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Today, the Irish Cancer Society’s annual Daffodil Day Fundraiser took place in school.
All children were invited to wear yellow or orange on the day.
We’d like to thank everybody for their generous donations to this very worthy cause. Also, special mention to everyone who helped in any way to make our day such a success.
We raised a total of €2126 during the week, which truly is an amazing result.
The gallery below displays pictures of our Daffodil Day raffle held to great excitement in the schoolyard today.
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Clonakilty Parish Athletics It was a very proud day for Knockskeagh NS in the Clonakilty Parish Athletics today. All...
Sports Day 2023 This morning the outlook didn't look great for our Sports Day However thankfully the sun started to...
On Thursday 8th June, Senior Infants travelled to Skibbereen Sports and Fitness Centre for their school tour. They had...
We marked ‘Tech Week’ from Monday 21st of March to Friday 25th of March this year.
There were many technology-related activities throughout each class during the week.
Our school is very lucky to be in a position to have a set of 30 IPads. Each class had their usual IPad class during the week, where pupils engaged with many educational applications to help with numeracy, literacy, and other areas throughout the curriculum.
5th Class was busy coding during the week creating their own “Dance Party” and created “Star Wars” themed movie scenes. This proved a great hit with all pupils.
2nd Class created their own IPAD applications, there were some amazing design suggestions from these budding app developers. Also, they designed their own “Under the Sea” movie scenes using Scratch Junior on our Ipads.
Check out some of the technology-related activities from around the school during the week
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Clonakilty Parish Athletics It was a very proud day for Knockskeagh NS in the Clonakilty Parish Athletics today. All...
Sports Day 2023 This morning the outlook didn't look great for our Sports Day However thankfully the sun started to...
On Thursday 8th June, Senior Infants travelled to Skibbereen Sports and Fitness Centre for their school tour. They had...
We marked ‘Engineers Week’ from Monday 7th of March to Friday 11th March this year.
Engineering Week activities this year included the following activities: Lego challenges, STEM challenges through the use of our STEM Box, a school-wide engineering quiz, and learning about different types of engineering.
Also during Engineers Week, all children from 3rd to 6th class had a really enjoyable visit from climate ambassador and engineer Niamh Ryan who gave an insight into sustainable development and engineering. Thank you, Niamh for a very interesting and fun visit.
You can view a snapshot of some of the engineering activities and projects in each of the classes in the gallery below.
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Clonakilty Parish Athletics It was a very proud day for Knockskeagh NS in the Clonakilty Parish Athletics today. All...
Sports Day 2023 This morning the outlook didn't look great for our Sports Day However thankfully the sun started to...
On Thursday 8th June, Senior Infants travelled to Skibbereen Sports and Fitness Centre for their school tour. They had...
This video is a walk-through of our beautiful art exhibit in our school and gives a taste of the artwork that has taken place during the months of January, February, and March in each class.
Our 6th Class added their wonderful art constructions to this art exhibit too.
We hope you enjoy it, well-done everybody.
Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig ☘
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Clonakilty Parish Athletics It was a very proud day for Knockskeagh NS in the Clonakilty Parish Athletics today. All...
Sports Day 2023 This morning the outlook didn't look great for our Sports Day However thankfully the sun started to...
On Thursday 8th June, Senior Infants travelled to Skibbereen Sports and Fitness Centre for their school tour. They had...
St Patrick’s Day celebrations this year were something that we’ll certainly remember as it was a return to the in-person parade of a few years ago.
Our school took part in the parade organised by the Clonakilty Mayoral Town Council. The theme for this year’s parade was “Le chéile arís”
As part of our parade, the pupils made a huge effort with dressing up to mark the occasion, in the emerald green of St Patricks Day attire or in the Knockskeagh jersey colours.
We showcased all the wonderful activities on offer in our school and all that makes Knockskeagh so special in this year’s parade.
Well done to all pupils and staff who made this such a special day.
Our gallery displays a snapshot of pictures from our school’s display in the St Patrick Day parade in Clonakilty.
Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona daoibh go léir ☘
We marked 'Science Week' from Monday 9th to Friday 13th November last week. We are presently working towards the Discover Primary Science Plaque of STEM Excellence which is awarded to schools in recognition of their extensive work in Science, Technology, Engineering...
The children in Fifth Class have been busy practicing songwriting in their groups. Each group composed a song and added some music to accompany it. After a lot of work, the results are fantastic. Some very talented musicians and some very catchy compositions! Thank...
As part of our P.E. curriculum - this month our school is practicing Landing as part of our Fundamental Movement Skill (FMS). Please see the video from the Scoilnet website on the correct technique for this month's fundamental movement. ...
As part of our P.E. curriculum. All our classes are taking part in the Games strand. Please see some pictures of 6th and 2nd classes in action during recent P.E lessons. Our 6th class practiced soccer skills and played small-sided soccer games. Also as...
Sensory Garden Mr Walsh (Junior) has been doing some amazing work on our new Sensory Garden recently. He has enlisted the help of our 6th Class who completed some Trojan work. As you can see from the sneak preview below, our Sensory Garden is taking shape nicely! Stay...
Our sixth class are taking part in the ‘Dare to Believe’ Irish Olympic Schools programme. Today, we had a fantastic zoom call with Irish Olympian Boxer Gráinne Walsh. It was fascinating to hear all about Gráinne’s career highlights. She spoke about how an Olympian...
The school will close this Friday, 23rd October for Mid-Term break. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your help in making the return to school so seamless for everyone. Things have undoubtedly been a little different since we returned on the...
On Friday the 23rd of October, we had our annual Halloween Parade. All the children put in a huge effort and it was one we certainly won't forget. Our parade took place on our school track this year which meant all pupils walked 25om in the parade. Also, all pupils...
We marked 'Maths Week' from Monday 12th October to Friday 16th October. We are presently working towards the Discover Primary Science Plaque of STEM Excellence which is awarded to schools in recognition of their extensive work in Science, Technology, Engineering...
Clonakilty Parish Athletics It was a very proud day for Knockskeagh NS in the Clonakilty Parish Athletics today. All...
Sports Day 2023 This morning the outlook didn't look great for our Sports Day However thankfully the sun started to...
On Thursday 8th June, Senior Infants travelled to Skibbereen Sports and Fitness Centre for their school tour. They had...
Agus sin é!
Slán Seachtain na Gaeilge 2022!
Féach ar an Nuacht a rinne na páistí ó rang a trí go dtí rang a sé.
Bain taitneamh as an físeán.
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Clonakilty Parish Athletics It was a very proud day for Knockskeagh NS in the Clonakilty Parish Athletics today. All...
Sports Day 2023 This morning the outlook didn't look great for our Sports Day However thankfully the sun started to...
On Thursday 8th June, Senior Infants travelled to Skibbereen Sports and Fitness Centre for their school tour. They had...