Sing 2022

Sing 2022

Sing 2022

Our production of Sing 2022 proved to be a huge hit. 

Every 6th class pupil can be very proud of their acting, singing and dancing performances. They were truly amazing!

As is tradition classes ranging from 1st – 5th class also played their part with fantastic singing and dancing cameos.

Once the final editing of the video has been completed, our 6th class will go to the Park Cinema for a special screening on the 20th of June.

This year’s production has been a real team effort with pupils from 1st – 6th and staff putting in trojan work. Huge thanks to everyone for their hard work.

We are all looking forward to seeing the finished product when details of how the DVD can be ordered will be forwarded. Thanks to everyone and well done!

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Cork City Sports

Cork City Sports

Cork City Sports

Cork City Sports

It was a very proud day for Knockskeagh NS in the City Sports today.

The day started with the girls bringing home three 2nd place trophy’s in the sprints. Kitty May Walsh, Allanah O’Connell and Alice McCarthy. 🥈

The girls junior relay team finished 3rd in their relay. Kitty May Walsh, Aoibhinn Rice, Muirne McMahon and Peggy Collins. 🥉

In the afternoon, it was the turn of the boys.
Benjamin in 6th class took home silver in his sprint race. 🥈

Our senior relay team of Jack Hayes, Matthew Draper Mattie Coffey and Benjamin O’Donovan Bachelet took home silver in their relay race.🥈

Finally, our junior relay team of Matthew Kelleher, Mink O’Leary, Daniel Walsh and Michael Collins brought home the gold in their race. 🥇🏆

Outstanding races by all participants and all our team were very competitive in all races. It was fantastic! Well done all participants and everyone involved in training the team👏👍🏆

Beir Bua!!


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Sciath na Scoil

Sciath na Scoil

Sciath na Scoil

Sciath na Scoil

Our Sciath na Scoil boys team was narrowly beaten in their final against Kilmeen NS today.

The Knockskeagh team can be very proud of their performance as they played some excellent football! They kept going right till the end and showed great team spirit on the day but came up short to a very strong Kilmeen side. We’d like to congratulate Kilmeen on their victory.

Well done to all the team and to their managers Mr O’Meara and Mr O’Callaghan for all their work with the team 👍🏽

We are so proud of their performance.

Maith sibh

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5K and Coffee Morning Fundraiser

5K and Coffee Morning Fundraiser

5K and Coffee Morning Fundraiser

Many thanks to the Knockskeagh Parents Association for their organisation of a very fun and enjoyable fundraiser yesterday morning.

Funds raised will go towards a sensory garden in our school that will benefit all our pupils. Huge thanks to everybody who supported and raised funds for this very worthy cause.

Well done to the winner of the Sage Barista Express Clodagh O Regan (5th Class) and Lorna O Regan.

Here are a few pictures of yesterday’s

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Wellness Week 2022

Wellness Week 2022

Wellness Week 2022

Wellness Week 2022

Wellness activities this week aimed to create an awareness of the importance of; exercise, connection, creativity, and fun to boost your mood.

Some of the activities engaged in included, mindful moments, active breaks, morning shake-up, mindful art, orienteering, yoga, and a hot chocolate check-in.

These activities were arranged by our Wellness Committee. Well done guys and thank you to everybody who contributed to this lovely week.

Wellness Week Activities

Mindful Moments

Each class agreed on a time for daily meditation for the month of May. Our Amber Flag representatives remind teachers each day as school life can be busy sometimes. They’ve earned the title of “Mindful Moment Monitors” in each class. It really is nice to take time to ourselves sometimes.

Feel Good Dance

Each day, we danced during lunchtime using our two speakers. It was great fun  😊

Drop Everything and Colour (DEAC)

On Monday afternoon, we engaged in some mindful colouring in each class.

Gratitude Flower Whole School Art

Each pupil decorated a petal with things they are thankful for in their lives. Their petals formed a beautiful whole school collaborative art piece in our school. The objective was to attempt to get each pupil to focus on the good things in their lives. 

Morning Shake-Up

The sixth class pupils and our Amber Flag reps directed exercise sessions with school pupils on two mornings during Wellness week.

Yoga and Zumba

All classes engaged with Yoga and Zumba in our school hall during Wellness Week. Thank you Ms. Russell and Flavia.

Hot Chocolate Check In

All pupils were treated to hot chocolate and encouraged to chat with classmates. They were encouraged to talk about positive things in their lives and to try to find out something new about their classmates.


All classes were challenged to find markers around the school grounds. They attempted to crack the code on each marker to reveal a hidden message.



Wellness Week

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Daffodil Day 2022

Daffodil Day 2022

Daffodil Day 2022

Today, the Irish Cancer Society’s annual Daffodil Day Fundraiser took place in school.

All children were invited to wear yellow or orange on the day. 

We’d like to thank everybody for their generous donations to this very worthy cause.  Also, special mention to everyone who helped in any way to make our day such a success.

We raised a total of €2126 during the week, which truly is an amazing result. 

The gallery below displays pictures of our Daffodil Day raffle held to great excitement in the schoolyard today. 

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