School Musical – Mary Poppins
Many thanks to everyone who helped in any way to make this year shows such a success. Your co-operation leading up to the show and on the night itself was very much appreciated.
I’m sure anybody who was present at the show would agree that all classes were simply amazing on both nights. They should be very proud of themselves and we’re sure they’ll have great memories of the shows for many years to come. Maith sibh go léir.
The DVD of the show will be available to buy shortly.
World Book Day
We marked World Book Day on Thursday 3rd of March. This year with Covid restrictions lifted, it was nice to see our senior class pupils being given the opportunity to read a book for a junior class pupil again. Our classes were paired up as follows, 3rd Class pupils...
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Seachtain na Gaeilge 2022 Feach ar an Nuacht. Maith sibh 👋 .Latest News
Calf Visit
Calf Visit There was great excitement in school yesterday when Daniel, Leanne, Conor, and Louise Walsh’s mother Caroline brought Mrs. Browne’s Alice to school. Mrs. Brown’s Alice is a 5 day Friesian heifer. All classes had an opportunity to meet Mrs. Brown’s Alice....
Lego Building Competition
Fifth class pupils Evan O Crowley and Odhran O Sullivan entered a Lego building competition run by Autism-Friendly Clonakilty recently. They loved every second of creating this building of what “My Clonakilty” looks like and worked extremely hard over these last few...
Water Safety
We were very lucky to have had a visit by Ciara of Water Safety Ireland recently. She gave a very informative talk and presentation to each class group about staying safe around water at the beach, at the pool, on the farm, around inland waterways, and around the...
Christmas Holidays
As we come to the end of the term in school, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the incredible support you have given the school during this uncertain time. While things have been a little different for everyone, the children rose to the occasion...
Christmas Art Exhibition
Christmas Art Exhibition The video is a walk-through of our beautiful art exhibit in our school and gives a taste of the artwork that has taken place during the months of November and December in each class. Well done to all on your amazing creations. .Latest...
Energy Workshop
We were delighted to welcome an Energy Workshop from the Lifetime Lab. Our 3rd, 4th and 5th classes engaged in the energy workshops which covered the topics of energy sources, climate change, CO2, and what we as individuals can do to reduce the amount of energy we...
Santas Magical Movies
Our 6th Class recently transformed our school hall into a cinema theatre as part of the Junior Entrepreneur Programme. They called their business "Santas Magical Movies". As part of the concept, each class in their pods watched a Christmas movie and was treated to...
Latest News
Swimming Gala
Well done to the Knockskeagh swim team who represented Knockskeagh in the Munster Schools Gala in UL This October Top...
Coaches from Warrior Martial Arts have continued their annual visit to our school during this term. All pupils from...
Active School Committee
Our Active School Commitee were very busy recently organising the following initiatives to promote regular physical...