Welcome to our News page. Here you can keep up to date with all the news and information from Knockskeagh National School.
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Gymnastics We were delighted to welcome Coach Aoife back to our school for gymnastics during January and February this...
Road Safety Authority Visit
The Road Safety Authority (RSA) recently visited our school with all classes learning about the importance of road...
Scór na bPáistí
Last Saturday in Ballinascarthy Hall, the Scór na bPáistí West Cork Semi-Final was held for primary school children....
Peil Faoí Dhíon 2025
During the month of January our 3rd class girls and boys, assisted by a few volunteers from 2nd class, played some...
4th Class Hurling Indoor Series
Our 4th class hurlers took part in the indoor hurling series in Ballinacarriga hall today. This team displayed some...
Candlelight Christmas Cheer
On Friday 13th December, Knockskeagh NS hosted their first "Candlelight Christmas Cheer" concert on Astna Square in...