Engineer Visits 3rd Class

Engineer Visits 3rd Class

Engineer Visits 3rd Class

During Engineers Week, we were delighted to welcome Niamh Ryan to 3rd class in Knockskeagh National School. 

Niamh Ryan is a climate ambassador and engineer and gave an insight into sustainable development and engineering

It was a really interesting and fun morning. Thank you for your visit Niamh, we really enjoyed it.

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Knockskeagh Virtual Tour

Knockskeagh Virtual Tour

Knockskeagh Virtual Tour

We welcome you to take a look at this short video which gives an insight into the activities that Knockskeagh National School has to offer its pupil’s.

We really think it looks amazing. Well done to all pupils and staff who helped make it a very special video tour, we really hope you enjoy it.

Many thanks to Greg Mulcahy for all his work in putting this together for us.



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Open Day

Open Day

Open Day

 Open Day

We are delighted to invite you to Knockskeagh National School and to see for yourself what a unique educational opportunity our school provides.

Our Open Day will take place this year on Friday, March 11th, 2022 between 11:00 am and 1.30 pm. 

You will receive a tour of the school and get the opportunity to speak to some of our pupils and staff. 

For more information, please contact the office by phone on 023 8838070 or e-mail 

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World Book Day

World Book Day

World Book Day

We marked World Book Day on Thursday 3rd of March.

This year with Covid restrictions lifted, it was nice to see our senior class pupils being given the opportunity to read a book for a junior class pupil again. Our classes were paired up as follows,  3rd Class pupils with Junior Infants, 4th Class with Senior Infants, 5th Class with 1st Class, and 6th Class with 2nd Class. This is always a lovely activity and everyone was delighted to see it return.  

 The pupils were invited to dress as a book character of their choosing on the day too.

The gallery below displays a snapshot of the colour and creativity on display.

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Seachtain na Gaeilge

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Seachtain na Gaeilge 2022

Feach ar an Nuacht. smile

Maith sibh 👋


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Calf Visit

Calf Visit

Calf Visit

Calf Visit

There was great excitement in school yesterday when Daniel, Leanne, Conor, and Louise Walsh’s mother Caroline brought Mrs. Browne’s Alice to school.

Mrs. Brown’s Alice is a 5 day Friesian heifer. All classes had an opportunity to meet Mrs. Brown’s Alice.

Thanks to Caroline for a great visit and a very informative talk. smile



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