FAI Soccer 2024

FAI Soccer 2024

FAI Soccer 2024

Our school soccer teams competed in the FAI Primary 5 a-side County Qualifiers recently. 

Both our girls and boys’ teams played really well in the tournament.
All teams’ efforts were rewarded with positive results in the group stages.
Unfortunately, both girls teams narrowly missed out on progression to the next stage of the competition.
However, one of the boys teams including Matthew Kelleher, Barry Connolly, Daniel Walsh, Tim Crowley, Daire O’Neill, Michael Collins, Will Coleman and Patrick O’Leary got through to the county finals in Musgrave Park.
After a series of excellent performances in the group stages, they progressed through the group stage. They eventually lost out 2-1 after extra time in the quarter-final.
This was an amazing achievement considering the schools that we were competing against all over the county. 
All involved can be very proud of their efforts and they were all superb ambassadors for our school!!
Cnoc Sceach Abú!!
Sports Day 2023

Sports Day 2023  This morning the outlook didn't look great for our Sports Day  However thankfully the sun started to shine through the clouds and soon after shone brightly on Knockskeagh all day long!!   Spirits rose and the energy levels heightened as we basked in...

Activity Mornings for our Special Classes!

Busy mornings for Réiltín, Seoidín, Lír, and Darach! Tuesday mornings are very busy for Rang Réiltín, Seoidín, Lír, and Darach with fun obstacle courses! It only started a few weeks ago but already it's a huge hit! With four different stations to visit, there's plenty...

Welcome to our Sensory Corridor!

Welcome to Our Sensory Corridor! Rain or shine it's a place for everyone to have some fun and be active! Have a look at our Sensory Corridor!Latest News

Cork City Sports

Cork City Sports It was a very proud day for Knockskeagh NS in the City Sports today. All our boys and girls ran so well and we are so proud of each and every one of them! Desmond Barrett took Gold in the sprint 🥇 Mattie Coffey took silver in his sprint.🥈 Our Senior...

2nd and 3rd Class Hurling and Camogie

In glorious sunshine, our 2nd and 3rd class pupils displayed some fantastic hurling and camogie skills today in Dunmanway. The Knockskeagh teams can be very proud of their efforts and most of all their fun approach to each game.  Well done to all participants for...

5th and 6th Class Soccer

5th and 6th class showed off their soccer talents today on Lyre Rovers FC pitch for a soccer blitz with the Gaelscoil Clonakilty. They were all fantastic in the sun-drenched conditions. Well done to everyone! Huge thanks to Lyre rovers for the use of their amazing...

2nd and 3rd Class Football Blitz

Our 2nd and 3rd classes represented our school at a fun GAA blitzes recently. The first one took place in beautiful sunshine in Skibbereen on Wednesday 24th of May   It was fantastic to see so many pupils taking part on the day, some getting the opportunity to play a...

Sciath na Scoil- Cailíní

Sciath na Scoil Wednesday 17th of May saw the Knockskeagh girls in action in Ahamilla battling for a place in the Sciath na Scol final .The pitches were in pristine conditions and the sun was blistering . Knockskeagh played Gaelscoil Mhichíl Uí Chaoileáin in the first...

Bike Day

Bike Day  To mark the start of Bike Week this week, Ulick of Bike Wizards helped to teach our pupils cycling skills for Junior Infants to 4th Class The classes really enjoyed the challenges that Ulick set in each lesson. They learned about balance, braking, and...

Latest News

Halloween 2024

Halloween 2024

The weather failed to dampen spirits in our school today as our Halloween parade took place this year in our school...

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Many thanks to rugby coach Finny O’Regan and transition years students Harry and Matt for coaching our first to sixth...

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Knockskeagh Art Exhibition

Knockskeagh Art Exhibition

Knockskeagh Art Exhibition 🧑🏻‍🎨 This video is a walk-through of the beautiful art exhibit in our school and gives a...

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St Patricks Day 2024

St Patricks Day 2024

St Patricks Day 2024

St Patrick’s Day parade this year was something to cherish with so many colourful and vibrant entries. 

The theme for this year’s St Patricks Day parade was “Peace”.

As part of our parade entry,  the pupils made a huge effort and dressed up as native Irish animals. Our slogan was “Animals Living in Harmony ” as gaeilge “An hainmhithe le chéile”. The pupils made colourful masks in the lead up to the parade.  As well as this, our pupils learned a dance routine to the song “I tell my Ma when I go home”. It was an amazing spectacle huge thanks must go to Miss Ambrose for her help with the routine and of course, our fantastic pupils who performed it so well on the day. 

Afterwards we were delighted to hear that our entry received 3rd prize. Well done to all pupils and staff who made this such a special day.

Our gallery displays a snapshot of pictures from our school’s display in the  St Patrick Day parade in Clonakilty.

Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona daoibh go léir ☘

Wellness Week 2024

Wellness Week 2024 Last week we celebrated Wellness Week in our school. Some of the activities enjoyed included, mindful nature walks,  morning shake-ups, collaborative art,  yoga, feel-good lunchtime music, and practicing gratitude. The lovely mix of activities...

