Wellness Week Activities
Our Amber Flag Committee recently planned a series of daily activities to mark our annual Wellness Week in Knockskeagh which took place between Monday 10th to Friday 14th of May this year.
Some activities incorporated into Wellness Week encouraged us to look after one another and to talk about worries we may have with a friend or family member.
Other activities focused on being kind and helped us to realise each of our unique talents.
Each class became engaged in Wellness activities including mindful moments, secret friends, the pick-me-up jar, growth mindset, and feel-good activities during the week.

Wellness Week Activities
Mindful Moments
Each class agreed on a time for daily meditation for the month of May. Our Amber Flag representatives remind teachers each day as school life can be busy sometimes. They’ve earned the title of “Mindful Moment Monitors” in each class. It really is nice to take time to ourselves sometimes.
The Secret Friend
Every pupil in each class was assigned a partner (secretly) for the day. Being kind to your secret friend was encouraged throughout the school. For example, giving a compliment or simply asking would they like to play a game?
Growth Mindset Tree
Here each classroom introduced the topic of the growth mindset. Each pupil created and designed their handprint. On their handprint, they either drew a picture or wrote about “I’m good at____” and “I’m working on _____”. These handprints will be used to form a Growth Mindset Tree Display very soon.
Pick me up Jar
Each pupil wrote something positive about a member of their class. Younger pupils drew a picture for a classmate. There were some lovely positive messages shared within each classroom.
Feel Good Dance
On Friday, we danced during lunchtime using our two new speakers. It was great fun and we certainly experienced that Friday feeling 😊
Mindful Colouring
On Friday afternoon, we engaged in some mindful colouring in each class.
The Worry Tree
The highlight of Wellness Week was the launch of our new Wellness initiative for this year “The Worry Tree”. We raised money for Pieta House on this day. A Ribbon was distributed to each class by committee members and was wrapped around the trunk of the tree to mark each class’s first visit.
Wellness Week
5th Class ESB Science Blast
Last Thursday, 5th class ventured up to MIC Limerick for ESB Science Blast! Every student spoke so passionately about our new school Bug Hotel which they have spent the last number of months researching and constructing! They also enjoyed a fantastic day full of...
Green Schools Action Day 2023
Green Schools Action Day 2023 The Green-Schools Committee has been working very hard behind the scenes towards getting our 8th Green Flag, Global Citizenship: Marine Environment. 🐟They have been raising awareness on how looking after our local marine environment helps...
Step One: Science
Experiment One Strand: Living Things Class: 6th Class Activity: Human Life- The EyeExperiment Two Strand: Energy and Forces Class: 3rd Class Activity: Circuits: Magnetism and ElectricityExperiment Three Strand: Materials Class: Senior Infants Activity: Dancing...
Wild Work Programme
Wild Work Initiative Pupils from 1st to 5th class were given the opportunity to participate in the Wild Work Initiative on the week running up to the Easter holidays. All classes thoroughly enjoyed the outdoor classroom experience and they learned so much with Lizet,...
Engineers Week 2023
We marked 'Engineers Week' from Monday 4th of March to Friday 10th March this year. Engineering Week activities this year included the following activities: Lego challenges, STEM challenges through the use of our STEM Box, a school-wide engineering quiz, and...
Trip to Darrara Agricultural College
Trip to Darrara Agricultural College 2023 On Wednesday 8th March, 2023, 3rd Class, 1st Class and Senior Infants headed off to Darrara Agricultural College to be shown around, and what a treat it was! The rain and snow certainly couldnt dampen our spirits! We got to...
STEM Showcase 2022/23
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Science Week 2022
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