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Last week we celebrated Active Flag week in our school. All the children will took part in lots of different activities in school and at home.
As part of Active Flag week – All our classes took part in orienteering around our school Grounds and Active Walkway!
Tremendous fun was had by all! We used our Active Flag Walkway Worksheets for all Activities!
As part of Active Flag Week, we took part in a sponsored ‘Danceathon’.
Every Class took part in our ‘’Danceathon’ and all proceeds went to the charity ‘As I Am’.
It was a fantastic success and well done to everyone! It was a great success and a total of €367.22 was raised. Thank you for your continued support.
As part of Active Flag Week, we took part in the ‘Run Around Ireland’ Challenge!
All classes did their daily laps which accumulated into a huge number overall!!
We as a school, completed over 17,000 laps of our school track for ‘The Run around Ireland Challenge’ and as a result have won a prize from Active Flag !
All our classes take part in Active Breaks daily, which continued throughout Active Flag Week!
Morning Yoga, Circuit Classes, Simon Says, Pupil-led activates and many more occurred throughout Active Flag Week!
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Trip to Darrara Agricultural College 2023 On Wednesday 8th March, 2023, 3rd Class, 1st Class and Senior Infants headed...
An Nuacht Seo í an Nuacht Feabhra! Maith sibh! 👋 .Latest News
Knockskeagh was filled with all sorts of wonderful characters from the world of books on Thursday 2nd of March. As...
Next week we celebrate Active Flag week in our school. All the children will take part in lots of different activities in school and at home.
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Trip to Darrara Agricultural College 2023 On Wednesday 8th March, 2023, 3rd Class, 1st Class and Senior Infants headed...
An Nuacht Seo í an Nuacht Feabhra! Maith sibh! 👋 .Latest News
Knockskeagh was filled with all sorts of wonderful characters from the world of books on Thursday 2nd of March. As...
We are so lucky to have received 16 videos from our local hero, Irish Olympian Phil Healy for our Active Flag Challenge!
Phil has taken time out of her extremely busy training camp in Europe to send our kids some fantastic challenges in Sprinting !
All the children at Knockskeagh are currently in training for our own Knockskeagh Olympics from June 8-11!
We want to say thank to Phil for her videos and wish her all the best at the Olympic Games this summer in Japan.
Pleas click on the link and have a go !!
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Trip to Darrara Agricultural College 2023 On Wednesday 8th March, 2023, 3rd Class, 1st Class and Senior Infants headed...
An Nuacht Seo í an Nuacht Feabhra! Maith sibh! 👋 .Latest News
Knockskeagh was filled with all sorts of wonderful characters from the world of books on Thursday 2nd of March. As...
Over the course of this week, we will celebrate Active Week in Knockskeagh. We will release a series of sports videos from local sports stars and some of our staff. They will include a variety of sports exercises and skill challenges. Please keep a lookout for updates on this post for the daily challenge during the week.
First up is Clonakilty and Cork Senior footballer Liam O’Donovan! Liam is a fantastic talent and will have a huge impact on the All Ireland series this year with Cork!
Thanks for your video Liam!
Please click on the link below and have a go at tonight’s exercise!
Today we have Cork Senior Ladies Captain, Goalkeeper and All-Star!! – Martina O’Brien
Martina is a fantastic player and has won multiple All Ireland medals with Cork.
Today we have some teacher challenges from teachers in Knockskeagh NS!!
Please click on the link below and have a go at tonight’s tasks !!
Today we have the talented Cork Senior Camogie Captain footballer Linda Collins !
Linda Is a fantastic talent and will have a huge impact on the All Ireland series this year with Cork! Thanks Linda !!
Please click on the link below and have a go at tonight’s exercise!
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Trip to Darrara Agricultural College 2023 On Wednesday 8th March, 2023, 3rd Class, 1st Class and Senior Infants headed...
An Nuacht Seo í an Nuacht Feabhra! Maith sibh! 👋 .Latest News
Knockskeagh was filled with all sorts of wonderful characters from the world of books on Thursday 2nd of March. As...
We marked ‘Tech Week’ from Monday 19th of April to Friday 23rd of April this year. We are presently working towards the Discover Primary Science Plaque of STEM Excellence which is awarded to schools in recognition of their extensive work in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.
There were many technology-related activities throughout each class during the week.
Our school is very lucky to be in a position to have a set of 30 IPads. Each class had their usual IPad class during the week, where pupils engaged with many educational applications to help with numeracy, literacy, and other areas throughout the curriculum.
5th Class were busy coding during the week creating their own “Dance Party using This proved a great hit with all pupils.
Also, 5th Class designed their own parachutes and tested them to find the time they took to hit the ground from a specific height.
3rd Class planned, designed, and executed their experiment to move a range of model vehicles using battery power fans. Also, they completed projects on interesting inventors from history. Well done 3rd Class!
2nd Class designed their own Pet Apps, there were some amazing design suggestions from these budding app developers. Also, they completed some problem solving and literacy-based activities using Ipads.
Check out the pictures below, more will follow very soon.
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Trip to Darrara Agricultural College 2023 On Wednesday 8th March, 2023, 3rd Class, 1st Class and Senior Infants headed...
An Nuacht Seo í an Nuacht Feabhra! Maith sibh! 👋 .Latest News
Knockskeagh was filled with all sorts of wonderful characters from the world of books on Thursday 2nd of March. As...
Our Amber Flag Committee for the school year 2020 – 2021 have recently met and have agreed on a date for our annual “Wellness Week”.
Wellness Week will take place in Knockskeagh National School between Monday 10th and Friday 14th of May. Our Committee members will be busy planning the activities over the coming weeks and more details of these activities will follow very soon.
Our Amber Flag Committee is made up of two pupil representatives from 1st Class to 6th Class.
Our Amber Flag pupil representatives are as follows;
1st Class: Laoise Hurley and Tom McCarthy
2nd Class: Lillia Noonan and James O’Sullivan
3rd Class: Ruby McCarthy and Senan O’Hara
4th Class: Jack O’Mahony and Sonny Ryan
5th Class: Ellen Harte and Donnchadh Keohane
6th Class: Annie McCarthy and Ciara Hayes
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Trip to Darrara Agricultural College 2023 On Wednesday 8th March, 2023, 3rd Class, 1st Class and Senior Infants headed...
An Nuacht Seo í an Nuacht Feabhra! Maith sibh! 👋 .Latest News
Knockskeagh was filled with all sorts of wonderful characters from the world of books on Thursday 2nd of March. As...