3rd Class Girls Football Blitz

Yesterday, our 3rd class girls, assisted by a few volunteers from 2nd, displayed some fantastic football skills in Ballinacarriga. The Knockskeagh team can be very proud of their efforts and most of all their fun approach to each game.  Well done to all participants...

Enrolment/Open Day

We would like to extend a warm welcome to our school to any prospective pupils and parents on Thursday, February 8th between 11 am and 1:30 pm. All parents and children are welcome to come and enjoy a tour of the school and visit your child's future classroom. Open...

Active Schools Award

Active Flag Committee News Our Active Committee received good news recently as they were awarded an electric ball pump for their recent Reindeer Run initiative from Active Schools.  As well as this, the initiative will be promoted and encouraged for use in other...

4th Class Hurling Blitz

Today was the turn of our 4th class hurlers in the hall in Ballinacarriga. This team displayed some fantastic skills throughout the day and represented our school so well. Great stuff boys and well done to all   GalleryLatest News

4th Class Camogie Blitz

Yesterday, our 4th class pupils displayed some fantastic camogie skills in Ballinacarriga. The Knockskeagh team can be very proud of their efforts and most of all their fun approach to each game.  Well done to all participants for their performances! You should all be...

Christmas Holidays

As we come to the end of the term in school, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the incredible support you have given the school over the last term. A big thank you to our Parents Association and Board of Management for their continued help and...

Reindeer Run

Reindeer Run   Our reindeer have delivered the presents Many fundamental movement skills were required to get to the end; jump, hop, duck, crawl, weave, run, catch, throw and balance to name a few. Our "Dodge the Snowball" part proved the biggest hit (literally)  But,...

Carol Singing 2023

Many of our classes have represented our school by carol singing in a number of local areas recently. Our 5th and 6th classes raised €357.40 for The West Cork Animal Welfare when they were carol singing at the Post Office in Clonakilty on Friday 8th of December. Our...


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Halloween 2024

Halloween 2024

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Knockskeagh Art Exhibition

Knockskeagh Art Exhibition

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Wellness Week 2024

Wellness Week 2024

Wellness Week 2024

Wellness Week 2024

Last week we celebrated Wellness Week in our school. Some of the activities enjoyed included, mindful nature walks,  morning shake-ups, collaborative art,  yoga, feel-good lunchtime music, and practicing gratitude.

The lovely mix of activities certainly put a “spring” in our step before the long weekend. Well done to the pupils and staff involved in organising this enjoyable week. 

Wellness Week Activities

Whole School Art “Find your wings and fly”

Each pupil decorated a feather which will create wings as part of a whole school collaborative art piece. The objective was to focus pupils’ minds on believing in their unique qualities and strengths. Well done to members of our Fourth Class who assisted some younger classes in their creations.

Gratitude Jars

Each pupil decorated a jar with things that they are grateful for in their lives. Our Amber Flag reps decorated each classroom door with each pupil’s beautiful creations. We all adopted an “attitude of gratitude” during Wellness Week. 

Mindful Moments

Each class agreed on a time for daily meditation. We have found it really is nice to take time for ourselves sometimes.

Feel Good Dance

We danced during lunchtime to feel-good music from our two speakers. It was great fun  😊

Drop Everything and Colour (DEAC)

On Monday afternoon, we engaged in some mindful colouring in each class.

Morning Shake-Up

The Active and Amber Flag reps directed exercise sessions with school pupils on Friday morning during Wellness week.


All classes enjoyed Yoga in our school hall during Wellness Week. Thank you to Mrs. Russell and Ms McMahon for providing such enjoyable sessions.

Mindful Nature Walk

Senior class pupils were paired with their junior class counterparts for this activity to add to the sense of community in our school. Pupils walked together to several points around our school and answered a question at each point that involved one of their five senses “sight, sound, smell, taste and touch”. Our sensory garden, track, pitch, and large outdoor space were well-covered during this activity.      😀👏




Wellness Week

Knockskeagh receive Primary Science and Maths Award

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Knockskeagh awarded its 6th Green Schools Flag

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Step One: Science

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We were delighted to hear that we received our 6th Green Flag this year for our work in Global Citizenship: Litter and Waste. The theme enables schools to discover how their work positively influences our global community. Our main aims and results when working...

Engineers Week 2020

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Knockskeagh General Election

We held our very own general election in February 2020 this year.Each 6th class member was assigned a candidate in the Cork South West general election. The morning begun with all 6th class canvassing the school yard! Then they moved onto their speeches in the school...

2nd Class Maths Activities

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Halloween 2024

Halloween 2024

The weather failed to dampen spirits in our school today as our Halloween parade took place this year in our school...

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Many thanks to rugby coach Finny O’Regan and transition years students Harry and Matt for coaching our first to sixth...

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Knockskeagh Art Exhibition

Knockskeagh Art Exhibition

Knockskeagh Art Exhibition 🧑🏻‍🎨 This video is a walk-through of the beautiful art exhibit in our school and gives a...

