rehearsals have been taking place in line with covid restrictions both in school and after school since returning after Easter.

We are delighted to now be at the final stage of production and the performance is being recorded this week by Greg Mulcahy. Once the final editing has been completed, we hope to take 6th class to the Park Cinema for a special screening on the 16th of June.

We are very grateful to Mark Coombes for once again photographing the performance. This year’s production has been a real team event with 6th class pupils and staff putting in trojan work. Huge thanks to everyone for their hard work.

Thanks to our Dancing Teacher, Jenny O’Gorman for all the work and effort she has put into the show.

Special thanks to Anne Beechinor for the enormous amount of work she has put into the show, both in rehearsals and the final productions creating something very special with the 6th class.

We are all looking forward to seeing the finished product when details of how the DVD can be ordered will be forwarded. Thanks to everyone and well done!

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Amber Flag Award 2021

Amber Flag Award 2021

Amber Flag Award 2021

We were delighted to hear recently that we have been awarded the Amber Flag for 2021. The Amber Flag recognises the efforts of schools to create healthy inclusive environments that support mental health and wellbeing. 

We would like to express a special thanks to our pupil representatives of the Amber Flag Committee for their promotion of positive mental health during the year.

Our Amber Flag pupil representatives are as follows;

1st Class: Laoise Hurley and Tom McCarthy

2nd Class: Lillia Noonan and James O’Sullivan

3rd Class: Ruby McCarthy and Senan O’Hara

4th Class: Jack O’Mahony and Sonny Ryan

5th Class: Ellen Harte and Donnchadh Keohane

6th Class: Annie McCarthy and Ciara Hayes

Also, big thanks to all pupils and staff of Knockskeagh for supporting and engaging in all Amber Flag activities this year. Your efforts are a testament to the importance you all place on mental health and wellbeing.

Special thanks to Denis Murphy and Ruth Burke for organising our ‘Wellness Week’ and for overseeing and submitting our application.

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FAI Soccer 2023

FAI Soccer 2023

Our school soccer teams competed in the FAI Primary 5 a-side County Qualifiers last week.  Both our girls and boys'...

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Engineers Week 2023

Engineers Week 2023

We marked 'Engineers Week' from Monday 4th of March to Friday 10th March this year.     Engineering Week activities...

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Active School Award 2021

Active School Award 2021

Active School Award 2021

Active School Flag

We were recently awarded our 4 th Active School Flag. The judging panel were very
impressed with the whole-school approach and were very complimentary of the Active
Flag Committee.

A big thank you to all staff and students for the huge amount of work put into securing this award.

Thanks to 6 th class teacher Mr. Aidan McCarthy for overseeing and submitting the

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FAI Soccer 2023

FAI Soccer 2023

Our school soccer teams competed in the FAI Primary 5 a-side County Qualifiers last week.  Both our girls and boys'...

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Engineers Week 2023

Engineers Week 2023

We marked 'Engineers Week' from Monday 4th of March to Friday 10th March this year.     Engineering Week activities...

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Green Schools Action Day

Green Schools Action Day

Green Schools Action Day

Green Schools – “No Power Hour”

The Green-Schools Committee has been working very hard behind the scenes towards getting our 7th Green Flag, Global Citizenship: Energy. They have been raising awareness on how looking after our local environment helps people all over the world, whilst also looking into improvements in energy management in our school.

For their key issue, the committee is learning about Climate Change, which is now widely acknowledged as the biggest challenge facing our global environment. Climate Change can be described as a change in global and regional weather patterns over time.

We are had our Green-Schools Action Day last Friday, 21 st May, where pupils were invited to wear the colour green and each class had a ‘No Power-Hour’.

We encouraged all families to join us on the day for a ‘No Power-Hour’ at home or at work

Our planet and electricity bills could sure do with the help. Thank you all for your support!

“Lights Out”

As part of the launch, we introduced our “Lights Out” initiative where we encouraged all classes to turn the lights off in toilets and classrooms when they are not in use.

The Green Schools Committee will be doing regular checks over the next month to see which classes will take the prizes of popcorn and a movie. Certainly a nice incentive for looking after our planet. 


