Safety Awareness Flag
The Cork County Council Safety Awareness Flag is a programme for primary schools actively promoting safety. The fundamentals are based on the Irish Water Safety Primary Aquatics Water Safety (PAWS) Programme. This programme provides a fun and interactive introduction to awareness of personal safety around water for children of all ages.
There is also a focus on road safety within this programme. Effective safety procedures for walking, cycling and being a passenger are all incorporated within this programme and the RSA’s Street Smart Kids are available to come to schools to help put these new skills in to practice.
Knockskeagh NS received the Safety Awareness Flag in 2018 for their work on water and road safety.
“A stolen ring buoy, a stolen life”
Some of the areas we focused on in order to receive this flag.
Water Safety
We were very lucky to have had a visit by Ciara of Water Safety Ireland recently. She gave a very informative talk and...
Bike Day 2021
To mark National Bike Week, Ulick O'Beirne from Bike Wizards visited our school to provide cycling lessons to all...
1st Class Bike Day
1st Class had an enjoyable mornings exercise recently. They brought their bikes into school and cycled through an...
Garda Safety Visit
Our 2nd Class had a visit by Community Garda Liam Ryan on the 13th of December last. Garda Ryan spoke about...
Beach Lifeguard Talk
We were very lucky to have a visit from Senior Beach Lifeguard Graham Kerr recently. He gave a very informative talk...
Streetsmart Visit
The Road Safety Authority (RSA) initiative Streetsmart recently visited our school. Streetsmart involves a streetscape...