Lifetime Lab Energy Workshop

Lifetime Lab Energy Workshop

We were delighted to welcome an Energy Workshop from the Lifetime Lab to coincide with Space Week on the 7th of October 2019. Our 4th, 5th and 6th classes engaged in the energy workshops which covered the topics of energy sources, climate change, CO2 and what we as individuals can do to reduce the amount of energy we use. The classes completed some fun curriculum linked energy experiments, for example, did you know you can make a battery out of a lemon? Towards the end of the workshop, the children played Guzzler’s Energy Challenge, where the aim of the game was to collect as many energy points as possible – and avoid the dreaded Sin Bin! Each of the classes had a great morning of learning and fun.

Walk on Wednesday

Walk on Wednesday Last week, all classes learned about the importance of Road Safety, with every pupil receiving a high visibility jacket or high visability armband. For our next GreenSchools flag, we will be working on the theme of Global Citizenship - Travel. This...

West Cork Camogie and Hurling Competition

Our 4th, 5th and 6th class hurlers and camogie players played the West Cork Hurling/Camogie Competition recently at Clonakilty GAA grounds   Shield Winners Today, our girls team played brilliantly and went on to win the Shield Final 🏆 The girls displayed great...

Jersey Day

Jersey Day Our whole school helped raise funds for GOAL today by taking part in Jersey Day. It was amazing to see the colour and variety of jerseys on display throughout our school community. Well done all for making the special effort today. We'd like to thank all...

Golf Classic

Golf Classic  Our third annual Golf Classic will take place this Saturday October 12th in Clonakilty Golf Club. This year funds raised will go towards Special Education Development in our school. All support for this worthy cause would be greatly appreciated  Our golf...

Cork School Sports in MTU

Cork School Sports in MTU Our Knockskeagh representatives did us proud in the Atlethics Stadium in MTU today. Huge well done and congratulations to Daniel Cullinane in 1st Class and 4th class girls Emer Cullinane, Maia O'Sullivan and Raya Murphy. You were all...

Camogie and Hurling Blitz

Our 4th, 5th and 6th class girls and boys teams took part in the recent Sciath na Scoil camogie/hurling blitz held in Skibbereen GAA club this morning. Well done to all involved in the organisation of this competition today.  Today was a grading blitz to see what...

Active Flag Award

Active Flag  We were delighted to receive the news yesterday that we have been awarded another Active Flag. We maintain the recognition of being an Active School. A huge well done must go to our Active Leaders, they have been fantastic throughout the three year...

Dare to Believe

Dare to Believe Award We were delighted to be awarded a Dare to Believe flag this week. We received this as our 2nd Class have engaged with the Dare to Believe Olympic Values programme which brings the Olympics to the classroom and inspires students to Dare to Believe...

Clonakilty Parish Athletics 2024

Clonakilty Parish Athletics It was a very proud day for Knockskeagh NS in the Clonakilty Parish Athletics today. All our boys and girls ran so well and we are so proud of each and every one of them! Well done to all participants! A massive well done to our students...

Latest News

Scór na bPáistí

Scór na bPáistí

Last Saturday in Ballinascarthy Hall, the Scór na bPáistí West Cork Semi-Final was held for primary school children....

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Peil Faoí Dhíon 2025

Peil Faoí Dhíon 2025

During the month of January our 3rd class girls and boys, assisted by a few volunteers from 2nd class, played some...

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