School Musical – Mary Poppins

School Musical - Mary Poppins

Many thanks to everyone who helped in any way to make this year shows such a success. Your co-operation leading up to the show and on the night itself was very much appreciated. 

I’m sure anybody who was present at the show would agree that all classes were simply amazing on both nights. They should be very proud of themselves and we’re sure they’ll have great memories of the shows for many years to come. Maith sibh go léir. 

The DVD of the show will be available to buy shortly. 

An Nuacht

An Nuacht Tá an Nuacht ar áis! Maith sibh! 👋 .Latest News


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Welcome Back

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Summer Holidays

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Latest News

Active Schools Award

Active Schools Award

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4th Class Hurling Blitz

4th Class Hurling Blitz

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4th Class Camogie Blitz

4th Class Camogie Blitz

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