Junior Infants Christmas Concert

Our Junior Infants recently performed their Christmas Concert on Tuesday 17th December for parents and grandparents. 🎵 They had performed for a dress rehearsal the previous day for all classes in the school.🎵


Well done to everybody involved in preparing the pupils for their amazing performance. The Junior Infants should be very proud of themselves.

School Community Mass

Community, Christ, and Children celebrated at School Community Masses Bishop Fintan Gavin welcomed school principals, teachers, SNAs, chairpersons and members of Boards of Management and parent representatives across the 174 catholic schools in the Diocese of Cork and...

Jersey Day

Jersey Day Our whole school helped raise funds for GOAL today by taking part in Jersey Day. It was amazing to see the colour and variety of jerseys on display throughout our school community. Well done all for making the special effort today. We'd like to thank all...

Space Week 2024

Space Week 2024Space week took off with a 3....2....1....BLAST OFF! 🚀🚀 We recently celebrated 'Space Week' in Knockskeagh. Everyone was incredibly busy learning all about Space and making their own creations 🌍 ☄️🚀 There were many Space Week themed activities in all...

Golf Classic

Golf Classic  Our third annual Golf Classic will take place this Saturday October 12th in Clonakilty Golf Club. This year funds raised will go towards Special Education Development in our school. All support for this worthy cause would be greatly appreciated  Our golf...

Open for Enrolments

Open for Enrolment Knockskeagh National School is now open for enrolments for the school year 2025/26. We welcome you to take a look at this short video which gives an insight into some of the activities that Knockskeagh National School offers its pupils. Admission...

Cork School Sports in MTU

Cork School Sports in MTU Our Knockskeagh representatives did us proud in the Atlethics Stadium in MTU today. Huge well done and congratulations to Daniel Cullinane in 1st Class and 4th class girls Emer Cullinane, Maia O'Sullivan and Raya Murphy. You were all...

SNA Appreciation Day

SNA Appreciation day We'd like to express thanks to all the wonderful SNAs in our school. We simply could not function as a school without your support. A sincere thank you from all the school community. Happy SNA Appreciation Day!!    Latest News

Camogie and Hurling Blitz

Our 4th, 5th and 6th class girls and boys teams took part in the recent Sciath na Scoil camogie/hurling blitz held in Skibbereen GAA club this morning. Well done to all involved in the organisation of this competition today.  Today was a grading blitz to see what...

Active Flag Award

Active Flag  We were delighted to receive the news yesterday that we have been awarded another Active Flag. We maintain the recognition of being an Active School. A huge well done must go to our Active Leaders, they have been fantastic throughout the three year...


Latest News

Carol Singing 2024

Carol Singing 2024

Many of our classes have represented our school by carol singing in a number of local areas recently. Our 1st and 4th...

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Phil Healy Visit

Phil Healy Visit

Phil Healy Visit As part of the Dare to Believe programme, we were lucky enough to be awareded a special visit from...

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Science Week 2024

Science Week 2024

We marked Science Week 2024 from Monday 11th to Friday 15th November.  👩‍🔬🔬 There was a variety of science activities...

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