School Musical – Mary Poppins
Many thanks to everyone who helped in any way to make this year shows such a success. Your co-operation leading up to the show and on the night itself was very much appreciated.
I’m sure anybody who was present at the show would agree that all classes were simply amazing on both nights. They should be very proud of themselves and we’re sure they’ll have great memories of the shows for many years to come. Maith sibh go léir.
The DVD of the show will be available to buy shortly.
Art Exhibition
Art Exhibition Our Art Exhibition includes beautiful artwork from each class and the shapes, lines, colours, creativity, and imagination on display are truly amazing. The video gives a walk-through of our art exhibit and gives a taste of the artwork that has taken...
Space Week 2021
We celebrated 'Space Week' from Monday 4th of October to Friday 8th of October last week. This year, we introduced the "Space Booklet" for all pupils in our school. The Space booklet was packed full of space facts, information, puzzles, colouring sheets, and much...
Thank You Student Council 2020/21
Thank you to the Student Council Commitee for 2020/21 We would like to thank our first-ever student council committee for their tremendous work last year! Their enthusiasm was unwavering and they worked so hard at making sure that everyone’s voice was heard. Thank...
Award of Science and Maths Excellence 2020/21
We have just received the great news that our school has been awarded its ninth ‘Award of Science and Maths Excellence’ for the school year 2020/21. We are extremely proud of this award, as it once again demonstrates the work done in Science & Maths throughout the...
Blue Star Award 2021
Congratulations to everyone on our fourth Blue Star Award! In order to achieve this, all classes from 1st to 6th class learned different facts about Europe and countries which are in the EU. Topics that were covered by many classes included the following: -Historical:...
Bike Day 2021
To mark National Bike Week, Ulick O'Beirne from Bike Wizards visited our school to provide cycling lessons to all classes today. All classes got the opportunity to navigate their way around our playground and school track. They showed great control on their bikes....
September Sport in Knockskeagh
September Sport in Knockskeagh In Knockskeagh we are proud of being recognised as an Active School and this month is proving to be as active and fun-filled as ever!!! Over the last few weeks, Barry O'Mahony of Warrior Martial Arts has visited our school and provides...
Breakfast and After School Club Open
Breakfast and After School Club Open We are delighted to be in a position to announce the re-opening of our Breakfast and After School club. Our Breakfast Club opens every morning Monday - Friday from 8:30 to 9:00. Our After School Club opens every evening Monday -...
Welcome Back
Welcome Back As the start of the school year approaches, we would like to extend a very warm welcome back to everyone. We are delighted to be returning to school and hope the return will be a safe and enjoyable experience for all. As you are all aware, our return...
Latest News
Sciath na Scol Hurling
Our boys hurling team represented our school in the new West Cork Sciath na Scol hurling competition at Ahamilla...
Space Week 2023
Space week took off with a 3....2....1....BLAST OFF! 🚀🚀 We celebrated 'Space Week' from Monday 2nd of October to...
Thankful Tuesday
Today to launch our Amber Flag Initiative for the coming year and to mark World Mental Health Day we celebrated...