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This year’s St Patrick Day celebrations were a bit different than others but it was a day that we’ll certainly remember.
Our school took part in the local virtual parade organised by the Clonakilty Mayoral Town Council. The theme for this year’s parade was “Heroes”.
As part of our parade, all our classes danced to the song “Jerusalema”. The pupils had fantastic fun and made a huge effort with dressing up to mark the occasion, either in the emerald green of St Patricks Day attire or as they’re chosen “Hero”. It certainly was a colourful affair.
The school was paid a visit by current Clonakilty Town Mayor Padraig O’Reilly on the day who video recorded our contribution to the virtual parade. Thank you Padraig for visiting our school and for your patience on the day.
Well done to all pupils and staff who made this such a special day.
The virtual parade is available for viewing below and Knockskeagh National School can be seen around 12.53 seconds into the video. Also, our gallery displays a snapshot of pictures from our school’s St Patrick Day parade on the day of recording.
Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona daoibh go léir ☘
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During the month of January, some school teams took part in indoor camogie and hurling tournaments in Ballinacarriga....
Gymnastics We were delighted to be in a position to welcome Coach Aoife to our school for gymnastics recently. Aoife...
An Nuacht Athbhliain faoi Mhaise daoibh! Tá an Nuacht ar áis! Maith sibh! 👋 .Latest News
We marked ‘Engineers Week’ from Monday 1st of March to Friday 5th March this year. We are presently working towards the Discover Primary Science Plaque of STEM Excellence which is awarded to schools in recognition of their extensive work in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.
There were many engineering challenges and activities during ‘Engineers Week’ this year throughout the classes. They included STEM challenges, a zoom call with an engineer, quizzes, engineering shows and much more.
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“When we’re Covid 19 free, this is where I’d like to be” was the title to this years Engineers Week whole school project.
Recent school years have been very different due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Everybody has had to stick with travel restrictions sometimes limiting people to 5km of their own home.
For Engineers Week this year, we decided to spark the imaginations of our pupils and challenged them to draw or build a structure from a country or place that they’d love to visit when travel restrictions lift.
Our pupils certainly rose to the challenge and produced some wonderful designs and structures using all types of materials.
Check out each gallery below for a snapshot of some of the amazing creativity in this project and in other STEM activities during Engineers Week.
More pictures of activities to follow soon.
During the month of January, some school teams took part in indoor camogie and hurling tournaments in Ballinacarriga....
Gymnastics We were delighted to be in a position to welcome Coach Aoife to our school for gymnastics recently. Aoife...
An Nuacht Athbhliain faoi Mhaise daoibh! Tá an Nuacht ar áis! Maith sibh! 👋 .Latest News
Thank you Paul for the very informative presentation about all things engineering. It was great fun and it certainly sparked the imagination of our pupils.
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During the month of January, some school teams took part in indoor camogie and hurling tournaments in Ballinacarriga....
Gymnastics We were delighted to be in a position to welcome Coach Aoife to our school for gymnastics recently. Aoife...
An Nuacht Athbhliain faoi Mhaise daoibh! Tá an Nuacht ar áis! Maith sibh! 👋 .Latest News
We marked World Book Day on Thursday the 4th of March.
This year was a bit different as our Junior and Special classes were the only classes present in school on the day.
However, this didn’t stop some Senior classes from marking World Book Day on Zoom and Google Classroom on the day.
The Junior classes marked the day by setting time aside for reading and talking about the importance of reading. The pupils were invited to dress as a book character of their choosing on the day too.
The gallery below displays a snapshot of the colour and creativity on display.
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During the month of January, some school teams took part in indoor camogie and hurling tournaments in Ballinacarriga....
Gymnastics We were delighted to be in a position to welcome Coach Aoife to our school for gymnastics recently. Aoife...
An Nuacht Athbhliain faoi Mhaise daoibh! Tá an Nuacht ar áis! Maith sibh! 👋 .Latest News
We are delighted to announce that we are now accepting enrolments for September 2021.
Our recently revised Admission Policy and Annual Admission Notice are available for viewing in the Parents section of our website.
Enrolment forms are available from the office. Please contact Helen on 023 88 38070 or e-mail
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During the month of January, some school teams took part in indoor camogie and hurling tournaments in Ballinacarriga....
Gymnastics We were delighted to be in a position to welcome Coach Aoife to our school for gymnastics recently. Aoife...
An Nuacht Athbhliain faoi Mhaise daoibh! Tá an Nuacht ar áis! Maith sibh! 👋 .Latest News
As we come to the end of what has been a very unusual term in school, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the incredible support you have given the school during this uncertain time. While things have been a little different for everyone, the children rose to the occasion spectacularly and embraced all the changes they faced. ‘Bubbles & Pods’ have become part of everyday school life and everyone has remained safe while enjoying being back with their friends.
A big thank you to our Parents Association and Board of Management for their continued help and support. We close for the Christmas holidays on Tuesday, 22nd December 12.00 for Special Classes, Junior & Senior Infants and 12.30 for all other classes.
We look forward to welcoming your children back, refreshed and rested on Wednesday, 6th January, 2021.
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