Carol Singing

Many of our classes have represented our school by carol singing in a number of local areas recently.

Our school choir sang beautifully in the annual Carol Service at Clonakilty Parish Church last Sunday.

Our 5th and 6th classes raised money for Clonakilty Playground by carol singing at the Post Office in Clonakilty on Friday 9th of December.

Our 2nd Class fundraised for Saint Vincent DePaul and Clonakilty Lodge by carol singing in Clonakilty town on Friday 16th of December. The current Clonakilty Mayor Paddy McCarthy can be seen joining our 2nd Class carol singing in the video below. 

Finally, our 3rd Class entertained the residents of Bushmount Nursing Home by carol singing on Monday 12th of December.

Well done to all involved in these recitals. You did Knockskeagh proud! 😀


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Scór na bPáistí

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Peil Faoí Dhíon 2025

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Candlelight Christmas Cheer

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Carol Singing 2024

Many of our classes have represented our school by carol singing in a number of local areas recently. Our 1st and 4th Classes were carol singing outside the Clonakilty Post Office raising money for Cancer Connect. Our 2nd and 3rd Classes visited Bushmount Nursing Home...

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Gymnastics We were delighted to welcome Coach Aoife back to our school for gymnastics during January and February this...

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Scór na bPáistí

Scór na bPáistí

Last Saturday in Ballinascarthy Hall, the Scór na bPáistí West Cork Semi-Final was held for primary school children....

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Peil Faoí Dhíon 2025

Peil Faoí Dhíon 2025

During the month of January our 3rd class girls and boys, assisted by a few volunteers from 2nd class, played some...

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