
Active Flag.

Welcome to our Active Flag page. Here you can see all the sports and exercise our school is involved in. We cater for a wide range of interests, with something to suit everybody. Exercise is so important for our health. 

Physical Education

All pupils in our school are provided with 60 minutes timetabled PE per week. Each of our  classes are taught at least 5 different PE strands each year (Athletics, Aquatics, Dance, Gymnastics, Games, Outdoor and Adventure). Our school PE programme allocates a balanced amount of teaching time to each of the different PE strands

All teachers work together to strengthen their delivery of a different PE strand every year. All teachers use the PSSI lesson plans and the ‘Move Well, Move Often’ resources to guide their delivery of the PE Curriculum. Members of staff have undertaken CPD in Physical Education during the past 12 months. New knowledge, ideas and resources have been shared out amongst staff members

Our school teaches the Land PAWS Water Safety Programme at one, or more, class levels each year and  our school ensures that PE activities are planned so that they are accessible by all pupils

Every child’s progress in PE is discussed with parents at PT meetings and feedback is included in the annual report.

 Our school carries out a PE equipment audit once a year, disposing of old and broken equipment and our PE equipment and resources are clearly labelled, well organised and easily accessible. We prioritise a fundamental movement skills (FMS) for further development within their PE programme every year – This year the focus will be running.

All pupils receive PE homework once per week, related to the PE strand that they are working on at the time

Physical Activity

Our school provides twice daily playground breaks for all classes and all Children are allowed to run during playground breaks. Our school yard is zoned to allow children to engage in a variety of different activities and our school facilitates the use of PE equipment during break times.

Our school has created an Active School WALKWAY route which we use to promote physical activity and cross-curricular learning. It is 250m in length! This December every class completed the Active Break Every Day challenge, as a whole school initiative, over a period of 4 weeks this year!

Every class completes an extended classroom-based physical activity break on the days when children are unable to play outdoors – GO noodle dances exercises etc!

 Every class has completed the Run Around Ireland and Run Around Europe Challenges as a whole school initiative. Our school incorporates physical activity into annual calendar events throughout the school year including our Halloween Parade and active stations, St Patricks Day and this year Our Reindeer Run!! Every class has agreed upon a set of 3, or more, actions to decrease sedentary time.


At the beginning of every year, we suvey our students for an ASF slogan. Our 2023/2024 poll winner was ” Don’t be lazy, exercise like crazy” by Zara in 2nd Class. 

Our school established an ASF team at the outset of the process and meetings are completed regularly. Our school gives pupils many and varied ASF leadership roles

Senior pupils conducted a What Club Are You In? survey to find out about physical activity opportunities in the local community. Our school acknowledges physical activity effort and success both during school and outside of school hours

 Our school emailed the Local Sports Partnership, Sports Inclusion Disability Officer and HSE Health Promotion Officer to find out about opportunities for young people, of all abilities and their families to get active in their local community

We have outside coaches from our local Rugby and GAA clubs. Our outside coaches also include the following areas; Soccer, Tennis, gymnastics, basketball, hockey, Taekwondo, Zumba and Irish Dancing. 

Our school will distribute the ASF PUPIL questionnaire and ASF PARENT questionnaire at the outset of every Active Shools process. 

Active School Week

We completed our annual Active Flag Week at the start of May 2024. 

It was a huge success! All children participated in running, walking, orienteering, dancing, Active Breaks, ‘Run Around Europe Challenge’, Dancing, GAA and Soccer to name a few!

Every class had great fun in this year’s ‘’Tennis a-thon’  on our newly developed astroturf during Active Week.

We had a Dance Takeover on Friday 3rd of May. Our Active Schools Team chose the “Waka Waka” as our dance. It was great to see the whole school starting the day off positively.

Also, we as a school completed over 17,000 laps of our school track for ‘The Run around Europe Challenge’.  This month, as a school we are focusing on the Athletics and Dance Strand. Our Fundamental Movement Skill Focus is Kicking for the month of May.

We had a Bike Day on Tuesday 7th of May to bring this year’s Active Week to its conclusion. Ulick from Bike Wizards helped our pupils with balance, braking, and turning skills. They were really enjoyable and invaluable lessons. 

As our school is focusing on the Athletics strand for the final term, each class will practice for the next month in preparation for the Knockskeagh Olympic Games from 4th – 10th of June.










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Peil Faoí Dhíon 2025

Peil Faoí Dhíon 2025

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Phil Healy Visit

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Warrior Martial Arts have continued their annual visit to our school during this half term. Currently, all pupils from...

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Zumba We were delighted to welcome Flavie back to our school for Zumba dancing classes for all children recently....

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