Seachtain na Gaeilge 2025

Seachtain na Gaeilge 2025

Bhíomar ag céillúradh Seachtain na Gaeilge i rith an coicís deirneach . Bhíomar ag déanamh ár dhícheall an méid gaeilge atá againn a úsáid timpeall na scoile agus sa bhaile freisin . Bhí na  bunranganna ag glacadh páirt i comórtas dathú agus na h-ardranganna ag úsáid seanfhocail mar insporóid don éalaín .

Chomh le sin tháing na h-ardranganna ranganna chuig na bunranganna chún leabhair mór a léamh leo . Agus bhuail Ranganna 3/4 le chéile chun Ciorcal Cainte a dhéanamh .


Ar an Chéadaoin agus Aoine ar an tseachtain seo caite rinne na bunranganna agus na h-ardranganna a chuid Seó Gaeilge . Bhí dánta, scéalta,amhráin,damhsa agus seanfhocail le chlóisteail ó na leanaí . Bhí siad go léir ar fheabhas ar fad .

Focail freisin faoi Rang a 4 a rinne a cluichí Gaeilge féin i rith Seachtain na Gaeilge . Feith an ghnó agus cruthaíocht atá acu go léir .


Míle buíochas chuig go Kay O’ Floinn  agus a ceoltoirí a sheineann amhráin gaelacha éagsúla agus a rinne damhsa gealacha .


Engineers Week 2025

We recently marked 'Engineers Week' here in Knockskeagh.     Engineering Week activities this year included the following: STEM challenges, engineering quizzes,  art work and project work to learn all about different types of engineering. You can view a snapshot of...

Trip to Darrara Agricultural College

Trip to Darrara Agricultural College 2025 On Tuesday 11th March, 2025, Senior Infants headed off to Darrara Agricultural College to be shown around, and what a treat it was! The sun was shining all day for us! We got to sit up on the tractors 🚜, it didn't matter to us...

Science Week 2024

We marked Science Week 2024 from Monday 11th to Friday 15th November.  👩‍🔬🔬 There was a variety of science activities investigated and explored in each class this year, including a range of science experiments, investigations, science shows and much more. 🔬🧪  The...

Maths Week 2024

We marked 'Maths Week' from Monday 14th October to Friday 18th October. We have had a very busy week in Knockskeagh doing lots of different Maths activities! We had Maths challenges, quizzes, art, iPad games and trails around our school grounds. We also had a very...

Space Week 2024

Space Week 2024Space week took off with a 3....2....1....BLAST OFF! 🚀🚀 We recently celebrated 'Space Week' in Knockskeagh. Everyone was incredibly busy learning all about Space and making their own creations 🌍 ☄️🚀 There were many Space Week themed activities in all...

Maths Week 2023

We marked 'Maths Week' this week, from Monday 16th October to Friday 20th October. We have had a very busy week in Knockskeagh doing lots of different Maths activities! We had Maths art challenges, quizzes, Maths games on the iPads, an orienteering Maths code-breaker...

Space Week 2023

Space week took off with a 3....2....1....BLAST OFF! 🚀🚀 We celebrated 'Space Week' from Monday 2nd of October to Friday 6th of October.  Everyone was incredibly busy learning all about Space and making their own creations, ranging from aliens to rockets to spaceships...

Welcome to our Sensory Garden!

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Picker Pals

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Latest News

Engineers Week 2025

Engineers Week 2025

We recently marked 'Engineers Week' here in Knockskeagh.     Engineering Week activities this year included the...

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Rock Your Socks

Rock Your Socks

Last Friday 21st of March, to mark the event and to raise awareness around Down Syndrome, each class were invited to...

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St Patricks Day 2025

St Patricks Day 2025

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