School Show 2024 – Barbie

School Show 2024 – Barbie

School Show 2024 – Barbie

Wow! 🎭 What an amazing 2 shows we had in Rossmore Hall on Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st March. This year, our whole school show was “Barbie” 🩷 and the cast and crew were absolutely out of this world!  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Classes have been busy over the last few weeks rehearsing and all this hard work definitely showed during both performances. They absolutely nailed all aspects of the show, including the acting, singing and dancing and without a doubt, there is a bright future in showbiz for those who want it! 🎭

On both nights, staff and audience members were invited to were pink and we were blown away when Rossmore Hall was filled with all the different shades over the 2 nights. 🩷 

The performance was recorded both nights by Greg Mulcahy and once the final editing has been completed, we hope to take 6th class to the Park Cinema for a special screening. We are all looking forward to seeing the finished product and details of how the recording can be accessed will be forwarded when available. We are also very grateful to Mark Coombes for once again photographing the performance. 

We would also like to send a massive thank you to the Hall committee in Rossmore who were excellent in answering any questions we had. As always, this year’s production has been a real team effort with 6th class pupils and staff putting in trojan work. Huge thanks to everyone for their hard work and well done! 👏🏻


You’re braver than you think!” Barbie 🩷

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St Patricks Day 2024

St Patricks Day 2024

St Patricks Day 2024

St Patrick’s Day parade this year was something to cherish with so many colourful and vibrant entries. 

The theme for this year’s St Patricks Day parade was “Peace”.

As part of our parade entry,  the pupils made a huge effort and dressed up as native Irish animals. Our slogan was “Animals Living in Harmony ” as gaeilge “An hainmhithe le chéile”. The pupils made colourful masks in the lead up to the parade.  As well as this, our pupils learned a dance routine to the song “I tell my Ma when I go home”. It was an amazing spectacle huge thanks must go to Miss Ambrose for her help with the routine and of course, our fantastic pupils who performed it so well on the day. 

Afterwards we were delighted to hear that our entry received 3rd prize. Well done to all pupils and staff who made this such a special day.

Our gallery displays a snapshot of pictures from our school’s display in the  St Patrick Day parade in Clonakilty.

Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona daoibh go léir ☘

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Wellness Week 2024

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Wellness Week 2024

Wellness Week 2024

Last week we celebrated Wellness Week in our school. Some of the activities enjoyed included, mindful nature walks,  morning shake-ups, collaborative art,  yoga, feel-good lunchtime music, and practicing gratitude.

The lovely mix of activities certainly put a “spring” in our step before the long weekend. Well done to the pupils and staff involved in organising this enjoyable week. 

Wellness Week Activities

Whole School Art “Find your wings and fly”

Each pupil decorated a feather which will create wings as part of a whole school collaborative art piece. The objective was to focus pupils’ minds on believing in their unique qualities and strengths. Well done to members of our Fourth Class who assisted some younger classes in their creations.

Gratitude Jars

Each pupil decorated a jar with things that they are grateful for in their lives. Our Amber Flag reps decorated each classroom door with each pupil’s beautiful creations. We all adopted an “attitude of gratitude” during Wellness Week. 

Mindful Moments

Each class agreed on a time for daily meditation. We have found it really is nice to take time for ourselves sometimes.

Feel Good Dance

We danced during lunchtime to feel-good music from our two speakers. It was great fun  😊

Drop Everything and Colour (DEAC)

On Monday afternoon, we engaged in some mindful colouring in each class.

Morning Shake-Up

The Active and Amber Flag reps directed exercise sessions with school pupils on Friday morning during Wellness week.


All classes enjoyed Yoga in our school hall during Wellness Week. Thank you to Mrs. Russell and Ms McMahon for providing such enjoyable sessions.

Mindful Nature Walk

Senior class pupils were paired with their junior class counterparts for this activity to add to the sense of community in our school. Pupils walked together to several points around our school and answered a question at each point that involved one of their five senses “sight, sound, smell, taste and touch”. Our sensory garden, track, pitch, and large outdoor space were well-covered during this activity.      😀👏




Wellness Week

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3rd Class Girls Football Blitz

3rd Class Girls Football Blitz

3rd Class Girls Football Blitz

Yesterday, our 3rd class girls, assisted by a few volunteers from 2nd, displayed some fantastic football skills in Ballinacarriga.
The Knockskeagh team can be very proud of their efforts and most of all their fun approach to each game. 
Well done to all participants for their performances! You should all be very proud 🏅👏


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Open Day is a great opportunity for your child to meet the teachers and see what school could be like for them later on in the year.

We do hope that you can join us.



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