Wellness Week 2024

Wellness Week 2024

Last week we celebrated Wellness Week in our school. Some of the activities enjoyed included, mindful nature walks,  morning shake-ups, collaborative art,  yoga, feel-good lunchtime music, and practicing gratitude.

The lovely mix of activities certainly put a “spring” in our step before the long weekend. Well done to the pupils and staff involved in organising this enjoyable week. 

Wellness Week Activities

Whole School Art “Find your wings and fly”

Each pupil decorated a feather which will create wings as part of a whole school collaborative art piece. The objective was to focus pupils’ minds on believing in their unique qualities and strengths. Well done to members of our Fourth Class who assisted some younger classes in their creations.

Gratitude Jars

Each pupil decorated a jar with things that they are grateful for in their lives. Our Amber Flag reps decorated each classroom door with each pupil’s beautiful creations. We all adopted an “attitude of gratitude” during Wellness Week. 

Mindful Moments

Each class agreed on a time for daily meditation. We have found it really is nice to take time for ourselves sometimes.

Feel Good Dance

We danced during lunchtime to feel-good music from our two speakers. It was great fun  😊

Drop Everything and Colour (DEAC)

On Monday afternoon, we engaged in some mindful colouring in each class.

Morning Shake-Up

The Active and Amber Flag reps directed exercise sessions with school pupils on Friday morning during Wellness week.


All classes enjoyed Yoga in our school hall during Wellness Week. Thank you to Mrs. Russell and Ms McMahon for providing such enjoyable sessions.

Mindful Nature Walk

Senior class pupils were paired with their junior class counterparts for this activity to add to the sense of community in our school. Pupils walked together to several points around our school and answered a question at each point that involved one of their five senses “sight, sound, smell, taste and touch”. Our sensory garden, track, pitch, and large outdoor space were well-covered during this activity.      😀👏




Wellness Week

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