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Enrolment/Open Day

Enrolment/Open Day

Enrolment/Open Day

We would like to extend a warm welcome to our school to any prospective pupils and parents on Thursday, February 8th between 11 am and 1:30 pm.

All parents and children are welcome to come and enjoy a tour of the school and visit your child’s future classroom.

Open Day is a great opportunity for your child to meet the teachers and see what school could be like for them later on in the year.

We do hope that you can join us.



Knockskeagh receive Primary Science and Maths Award

Our school has just received its eighth ‘Award of Science and Maths Excellence’. We are extremely proud of this award, as it once again recognises the work done in Science & Maths throughout the school. Congratulations to all staff and pupils who participated in...

Knockskeagh awarded its 6th Green Schools Flag

Green Schools Flag Last week, we received our 6th  Green Flag for our school. This flag was for Global Citizenship; Litter and Waste.  This theme enables schools to discover how their work positively influences our global community. We worked very hard in several...

Step One: Science

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Step Two: Technology

IPads Our school uses iPads for two classes per week per class group from Junior Infants to 6th class! Each class uses the IPads to; access information for project work, access an abundance of different programs or play educational games. They really are a fantastic...

Green Schools Award 2020

We were delighted to hear that we received our 6th Green Flag this year for our work in Global Citizenship: Litter and Waste. The theme enables schools to discover how their work positively influences our global community. Our main aims and results when working...

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Knockskeagh General Election

We held our very own general election in February 2020 this year.Each 6th class member was assigned a candidate in the Cork South West general election. The morning begun with all 6th class canvassing the school yard! Then they moved onto their speeches in the school...

2nd Class Maths Activities

2nd Class recently engaged in the Maths strand of Data. They explored many types of graphs including pictograms and bar graphs. Firstly, they explored their birthday months and made a whole class pictogram. Secondly, they investigated the variety of colours in packets...

Our Mad Scientist Showcase Event

We had a Mad Scientist Day during Science Week where children from 4th, 5th and 6th class in small groups were encouraged to research their own experiments and showcase them to the younger classes in our school hall. The groups put a lot of time and effort into...

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Halloween 2024

Halloween 2024

The weather failed to dampen spirits in our school today as our Halloween parade took place this year in our school...

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Many thanks to rugby coach Finny O’Regan and transition years students Harry and Matt for coaching our first to sixth...

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Knockskeagh Art Exhibition

Knockskeagh Art Exhibition

Knockskeagh Art Exhibition 🧑🏻‍🎨 This video is a walk-through of the beautiful art exhibit in our school and gives a...

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Active Schools Award

Active Schools Award

Active Schools Award

Active Flag Committee News
Our Active Committee received good news recently as they were awarded an electric ball pump for their recent Reindeer Run initiative from Active Schools. 
As well as this, the initiative will be promoted and encouraged for use in other primary schools all around the country next year by Active Schools!! 
Well done to all members 👏🥳
#Activeschools #activeflag



Knockskeagh receive Primary Science and Maths Award

Our school has just received its eighth ‘Award of Science and Maths Excellence’. We are extremely proud of this award, as it once again recognises the work done in Science & Maths throughout the school. Congratulations to all staff and pupils who participated in...

Knockskeagh awarded its 6th Green Schools Flag

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Step One: Science

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Step Two: Technology

IPads Our school uses iPads for two classes per week per class group from Junior Infants to 6th class! Each class uses the IPads to; access information for project work, access an abundance of different programs or play educational games. They really are a fantastic...

Green Schools Award 2020

We were delighted to hear that we received our 6th Green Flag this year for our work in Global Citizenship: Litter and Waste. The theme enables schools to discover how their work positively influences our global community. Our main aims and results when working...

Engineers Week 2020

We marked 'Engineers Week' from Monday 2nd March to Friday 6th March this year.  We are presently working towards the Discover Primary Science Plaque of STEM Excellence which is awarded to schools in recognition of their extensive work in Science, Technology,...

Knockskeagh General Election

We held our very own general election in February 2020 this year.Each 6th class member was assigned a candidate in the Cork South West general election. The morning begun with all 6th class canvassing the school yard! Then they moved onto their speeches in the school...

2nd Class Maths Activities

2nd Class recently engaged in the Maths strand of Data. They explored many types of graphs including pictograms and bar graphs. Firstly, they explored their birthday months and made a whole class pictogram. Secondly, they investigated the variety of colours in packets...

Our Mad Scientist Showcase Event

We had a Mad Scientist Day during Science Week where children from 4th, 5th and 6th class in small groups were encouraged to research their own experiments and showcase them to the younger classes in our school hall. The groups put a lot of time and effort into...


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Halloween 2024

Halloween 2024

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Many thanks to rugby coach Finny O’Regan and transition years students Harry and Matt for coaching our first to sixth...

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Knockskeagh Art Exhibition

Knockskeagh Art Exhibition

Knockskeagh Art Exhibition 🧑🏻‍🎨 This video is a walk-through of the beautiful art exhibit in our school and gives a...

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