Carol Singing 2023

Many of our classes have represented our school by carol singing in a number of local areas recently.

Our 5th and 6th classes raised €357.40 for The West Cork Animal Welfare when they were carol singing at the Post Office in Clonakilty on Friday 8th of December.

Our 2nd and 3rd Classes fundraised vital funds for Saint Vincent DePaul by carol singing in Clonakilty town on Friday 15th of December. They raised an impressive €275 for the worthy cause.

Finally, 1st and 4th classess entertained the shoppers down in Astna Square when they were carol singing on Thursday 21st December. They raised €151.20 for their chosen charity.

Well done to all involved in these recitals. You did Knockskeagh proud! 😀

Calf Visit

Calf Visit There was great excitement in school yesterday when Daniel, Leanne, Conor, and Louise Walsh’s mother Caroline brought Mrs. Browne’s Alice to school. Mrs. Brown’s Alice is a 5 day Friesian heifer. All classes had an opportunity to meet Mrs. Brown’s Alice....

Lego Building Competition

Fifth class pupils Evan O Crowley and Odhran O Sullivan entered a Lego building competition run by Autism-Friendly Clonakilty recently. They loved every second of creating this building of what “My Clonakilty” looks like and worked extremely hard over these last few...

Water Safety

We were very lucky to have had a visit by Ciara of Water Safety Ireland recently. She gave a very informative talk and presentation to each class group about staying safe around water at the beach, at the pool, on the farm, around inland waterways, and around the...

Christmas Holidays

As we come to the end of the term in school, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the incredible support you have given the school during this uncertain time. While things have been a little different for everyone, the children rose to the occasion...

Christmas Art Exhibition

Christmas Art Exhibition The video is a walk-through of our beautiful art exhibit in our school and gives a taste of the artwork that has taken place during the months of November and December in each class. Well done to all on your amazing creations.   .Latest...

Energy Workshop

We were delighted to welcome an Energy Workshop from the Lifetime Lab. Our 3rd, 4th and 5th classes engaged in the energy workshops which covered the topics of energy sources, climate change, CO2, and what we as individuals can do to reduce the amount of energy we...

Santas Magical Movies

Our 6th Class recently transformed our school hall into a cinema theatre as part of the Junior Entrepreneur Programme.  They called their business "Santas Magical Movies". As part of the concept, each class in their pods watched a Christmas movie and was treated to...

Christmas Carol Singing

On Friday, 17th December, all our classes sang Christmas carols outside our school.  The Christmas Carols were recorded and a Christmas Carol Film was created and sent to the hospital and care homes in our locality. In conjunction with our carol singing, we had a...

Knockskeagh Podcast

Podcast: "The Story of Tojo"   2nd Class has been busy creating and recording their very first podcast recently. It is all about the visit of a spider monkey named Tojo to Clonakilty nearly 80 years ago. The podcast was recorded in Knockskeagh and produced by all...

Latest News

Sports Day 2023

Sports Day 2023

Sports Day 2023  This morning the outlook didn't look great for our Sports Day  However thankfully the sun started to...

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