Carol Singing 2023

Many of our classes have represented our school by carol singing in a number of local areas recently.

Our 5th and 6th classes raised €357.40 for The West Cork Animal Welfare when they were carol singing at the Post Office in Clonakilty on Friday 8th of December.

Our 2nd and 3rd Classes fundraised vital funds for Saint Vincent DePaul by carol singing in Clonakilty town on Friday 15th of December. They raised an impressive €275 for the worthy cause.

Finally, 1st and 4th classess entertained the shoppers down in Astna Square when they were carol singing on Thursday 21st December. They raised €151.20 for their chosen charity.

Well done to all involved in these recitals. You did Knockskeagh proud! 😀

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Latest News

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Beach Clean Up 🗑️

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