Lifetime Lab Energy Workshop

Lifetime Lab Energy Workshop

We were delighted to welcome an Energy Workshop from the Lifetime Lab to coincide with Space Week on the 7th of October 2019. Our 4th, 5th and 6th classes engaged in the energy workshops which covered the topics of energy sources, climate change, CO2 and what we as individuals can do to reduce the amount of energy we use. The classes completed some fun curriculum linked energy experiments, for example, did you know you can make a battery out of a lemon? Towards the end of the workshop, the children played Guzzler’s Energy Challenge, where the aim of the game was to collect as many energy points as possible – and avoid the dreaded Sin Bin! Each of the classes had a great morning of learning and fun.

3rd Class Girls Football Blitz

Yesterday, our 3rd class girls, assisted by a few volunteers from 2nd, displayed some fantastic football skills in Ballinacarriga. The Knockskeagh team can be very proud of their efforts and most of all their fun approach to each game.  Well done to all participants...

Active Schools Award

Active Flag Committee News Our Active Committee received good news recently as they were awarded an electric ball pump for their recent Reindeer Run initiative from Active Schools.  As well as this, the initiative will be promoted and encouraged for use in other...

4th Class Hurling Blitz

Today was the turn of our 4th class hurlers in the hall in Ballinacarriga. This team displayed some fantastic skills throughout the day and represented our school so well. Great stuff boys and well done to all   GalleryLatest News

4th Class Camogie Blitz

Yesterday, our 4th class pupils displayed some fantastic camogie skills in Ballinacarriga. The Knockskeagh team can be very proud of their efforts and most of all their fun approach to each game.  Well done to all participants for their performances! You should all be...

Reindeer Run

Reindeer Run   Our reindeer have delivered the presents Many fundamental movement skills were required to get to the end; jump, hop, duck, crawl, weave, run, catch, throw and balance to name a few. Our "Dodge the Snowball" part proved the biggest hit (literally)  But,...

Active Break Challenge

All our classes have been taking part in the Active Break Challenge recently. The goal is to promote regular Active Breaks each day over the month. Classes have been dancing, running, and completing exercise circuits between subjects daily. Our Active School Committee...

Swimming Gala

Well done to the Knockskeagh swim team who represented Knockskeagh in the Munster Schools Gala in UL This October Top row ( from left) Oscar Horgan, Daire O’Neill, Lucy O Regan, Emer Cullinane, Peggy Collins, Amber Horgan, Tess O’Sullivan Bottom Row: Susie Gaynor,...


Coaches from Warrior Martial Arts have continued their annual visit to our school during this term. All pupils from Junior Infants to 6th class have Taekwondo every Thursday at the moment. Our pupils love these sessions. Over the years our pupils have so much fun in...

Active School Committee

Our Active School Commitee were very busy recently organising the following initiatives to promote regular physical activity in our school.  Halloween Playground Games  Our Active Leaders arranged Active Halloween-themed Active Stations at lunchtime in our...

Latest News

Carol Singing 2024

Carol Singing 2024

Many of our classes have represented our school by carol singing in a number of local areas recently. Our 1st and 4th...

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Phil Healy Visit

Phil Healy Visit

Phil Healy Visit As part of the Dare to Believe programme, we were lucky enough to be awareded a special visit from...

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