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Our school adopted a number of online platforms to stay connected with pupils and parents during the lockdown period. Class teachers connected with pupils and parents using e-mail and online platforms such as Google classroom, SeeSaw, and Class Dojo.
Many classes completed various weekly SESE projects using Microsoft Word and PowerPoint.
Also, some classes used Kahoot to complete a weekly quiz during the lockdown period.
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Space Week 2024Space week took off with a 3....2....1....BLAST OFF! 🚀🚀 We recently celebrated 'Space Week' in...
Golf Classic Our third annual Golf Classic will take place this Saturday October 12th in Clonakilty Golf Club. This...
Open for Enrolment Knockskeagh National School is now open for enrolments for the school year 2025/26. We welcome you...
Our main aims and results when working towards this flag included:
We were successful in reducing the amount of single-use plastic bottles by 88% over the course of 2 years.
The committee completed a litter audit on the school grounds to identify “litter zones” and engaged in regular litter cleanups throughout the 2 years. A reduction in the litter was noted around the school grounds. Committee members spoke to classes about the correct use of recycling, landfill, and compost bins. Classes were also encouraged to reduce the amount of packaging in lunchboxes, with our primary focus being on cling film and tinfoil. Bin weights were recorded at different intervals over the 2 years and we were successful in reducing our landfill weight by over 20kgs and food waste by almost 13kgs.
The committee investigated the UN Global Goals and decided to focus on “No Poverty”, “Zero Hunger” and “Life on Land”. As a school, we undertook several actions towards these goals, for example planting trees within the school grounds, local beach, and wood clean-ups, participating in the St Vincent de Paul Giving for Living Tree and Trocaire collections, to name only a few.
We held a Culture Day in May 2019 where older classes investigated different cultures that exist within our school and made projects about their traditions and customs. We also got to sample food from these countries, which was great fun and learning for all pupils!
A committee made up of pupils from each class is formed at the beginning of each Green flag cycle which runs over the course of 2 years. Our Green schools committee deserve huge praise for all their work in achieving this award.
Also, a huge thanks must go to Ms. O’Regan for all her hard work in overseeing the application and her invaluable support of the committee over the 2 years.
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Space Week 2024Space week took off with a 3....2....1....BLAST OFF! 🚀🚀 We recently celebrated 'Space Week' in...
Golf Classic Our third annual Golf Classic will take place this Saturday October 12th in Clonakilty Golf Club. This...
Open for Enrolment Knockskeagh National School is now open for enrolments for the school year 2025/26. We welcome you...
We marked ‘Engineers Week’ from Monday 2nd March to Friday 6th March this year. We are presently working towards the Discover Primary Science Plaque of STEM Excellence which is awarded to schools in recognition of their extensive work in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.
There were many engineering challenges and activities during ‘Engineers Week’ this year including; lego challenges, investigating sound and light using electrical circuits, bridge building, engineering projects and much more. Our STEM box proved a great success. Each class got an opportunity to explore its contents and were tasked with a number of STEM challenges using its resources. All classes were involved in the activities.
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Space Week 2024Space week took off with a 3....2....1....BLAST OFF! 🚀🚀 We recently celebrated 'Space Week' in...
Golf Classic Our third annual Golf Classic will take place this Saturday October 12th in Clonakilty Golf Club. This...
Open for Enrolment Knockskeagh National School is now open for enrolments for the school year 2025/26. We welcome you...
We held our very own general election in February 2020 this year.
Each 6th class member was assigned a candidate in the Cork South West general election.
The morning begun with all 6th class canvassing the school yard!
Then they moved onto their speeches in the school hall where they outlined their own and their parties manifestos!(a lot of homework off and pizza parties were promised).
All classes from first to sixth class then voted!
Afterwards led by Mrs Beechinor , 6th class tallied and counted the votes! Here their Maths skills were put to the test!!
The quota was 49 votes to get elected!
After the second vote Holly Cairns – Roisin Duggan and Christopher O Sullivan -David Harte got the Quota and were elected!
On the third count Paul Hayes – Ben Coffey and Joseph Allen got elected!
All 6th class did really well!
The 6th class had a fantastic day and were able to see first hand how the electoral system works from canvassing to the vote count!
Well done to all involved!
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We welcome you to take a look at this short video which gives an insight into the activities that Knockskeagh National...
Fifth class pupils Evan O Crowley and Odhran O Sullivan entered a Lego building competition run by Autism-Friendly...
We were delighted to welcome an Energy Workshop from the Lifetime Lab. Our 3rd, 4th and 5th classes engaged in the...
2nd Class recently engaged in the Maths strand of Data. They explored many types of graphs including pictograms and bar graphs.
Firstly, they explored their birthday months and made a whole class pictogram.
Secondly, they investigated the variety of colours in packets of skittles and how they vary in each packet. Then, they plotted their findings in a bar graph.
They had a great few mornings of maths with a fun twist.
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Space Week 2024Space week took off with a 3....2....1....BLAST OFF! 🚀🚀 We recently celebrated 'Space Week' in...
Golf Classic Our third annual Golf Classic will take place this Saturday October 12th in Clonakilty Golf Club. This...
Open for Enrolment Knockskeagh National School is now open for enrolments for the school year 2025/26. We welcome you...
We had a Mad Scientist Day during Science Week where children from 4th, 5th and 6th class in small groups were encouraged to research their own experiments and showcase them to the younger classes in our school hall. The groups put a lot of time and effort into preparation for this event.
The Showcase turned out to be a huge success. Well done to all pupils and teachers who helped prepare these presentations and experiments to such a high standard. It was certainly educational and great entertainment too!!
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Space Week 2024Space week took off with a 3....2....1....BLAST OFF! 🚀🚀 We recently celebrated 'Space Week' in...
Golf Classic Our third annual Golf Classic will take place this Saturday October 12th in Clonakilty Golf Club. This...
Open for Enrolment Knockskeagh National School is now open for enrolments for the school year 2025/26. We welcome you...