Walk Around Europe

Walk Around Europe

Walk Around Europe

Walk Around Europe 

This year all classes took part in a ‘Walk around Europe’. Instead of hopping on a plane and visiting all the countries in the EU, we went on a trip to all the countries around the track in Knockskeagh!

At every stop we learned about the capital of the country, saw a picture of a famous landmark and listened to some interesting facts, and learned how to say “hello” in their native language, which was great fun to practice!


Walk Around Europe 

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Latest News

European Week of Sport

European Week of Sport

To celebrate European Week of Sport, our classes learned about a sport, dance, or game from a different country. There...

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An Nuacht

An Nuacht

An Nuacht Tá an Nuacht ar áis! Rinne na páistí An Nuacht inniu, ár gcéad Nuacht don bhliain seo. 📰 Maith sibh! 👋...

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Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha

Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha

Ar 26ú Meán Fómhair, bhí Scoil Náisiúnta Chnoc Sceach ag céiliúradh Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha. Bhí na ranganna...

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Knockskeagh Olympics 2021

Knockskeagh Olympics 2021

Knockskeagh Olympics 2021

Knockskeagh Olympics

On Tuesday 8th of June, we officially opened our Knockskeagh Olympic Games.

Each class wore their country’s colours and walked a lap of our Active Flag Walkway to great cheer and fanfare from the whole school. Even though the weather wasn’t good, it still didn’t dampen the spirits of the whole school. 

During the remainder of this week, each class will participate in lots of different sporting events! Each class is divided into Olympic teams and will represent a particular country! If a team member finishes in the top 5 in any event, they win their team points! At the end of the week, the points will be added up and the team with the most points will be crowned Olympic Champions. They will receive gold medals. Silver and Bronze medals will also be awarded for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place.

Check out our gallery below for a sample of the colour on display during our Opening Ceremony. 

On Friday we will have our Sports Day! Loads of fun activities will take place! All activities will count again towards the overall results for the medals!!


Everyone will participate and have great fun, which is the most important thing!! Let the games begin !!

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Latest News

European Week of Sport

European Week of Sport

To celebrate European Week of Sport, our classes learned about a sport, dance, or game from a different country. There...

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An Nuacht

An Nuacht

An Nuacht Tá an Nuacht ar áis! Rinne na páistí An Nuacht inniu, ár gcéad Nuacht don bhliain seo. 📰 Maith sibh! 👋...

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Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha

Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha

Ar 26ú Meán Fómhair, bhí Scoil Náisiúnta Chnoc Sceach ag céiliúradh Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha. Bhí na ranganna...

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Active School Award 2021

Active School Award 2021

Active School Award 2021

Active School Flag

We were recently awarded our 4 th Active School Flag. The judging panel were very
impressed with the whole-school approach and were very complimentary of the Active
Flag Committee.

A big thank you to all staff and students for the huge amount of work put into securing this award.

Thanks to 6 th class teacher Mr. Aidan McCarthy for overseeing and submitting the

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Latest News

European Week of Sport

European Week of Sport

To celebrate European Week of Sport, our classes learned about a sport, dance, or game from a different country. There...

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An Nuacht

An Nuacht

An Nuacht Tá an Nuacht ar áis! Rinne na páistí An Nuacht inniu, ár gcéad Nuacht don bhliain seo. 📰 Maith sibh! 👋...

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Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha

Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha

Ar 26ú Meán Fómhair, bhí Scoil Náisiúnta Chnoc Sceach ag céiliúradh Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha. Bhí na ranganna...

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Active Week Activities 2021

Active Week Activities 2021

Active Week Activities 2021

Active Flag Week 26th – 30th of April

Last week we celebrated Active Flag week in our school. All the children will took part in lots of different activities in school and at home.



As part of Active Flag week – All our classes took part in orienteering around our school Grounds and Active Walkway!
Tremendous fun was had by all! We used our Active Flag Walkway Worksheets for all Activities!


