Science Week 2022

We marked Science Week 2022 from Monday 14th to Friday 18th November.  👩‍🔬🔬

There was a variety of science activities investigated and explored in each class this year, including a range of science experiments, bug hunts, science shows, our virtual Science Showcase, and much more. 🔬🧪 

Infinite Possibilities

The whole school took part in our “Infinite Possibilities” Design Competition. The pupils in each class were tasked to design something that they would like to transform with the use of Science. We are sure these designs are aiding future developments! We again linked our Science Week with Green Schools. The Green Schools committee came up with the idea that each class had to incorporate recyclable materials in to their  designs. There were some very creative designs in each class and winners were awarded small prizes. All participants were presented with Science Week certificates too. Well done to all who took part! 👩‍🔬

The gallery below displays a snapshot of some of the other Science activities in the classes during Science Week 2022.

Science Activities around the school

In between the rain showers, the younger classes explored our pitch and garden habitat for bugs and minibeasts. 🔎

Junior Infants and Senior Infants tested what happens a Haribo jelly sweet when you place it in water over night. Let’s just say, everyone wanted to eat the giant sweet! 🍬

Senior Infants also completed the “Dancing Raisins” experiment. They watched the raisins dance up and down as they put them in a glass of sparkling water. 🧑‍🔬🧋

1st Class were busy with their experiments also.🧑‍🔬 They tested a variety of levers and they explored the chemical reaction that occurs when you mix vinegar and bicarbonate of soda. They also created plastic from milk. 🥛

2nd Class completed the “Volcano Experiment”. In this, they investigated the reaction that happens when you mix vinegar and bicarbonate of soda. 🌋

3rd and 4th Classes were using the “House of Circuits” kits. They had to connect the circuits, which were in turn connected to a house. When the circuit was running correctly, the house had electricity and a light bulb came on. 💡 They also made bubbles on their desks, using water, washing up liquid and straws. It was certainly a messy one but great fun!! 

4th Class also investigated what happens when they placed Skittles on a plate and added water. 🌈

5th and 6th Class were circuit crazy too, and were figuring out how to connect the circuit correctly in order to make the light shine. Both classes were extremely lucky to have a visit from Ciarán O’Connell, who is a parent in our school. Ciarán works with Alcon Ireland as a process engineer. He gave an insight into his work and the classes made periscopes. They had a great time! 🔭 5th Class also investigated the effects certain liquids have on eggs 🥚, with the shell resembling our teeth. 🦷

6th Class completed their annual “Mad Scientist Showcase”.

6th Class Mad Scientist Showcase

6th Class completed a Virtual Mad Scientist Showcase again this year. Their experiments were recorded and the links were forwarded to each class so they could watch them.

It was an amazing show and the class did a great job explaining each experiment. The experiments demonstrated included a pencil in a bag trick, blowing a bubble within a bubble on the table, exploding apples 🍎, a walking on air experiment and they also tested their fingerprints.

Well done everybody, it was certainly a Science Week to remember! 🧑‍🔬👩‍🔬🔬🧪🔎


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Senior Infants Dancing Raisins Experiment

2nd Class Volcano Experiment

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5th Class Science Activities

6th Class Science Activities

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