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FAI Soccer 2023

FAI Soccer 2023

Our school soccer teams competed in the FAI Primary 5 a-side County Qualifiers last week.  Both our girls and boys'...

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Engineers Week 2023

Engineers Week 2023

We marked 'Engineers Week' from Monday 4th of March to Friday 10th March this year.     Engineering Week activities...

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Wellness Week Activities

Wellness Week Activities

Wellness Week Activities

Our Amber Flag Committee recently planned a series of daily activities to mark our annual Wellness Week in Knockskeagh which took place between Monday 10th  to Friday 14th of May this year.

Some activities incorporated into Wellness Week encouraged us to look after one another and to talk about worries we may have with a friend or family member.

Other activities focused on being kind and helped us to realise each of our unique talents.

Each class became engaged in Wellness activities including mindful moments, secret friends, the pick-me-up jar, growth mindset, and feel-good activities during the week.



Wellness Week Activities

Mindful Moments

Each class agreed on a time for daily meditation for the month of May. Our Amber Flag representatives remind teachers each day as school life can be busy sometimes. They’ve earned the title of “Mindful Moment Monitors” in each class. It really is nice to take time to ourselves sometimes. 

The Secret Friend

Every pupil in each class was assigned a partner (secretly) for the day. Being kind to your secret friend was encouraged throughout the school. For example, giving a compliment or simply asking would they like to play a game?

Growth Mindset Tree

Here each classroom introduced the topic of the growth mindset.  Each pupil created and designed their handprint. On their handprint, they either drew a picture or wrote about  “I’m good at____” and “I’m working on _____”. These handprints will be used to form a Growth Mindset Tree Display very soon.

Pick me up Jar

Each pupil wrote something positive about a member of their class. Younger pupils drew a picture for a classmate. There were some lovely positive messages shared within each classroom.  

Feel Good Dance

On Friday, we danced during lunchtime using our two new speakers. It was great fun and we certainly experienced that Friday feeling 😊

Mindful Colouring

On Friday afternoon, we engaged in some mindful colouring in each class. 

The Worry Tree

The highlight of Wellness Week was the launch of our new Wellness initiative for this year “The Worry Tree”. We raised money for Pieta House on this day.  A Ribbon was distributed to each class by committee members and was wrapped around the trunk of the tree to mark each class’s first visit.  

Wellness Week

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FAI Soccer 2023

FAI Soccer 2023

Our school soccer teams competed in the FAI Primary 5 a-side County Qualifiers last week.  Both our girls and boys'...

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Engineers Week 2023

Engineers Week 2023

We marked 'Engineers Week' from Monday 4th of March to Friday 10th March this year.     Engineering Week activities...

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The Worry Tree

The Worry Tree

The Worry Tree

Last Thursday 13th of May, we introduced our new Wellness initiative for this year “The Worry Tree”.

The main goal of this initiative was to make pupils aware of the importance of talking about and sharing their worries with other people.

On the day, each class visited the “Worry Tree” and wrapped a ribbon around the tree to mark their first visit. Then, each class took time to say the Worry Tree rhyme together.


Fundraiser for Pieta House

As part of this initiative, we raised funds for Pieta House. We were delighted to receive a total amount of €315.50. Many thanks to all who contributed to this very worthy cause.

Thanks to all the Amber Flag Committee for their wonderful ideas and work in preparation for Wellness Week including this lovely new addition to our school.

Also, a very special thanks to our very own Niamh McDonald who painted the worry tree rhyme. It is a wonderful piece of art.

Please see a snapshot of some of the classes visit to our Worry Tree on this day.

Senior Infants

2nd Class

4th Class

5th Class

6th Class

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FAI Soccer 2023

FAI Soccer 2023

Our school soccer teams competed in the FAI Primary 5 a-side County Qualifiers last week.  Both our girls and boys'...

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Engineers Week 2023

Engineers Week 2023

We marked 'Engineers Week' from Monday 4th of March to Friday 10th March this year.     Engineering Week activities...

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