As part of Active Flag Week, we took part in a sponsored ‘Danceathon’.
Every Class took part in our ‘’Danceathon’ and all proceeds went to the charity ‘As I Am’.

It was a fantastic success and well done to everyone! It was a great success and a total of €367.22 was raised. Thank you for your continued support.

Run Around Ireland Challenge

As part of Active Flag Week, we took part in the ‘Run Around Ireland’ Challenge!
All classes did their daily laps which accumulated into a huge number overall!!

We as a school, completed over 17,000 laps of our school track for ‘The Run around Ireland Challenge’ and as a result have won a prize from Active Flag !

Active Breaks

All our classes take part in Active Breaks daily, which continued throughout Active Flag Week!

Morning Yoga, Circuit Classes, Simon Says, Pupil-led activates and many more occurred throughout Active Flag Week!

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Latest News

European Week of Sport

European Week of Sport

To celebrate European Week of Sport, our classes learned about a sport, dance, or game from a different country. There...

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An Nuacht

An Nuacht

An Nuacht Tá an Nuacht ar áis! Rinne na páistí An Nuacht inniu, ár gcéad Nuacht don bhliain seo. 📰 Maith sibh! 👋...

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Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha

Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha

Ar 26ú Meán Fómhair, bhí Scoil Náisiúnta Chnoc Sceach ag céiliúradh Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha. Bhí na ranganna...

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Active Week 2021

Active Week 2021

Active Week 2021

Active Flag Week 26th – 30th of April

Next week we celebrate Active Flag week in our school. All the children will take part in lots of different activities in school and at home.


  • Circuit in your class every morning
  • Walk around Ireland Challenge Every Day. In this challenge: each class will aim to reach a particular destination around Ireland. The distances from Knockskeagh to the chosen locations are measured. Then, each class will walk or run the laps to reach the various locations. 
  • Visual Art – Design an Active Flag Week Poster for Thursday 29th April.
  • Orienteering around School.
  • DanceAthon on Thursday April 29th. We will attempt to dance non-stop from 10-12.30. Each class will go out on rota and dance for their allocated time. It will be freestyle dance!!!
  • ASW21 – Active Every Day Challenge
  • At home: nightly challenges set by our teachers and some famous Sports stars!!
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Latest News

European Week of Sport

European Week of Sport

To celebrate European Week of Sport, our classes learned about a sport, dance, or game from a different country. There...

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An Nuacht

An Nuacht

An Nuacht Tá an Nuacht ar áis! Rinne na páistí An Nuacht inniu, ár gcéad Nuacht don bhliain seo. 📰 Maith sibh! 👋...

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Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha

Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha

Ar 26ú Meán Fómhair, bhí Scoil Náisiúnta Chnoc Sceach ag céiliúradh Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha. Bhí na ranganna...

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Local Hero Day

Local Hero Day

Local Hero Day

Local Hero Day Friday – Active Flag 2021

We are so lucky to have received 16 videos from our local hero, Irish Olympian Phil Healy for our Active Flag Challenge!

Phil has taken time out of her extremely busy training camp in Europe to send our kids some fantastic challenges in Sprinting !

All the children at Knockskeagh are currently in training for our own Knockskeagh Olympics from June 8-11!

We want to say thank to Phil for her videos and wish her all the best at the Olympic Games this summer in Japan.

Pleas click on the link and have a go !!

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Latest News

European Week of Sport

European Week of Sport

To celebrate European Week of Sport, our classes learned about a sport, dance, or game from a different country. There...

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An Nuacht

An Nuacht

An Nuacht Tá an Nuacht ar áis! Rinne na páistí An Nuacht inniu, ár gcéad Nuacht don bhliain seo. 📰 Maith sibh! 👋...

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Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha

Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha

Ar 26ú Meán Fómhair, bhí Scoil Náisiúnta Chnoc Sceach ag céiliúradh Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha. Bhí na ranganna...

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