School Musical – Mary Poppins
Many thanks to everyone who helped in any way to make this year shows such a success. Your co-operation leading up to the show and on the night itself was very much appreciated.
I’m sure anybody who was present at the show would agree that all classes were simply amazing on both nights. They should be very proud of themselves and we’re sure they’ll have great memories of the shows for many years to come. Maith sibh go léir.
The DVD of the show will be available to buy shortly.
Engineers Week 2023
We marked 'Engineers Week' from Monday 4th of March to Friday 10th March this year. Engineering Week activities this year included the following activities: Lego challenges, STEM challenges through the use of our STEM Box, a school-wide engineering quiz, and...
Nuacht Seachtain na Gaeilge
Nuacht Seachtain na Gaeilge Seo í Nuacht Speisialta do Seachtain na Gaeilge Maith sibh Emilie agus Caoimhe! 👋 .Latest News
Trip to Darrara Agricultural College
Trip to Darrara Agricultural College 2023 On Wednesday 8th March, 2023, 3rd Class, 1st Class and Senior Infants headed off to Darrara Agricultural College to be shown around, and what a treat it was! The rain and snow certainly couldnt dampen our spirits! We got to...
An Nuacht
An Nuacht Seo í an Nuacht Feabhra! Maith sibh! 👋 .Latest News
World Book Day
Knockskeagh was filled with all sorts of wonderful characters from the world of books on Thursday 2nd of March. As the saying goes, "Every book is a passport to a different world" and our pupils experienced some magical moments during our reading activity this year....
Roots of Empathy
1st class students have been enjoying taking part in the Roots of Empathy a programme, facilitated by Mrs O'Sullivan since last November. The main aim of the programme is to raise levels of empathy and create more respectful and caring relationships. At the heart of... Regional Chess Tournament
Well done to our school chess teams who took part in the Regional Chess Tournament held in Barryroe recently. It proved to be a very enjoyable day. We definitely have some budding chess masters amongst our ranks. GalleryLates News
Wellness Week 2023
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Camogie and Hurling Tournaments 2023
During the month of January, some school teams took part in indoor camogie and hurling tournaments in Ballinacarriga. The indoor tournaments involved our 3rd and 4th class boys and girls. There were some fantastic hurling and camogie skills on display during the...
Latest News
West Cork Rapid Response Visit
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Run Around Europe
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Bike Day
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